portal folder history
Rationale - very difficult to compare the history of asn.1 or schema versions without a lot of different checkouts and copying
Perhaps the portal folder could contain all versions of the asn.1 and/or xsd rather than just the original names of the current version.
e.g. 102232-1 portal containing LS-PS-PDU,ver30.txt but also ...ver29.txt ...ver28.txt etc
Trickier for other multi-file/multi-folder specs. May need portal/verXXX/<multi files/folders>
Alternative solution may be to provide some scripts that automate a couple of queries:
Show me all the changes from a particular meeting or set of meetings (requires a checkout per spec from meeting X tag back until hitting meeting X-1 or X-N tag)
Show me the change history of a particular spec between meeting X and X-N (or by date)