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HI2Operations.asn 45.8 KiB
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{itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) hi2(1) version19(19)}
-- Prior to version19(19), this ASN.1 module was provided by TS 101 671 [4],
-- which was marked as historical in V3.15.1 (2018-06).
-- This ASN.1 module has been copied from TS 101 671 V3.15.1 [4] to
-- TS 102 232-1 (the present document) to assist implementors of LI-PS-PDU.
-- The ASN.1 in this module shall be equivalent to that in TS 101 671 [4]
-- so that the ASN.1 encodes identically, except for hi2OperationId.
-- It is not recommended to use or extend this module in future change requests.
-- It is advised not to use version11(11) of this ASN.1 module since it contains a syntax error.
-- Version11(11) of HI2Operations is only defined in TS 101 671 v3.5.1 [4].
    -- from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9]
        FROM UmtsHI2Operations
        {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulintercept(2) threeGPP(4) hi2(1) r11(11) version-0(0)}

    -- from TS 101 909-20-1 [33]
        FROM TS101909201
        {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) ts101909(1909) part20(20) subpart1(1) interceptVersion(0)}

    -- from EN 301 040 [XX2]
        FROM EN301040
        {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) en301040 (1040) interceptVersion (0)};

-- =============================
-- Object Identifier Definitions
-- =============================

-- LawfulIntercept DomainId
lawfulInterceptDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2)}

-- Security Subdomains
hi2DomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lawfulInterceptDomainId hi2(1)}
hi2OperationId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hi2DomainId version19(19)}

IRIsContent ::= CHOICE
    iRIContent      IRIContent,
    iRISequence     IRISequence

IRISequence ::= SEQUENCE OF IRIContent
    -- Aggregation of IRIContent is an optional feature.
    -- It may be applied in cases when at a given point in time several IRI records are
    -- available for delivery to the same LEA destination.
    -- As a general rule, records created at any event shall be sent immediately and shall
    -- not held in the DF or MF in order to apply aggregation.
    -- When aggregation is not to be applied, IRIContent needs to be chosen.

IRIContent ::= CHOICE
    iRI-Begin-record        [1] IRI-Parameters,
        -- At least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Begin-Record.
    iRI-End-record          [2] IRI-Parameters,
    iRI-Continue-record     [3] IRI-Parameters,
        -- At least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Continue-Record.
    iRI-Report-record       [4] IRI-Parameters,
        -- At least one optional parameter must be included within the iRI-Report-Record.

IRI-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE
    domainID                            [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER (hi2OperationId) OPTIONAL,
        -- for the sending entity the inclusion of the Object Identifier is mandatory
    iRIversion                          [23] ENUMERATED
        -- Optional parameter "iRIversion" (tag 23) is redundant starting
        -- from TS 101 671 v2.5.1 [4]
        -- where to the object identifier "domainID" was introduced into IRI-Parameters.
        -- In order to keep backward compatibility, even when the version of the "domainID"
        -- parameter will be incremented it is recommended to always send to LEMF the same:
        -- enumeration value "lastVersion(8)".
        -- if not present, it means version 1 is handled
    lawfulInterceptionIdentifier        [1] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier,
        -- This identifier is associated to the target.
    communicationIdentifier             [2] CommunicationIdentifier,
        -- used to uniquely identify an intercepted call.
        -- Called "callIdentifier" in v1.1.1 of TS 101 671 [4]
    timeStamp                           [3] TimeStamp,
        -- date and time of the event triggering the report.
    intercepted-Call-Direct             [4] ENUMERATED
            -- In case of GPRS, this indicates that the PDP context activation, modification
            -- or deactivation is MS requested.
            -- In case of GPRS, this indicates that the PDP context activation, modification
            -- or deactivation is network initiated.
    intercepted-Call-State              [5] Intercepted-Call-State OPTIONAL,
    ringingDuration                     [6] OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL,
        -- Duration in seconds. BCD coded: HHMMSS
    conversationDuration                [7] OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL,
        -- Duration in seconds. BCD coded: HHMMSS
    locationOfTheTarget                 [8] Location OPTIONAL,
        -- location of the target subscriber
    partyInformation                    [9] SET SIZE (1..10) OF PartyInformation OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter provides the concerned party (Originating, Terminating or forwarded
        -- party), the identity(ies) of the party and all the information provided by the party.
    callContentLinkInformation          [10] SEQUENCE
        cCLink1Characteristics      [1] CallContentLinkCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
            -- Information concerning the Content of Communication Link Tx channel established
            -- toward the LEMF (or the sum signal channel, in case of mono mode).
        cCLink2Characteristics      [2] CallContentLinkCharacteristics OPTIONAL,
            -- Information concerning the Content of Communication Link Rx channel established
            -- toward the LEMF.
    release-Reason-Of-Intercepted-Call  [11] OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL,
        -- Release cause coded in Recommendation ITU-T Q.850 [XX3] format.
        -- This parameter indicates the reason why the intercepted call cannot be established or
        -- why the intercepted call has been released after the active phase.
    nature-Of-The-intercepted-call      [12] ENUMERATED
        -- Nature of the intercepted "call":
            -- the possible UUS content is sent through the HI2 or HI3 "data" interface
            -- the possible call content call is established through the HI3 "circuit" interface
            -- the SMS content is sent through the HI2 or HI3 "data" interface
            -- the UUS content is sent through the HI2 or HI3 "data" interface
            -- the possible call content call is established through the HI3 "circuit" interface
            -- the possible data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface
            -- the data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface
            -- the data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface
            -- the possible call content call is established through the HI3 "circuit" interface
            -- the possible data are sent through the HI3 "data" interface
            -- indicator for SMS from LTE handset
            -- the SMS content is sent through the HI2 or HI3 "data" interface
            -- indicator for CS call from LTE handset
    serverCenterAddress                 [13] PartyInformation OPTIONAL,
        -- e.g. in case of SMS message this parameter provides the address of the relevant
        -- server within the calling (if server is originating) or called
        -- (if server is terminating) party address parameters
    sMS                                 [14] SMS-report OPTIONAL,
        -- this parameter provides the SMS content and associated information
    cC-Link-Identifier                  [15] CC-Link-Identifier OPTIONAL,
        -- Depending on a network option, this parameter may be used to identify a CC link
        -- in case of multiparty calls.
    national-Parameters                 [16] National-Parameters OPTIONAL,
    gPRSCorrelationNumber               [18] GPRSCorrelationNumber OPTIONAL,
    gPRSevent                           [20] GPRSEvent OPTIONAL,
        -- This information is used to provide particular action of the target
        -- such as attach/detach
    sgsnAddress                         [21] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL,
    gPRSOperationErrorCode              [22] GPRSOperationErrorCode OPTIONAL,
    ggsnAddress                         [24] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL,
    qOS                                 [25] UmtsQos OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9].
    networkIdentifier                   [26] Network-Identifier OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9].
    sMSOriginatingAddress               [27] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9].
    sMSTerminatingAddress               [28] DataNodeAddress OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9].
    iMSevent                            [29] IMSevent OPTIONAL,
    sIPMessage                          [30] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
        -- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [9].
    servingSGSN-number                  [31] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20)) OPTIONAL,
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