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TS 103 120 CR 071 - TS 103 707 for LI handover

Miyana Stange requested to merge cr/103120/071 into meeting/LI66

Currently, TS 103 707 is only defined as a possible LDHandoverFormat for the LDTaskObject, but not as HandoverFormat for the LITaskObject. Furthermore, TS 103 707 is contained of the ManifestSpecification Dictionary of the Delivery Object. This CR proposes to allow TS 103 707 also for LI handover, i.e., this CR adds TS 103 707 to the list of possible handover formats for the LITaskObject. Furthermore, it adds a missing reference in the field ‘Reference’ of the DeliveryObject as well as a clarification of the description of the respective field.

Merge request reports
