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  • Luke Mewburn's avatar
    LI(23)P62014r2: .editorconfig for .asn · 02c387ed
    Luke Mewburn authored
    Provide .editorconfig file.
    Globally, use UNIX-style formatting:
    - UNIX linefeed for end of line
    - Ensure files have a trailing newline.
    .asn, .asn1, .xml, .xsd:
    - 4 space indents (not tab)
    - Trim trailing whitespace
    LI(23)P62014r2: .editorconfig for .asn
    Luke Mewburn authored
    Provide .editorconfig file.
    Globally, use UNIX-style formatting:
    - UNIX linefeed for end of line
    - Ensure files have a trailing newline.
    .asn, .asn1, .xml, .xsd:
    - 4 space indents (not tab)
    - Trim trailing whitespace