This is a checklist derived from the general checklist, and tailored for TS 103 120.
Implement all the agreed CRs from the meeting
Find and fix any merge conflicts between CRs
If an XSD file has changed in a backwards-incompatible way, update the version number
Ensure that the XSD examples pass the automated checking
Update the examples with the correct version number and then check they validate against the schema.
Update the filenames in clause F.3.5
Update the Change Request History annex
Create a ZIP archive containing the portal artefacts, regardless of whether they have changed or not
Upload a ZIP archive containing both the draft specification and the ZIP archive from the previous step to the ETSI docbox for the relevant meeting.
Updating version numbers
(instructions on how to do that)
Schema checking
(instructions on how to do that)
Updating examples
(instructions on how to do that)