1. 04 Sep, 2023 3 commits
    • Luke Mewburn's avatar
      reformat files imported from TS 101 671 · 8d00cca7
      Luke Mewburn authored
      Store the files as UTF-8, with LF (UNIX) line endings.
      Reformat whitespace per LI(23)P62014r2:
      - 4 space indenting, including ensuring fields line up
      - no tabs
      - no trailing whitespace
      No difference to previous when using  git diff -b / --ignore-space-change
      except for removal of a trailing blank line.
    • Luke Mewburn's avatar
      fix non-ASCII in files imported from TS 101 671 · 29807fd3
      Luke Mewburn authored
      Fix non-ASCII in commments: use ASCII space, ", and ... (ellipsis).
    • Luke Mewburn's avatar
      import active modules from TS 101 671 into 102232-1 · 52ffa9a2
      Luke Mewburn authored
      Copy the ASN.1 modules from TS 101 671 V3.15.1 (2018-06) (historical)
      still used by TS 102 232-1 and imports of the latter, adapted to
      the naming convention here:
      HI1NotificationOperations,ver7.txt as HI1NotificationOperations.asn
      HI2Operations,ver18.txt            as HI2Operations.asn
  2. 01 Sep, 2023 1 commit
  3. 04 Aug, 2023 2 commits
  4. 11 Jul, 2023 1 commit
  5. 30 Jun, 2023 4 commits
  6. 28 Jun, 2023 20 commits
  7. 21 Jun, 2023 1 commit
  8. 08 Jun, 2023 5 commits
  9. 02 Jun, 2023 3 commits