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RDMessage.asn 52.7 KiB
Newer Older
		-- format:	PLMN-ID	3 octets (no. 1-3)
		-- 			LAC		2 octets (no. 4-5)
		-- 			SAC		2 octets (no. 6-7)
		-- 			(according to 3GPP TS 25.431 [10])
		-- the "Routeing Area Identifier" in the old SGSN is coded in accordance with
		-- 3GPP TS 24.008 [9] without the Routing Area Identification IEI
		-- (only the last 6 octets are used)
		-- This parameter is duplicated from 3GPP TS 33.108 [11]
	postalLocation		[8] AddressInformation OPTIONAL

GSMLocation ::= CHOICE
	geoCoordinates 		[1] SEQUENCE
		latitude	[1] UTF8String (SIZE(7..10)) OPTIONAL,
			-- format: XDDMMSS.SS
		longitude	[2] UTF8String (SIZE(8..11)) OPTIONAL,
			-- format: XDDDMMSS.SS
		mapDatum	[3] MapDatum OPTIONAL,
		azimuth		[4] INTEGER (0..359) OPTIONAL,
			-- The azimuth is the bearing, relative to true north
		-- format: XDDMMSS.SS (on latitudes) or XDDDMMSS.SS (on longitudes)
		-- 		X			: N(orth), S(outh), E(ast), W(est)
		-- 		DD or DDD 	: degrees (numeric characters)
		-- 		MM			: minutes (numeric characters)
		-- 		SS.SS 		: seconds, the second part (.SS) is optional
		-- Example:
		-- 		latitude (short form)		N502312
		-- 		longitude (long form)		E1122312.18
	utmCoordinates		[2] SEQUENCE
		utm-Zone	[1] UTF8String (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL,
		utm-East 	[2] UTF8String (SIZE(6)) OPTIONAL,
		utm-North 	[3] UTF8String (SIZE(7)) OPTIONAL,
			-- Universal Transverse Mercator
			-- example	utm-Zone	32U
			-- 			utm-North	5540736
		mapDatum	[4] MapDatum OPTIONAL,
		azimuth		[5] INTEGER (0..359) OPTIONAL,
			-- The azimuth is the bearing, relative to true north
	utmRefCoordinates	[3] SEQUENCE
		utm-GridZone				[1] UTF8String (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL,
			-- numerals from 1 to 60
		utm-GridBand				[2] UTF8String (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL,
			-- character between C and X
		squareID					[3] UTF8String (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL,
			-- characters from A to Z
		numericalLocationEasting	[4] UTF8String (SIZE(5)) OPTIONAL,
		numericalLocationNorthing	[5] UTF8String (SIZE(5)) OPTIONAL,
			-- Universal Transverse Mercator Reference = Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
			-- example	utm-GridZone				32
			--			utm-GridBand				U
			--			squareID					PU
			--			numericalLocationEasting	9129
			--			mumericalLocationNorthing	4045
			-- In both panels, utm-GridBand and squareID the 'I' and 'O' characters are not used 
			-- because of their similarity to the digits one and zero.
		mapDatum				[6] MapDatum OPTIONAL,
		azimuth					[7] INTEGER (0..359) OPTIONAL,
			-- The azimuth is the bearing, relative to true north
	wGS84Coordinates 	[4] OCTET STRING,
		-- format is as defined in 3GPP TS 03.32 [12]
	geoCoordinatesDec 	[5] SEQUENCE
		latitudeDec		[1] UTF8String (SIZE(3..12)) OPTIONAL,
			-- format: XDD.nnnnnnnn
		longitudeDec	[2] UTF8String (SIZE(4..13)) OPTIONAL,
			-- format: XDDD.nnnnnnnn
		mapDatum		[3] MapDatum OPTIONAL,
		azimuth			[4] INTEGER (0..359) OPTIONAL,
			-- The azimuth is the bearing, relative to true north
		-- format: XDD.nnnnnnnn (on latitudes) or XDDD.nnnnnnnn (on longitudes)
		-- 		X			: N(orth), S(outh), E(ast), W(est)
		-- 		DD or DDD 	: degrees (numeric characters)
		-- 		nnnnnnnn	: post decimal positions (numeric characters)
		-- Example:
		-- 		latitude		N50.38666667
		-- 		longitude		E112.38671670

		-- World Geodetic System 1984
		-- European Datum 50
		-- Rijks Driehoek (Netherlands)
		-- European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
		-- North American Datum 1927
		-- Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
		-- Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
		-- Irish Transverse Mercator

UMTSLocation ::= CHOICE
	point					[1] GA-Point,
	pointWithUnCertainty	[2] GA-PointWithUnCertainty,
	polygon					[3] GA-Polygon,

GeographicalCoordinates ::= SEQUENCE
	latitudeSign	[1] ENUMERATED
	latitude		[2] INTEGER (0..8388607) OPTIONAL,
	longitude		[3] INTEGER (-8388608..8388607) OPTIONAL,

	geographicalCoordinates		[1] GeographicalCoordinates,

GA-PointWithUnCertainty ::=SEQUENCE
	geographicalCoordinates		[1] GeographicalCoordinates,
	uncertaintyCode				[2] INTEGER (0..127)

maxNrOfPoints					INTEGER ::= 15

GA-Polygon ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPoints)) OF GA-Polygon-Elements

GA-Polygon-Elements ::= SEQUENCE
	geographicalCoordinates		[1] GeographicalCoordinates,

-- ===================
-- General definitions
-- ===================

PartyNumber ::= UTF8String
	-- E164 address of the node in international format

MessageRecord ::= CHOICE
	msgSubscriber			[1] MsgSubscriber,
	msgServiceUsage			[2] MsgServiceUsage,

-- ======================================
-- Definitions of Message Subscriber Data
-- ======================================

MsgSubscriber ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Generic information on a service subscriber, supplemented with information specific to
	-- asynchronous message services
	validity		[1] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
	subscriberID	[2] MsgSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	msgStores		[3] SEQUENCE OF MsgStore OPTIONAL,
		-- message stores allocated to this subscriber
	subscriber		[4] GenericSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,

MsgSubscriberID ::= OCTET STRING
	-- Unique identifier for this subscriber, e.g. account number

MsgStore ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Location into which messages are temporarily stored. All asynchronous message services by
	-- definition require some message store. E.g. in the case of e-mail this will be a mailbox
	validity		[1] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
	msgStoreID		[2] MsgStoreID OPTIONAL,
	aliases			[3] SEQUENCE OF MsgAddress OPTIONAL,
		-- The complete list of all addresses that get delivered into this message store.
	providerID		[4] MsgProviderID OPTIONAL,
    -- Unique identifier of the message store. Since not all IDs will necessarily be human
    -- readable, a generic byte string is used

    -- Messaging address, an address to which messages can be sent. In the case of Internet e-mail
    -- this will be an RFC822-style address
    -- NOTE – as of v1.2.1, this field has changed from OCTET STRING to UTF8String
	-- Unique identifier for a service provider, e.g. company name
     -- NOTE – as of v1.2.1, this field has changed from OCTET STRING to UTF8String

-- ====================================
-- Definitions of Message Service Usage
-- ====================================

MsgServiceUsage ::= CHOICE
	-- Choice of different types of activities
	-- Manipulation of stored address books is outside the scope
	msgTransmission		[1] MsgTransmission,
	msgStoreOperation	[2] MsgStoreOperation,

MsgTransmission ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Sending of an outgoing message, or reception of an incoming message
	dateTime				[1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
	subscriberID			[2] MsgSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	senderAddress			[3] MsgAddress OPTIONAL,
	recipients				[4] SEQUENCE OF MsgAddress OPTIONAL,
	msgStores				[5] SEQUENCE OF MsgStoreID OPTIONAL,
		-- List of all local msgStores that received a copy of the message
		-- For transit messages this field is not used
	deliveryStatus			[6] ENUMERATED
			-- Delivery might still fail at a subsequent mail server
			-- E.g. when mailbox quota exceeded (mailbox full)
			-- Deferred and retried at a later time
	clientID				[8] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	serverID				[9] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	messageID				[10] MessageID OPTIONAL,
	sourceServerName		[11] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	destinationServerName	[12] UTF8String OPTIONAL

MsgStoreOperation ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Manipulation of a message store.
	dateTime		[1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
	subscriberID	[2] MsgSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	msgStore		[3] MsgStoreID OPTIONAL,
	operation		[4] ENUMERATED
			-- Successful authorization for access to msgStore
			-- Viewing msg using a webmail client is also considered retrieval
			-- E.g. the TOP command in POP3
			-- E.g. the APPEND command in IMAP
	senderAddress	[5] MsgAddress OPTIONAL,
		-- For Internet email, use the From address in the mail headers
	recipients		[6] SEQUENCE OF MsgAddress OPTIONAL,
		-- For Internet email, use the To, CC, and BCC addresses in the mail headers
	protocol		[7] ENUMERATED
	clientID		[8] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	serverID		[9] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	messageID		[10] MessageID OPTIONAL
MessageID ::= UTF8String
	-- Unique identifier for this message, e.g RFC 822 header

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MultimediaRecord ::= CHOICE
	multimediaSubscriber		[1] MultimediaSubscriber,
	multimediaBillingDetails	[2] MultimediaBillingDetails,
	multimediaServiceUsage		[3] MultimediaServiceUsage,

-- ==============================
-- Definitions of Subscriber Data
-- ==============================

MultimediaSubscriber ::= SEQUENCE
	subscriberID					[1] MultimediaSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
		-- unique identifier for this subscriber, e.g. account number
	genericSubscriberInfo			[2] GenericSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
		-- generic personal information about this subscriber
	multimediaSubscriberInfo		[3] MultimediaSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
		-- service-specific information about this subscriber
	subscribedMultimediaServices	[4] SEQUENCE OF SubscribedMultimediaServices OPTIONAL,
		-- a subscriber (or account) may have more than one service listed against them

MultimediaSubscriberInfo ::= SEQUENCE
	nationalMultimediaSubscriberInfo	[1] NationalMultimediaSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,

MultimediaSubscriberID ::= UTF8String
	-- unique identifier for this subscriber, e.g. account number

SubscribedMultimediaServices ::= SEQUENCE
	serviceID					[1] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique identifier for this service within the operator
	providerID					[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique identifier for the service provider
	timeSpan					[3] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
		-- Start and end data, if applicable, of the subscription
	registeredIdentifiers		[4] SEQUENCE OF PartyIdentity OPTIONAL,
		-- The set of identifiers registered for this service
	registeredICCID				[5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	serviceType					[6] MultimediaServiceType OPTIONAL,
	installationAddress			[7] AddressInformation OPTIONAL,
		-- installation address, if different from the registered address
	connectionDate				[8] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
		-- Date the subscriber was actually connected 
		-- (May differ from the start of subscription)
	carrierPreselect			[10] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
	lineStatus					[11] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- CSP-specific description of current line status,
		-- e.g. "Active", "Ceased", etc.
	nationalMultimediaServices	[12] NationalMultimediaServices OPTIONAL,
		-- national extension

MultimediaServiceType ::= ENUMERATED

-- =================================
-- Definitions of Service Usage Data
-- =================================

MultimediaServiceUsage ::= SEQUENCE
	partyInformation				[1] SEQUENCE OF MultimediaPartyInformation OPTIONAL,
		-- This parameter provides the concerned party (Originating, Terminating or 
		-- forwarded party), the identity(ies) of the party and all the information
		-- provided by the party
	communicationTime				[2] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
		-- Time and duration of the communication
	reasonCause						[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
		-- cause code for call termination e.g. SIP Reason code
	communicationType				[4] MultimediaCommunicationType OPTIONAL,
	bearerService					[5] MultimediaBearerService OPTIONAL,
	qualityOfService				[6] QualityOfService OPTIONAL,
	ringDuration					[7] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
	callID							[8] MultimediaCallID OPTIONAL,
	originalCallID					[9] MultimediaCallID OPTIONAL,
	callState						[10] ENUMERATED
	answerTime						[11] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
	contentType						[12] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	mediaComponents					[13] SEQUENCE OF MediaComponent OPTIONAL,
	imsInformation					[14] ImsInformation OPTIONAL,
	nationalMultimediaServiceUsage	[15] NationalMultimediaServiceUsage OPTIONAL,
	serviceID						[16] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	providerID						[17] UTF8String OPTIONAL,

MultimediaPartyInformation ::= SEQUENCE
	partyRole 							[1] MultimediaPartyRole OPTIONAL,
	partyIdentity						[2] PartyIdentity OPTIONAL,
	subscriberID						[3] MultimediaSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	communicationTime					[4] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
		-- Time and duration of the communication
	iCCID								[5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID) number of the party, in ASCII format
	iMSI								[6] IMSI OPTIONAL,
	natureOfAddress						[7] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Nature of address indicator, e.g. "National", "International"
	uRI									[8] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	partyNumber							[9] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
	naAssignedAddress					[10] NAAssignedAddress OPTIONAL,
	forwardedTransferredIdentifier		[11] PartyIdentity OPTIONAL,
	terminatingTransferredIdentifier	[12] PartyIdentity OPTIONAL,
	nationalMultimediaPartyInformation	[13] NationalMultimediaPartyInformation OPTIONAL,

MultimediaCallID	::=	UTF8String

MultimediaCommunicationType	::=	ENUMERATED

MultimediaPartyRole	::=	ENUMERATED

MultimediaBearerService	::=	ENUMERATED

ImsInformation	::=	SEQUENCE
	service				[1] ENUMERATED
	roleOfNode			[2] ENUMERATED
	serviceInfo			[4] SEQUENCE OF ImsServiceInfo OPTIONAL,

ImsServiceInfo ::= SEQUENCE
	serviceData 	[1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
		-- service data
	serviceType 	[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
		-- service type

MediaComponent ::= SEQUENCE
	time								[1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
	mediaName							[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	mediaDescription					[3] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	mediaInitiator						[4] PartyIdentity OPTIONAL,
	accessCorrelationID					[5] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
	nationalMultimediaMediaComponent	[6] NationalMultimediaMediaComponent OPTIONAL,

-- ==============================
-- Definitions of Billing Data
-- ==============================

MultimediaBillingDetails ::= SEQUENCE
	subscriberID						[1] MultimediaSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	serviceID							[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	billingAddress						[3] ContactDetails OPTIONAL,
	billingIdentifier					[4] MultimediaBillingIdentifier OPTIONAL,
	billingRecords						[5] SEQUENCE OF MultimediaBillingRecords OPTIONAL,
	nationalMultimediaBillingDetails	[6] NationalMultimediaBillingDetails OPTIONAL,
		-- To be defined on a national basis 
		-- Only to be used in case the present document cannot fulfil the national requirements

NationalMultimediaBillingDetails ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

MultimediaBillingIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
	-- Used to correlate billing information
	-- useful if the bill-payer is not the subscriber, e.g. company mobiles

MultimediaBillingRecords ::= SEQUENCE
	time								[1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
	place								[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	amount								[3] REAL OPTIONAL,
	currency							[4] UTF8String (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL,
		-- as per ISO 4217 [5]
	method								[5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- i.e. credit card etc. 
	nationalMultimediaBillingRecords	[6] NationalMultimediaBillingRecords OPTIONAL,
		-- To be defined on a national basis 
		-- Only to be used in case the present document cannot fulfil the national requirements

NationalMultimediaBillingRecords ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

-- ===================
-- General definitions
-- ===================

PartyIdentity ::= UTF8String
	-- E164 address of the node in international format, or
	-- SIP URL or TEL URL as in ETSI EN 300 356 [7]

QualityOfService ::= UTF8String
	-- Free text description of the invoked quality of service

NationalMultimediaSubscriberInfo ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

NationalMultimediaServices ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

NationalMultimediaServiceUsage ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

NationalMultimediaPartyInformation ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters

NationalMultimediaMediaComponent ::= SEQUENCE
	countryCode		[1] UTF8String (SIZE (2)),
		-- see comment in NationalRequestParameters
NetworkAccessRecord::= CHOICE
	naSubscriber		[1] NASubscriber,
	naServiceUsage		[2] NAServiceUsage,
	naDevice			[3] NADevice,
	naNetworkElement	[4] NANwElement,
	naBillingDetails	[5] NABillingDetails,

-- =============================================
-- Definitions of Network Access Subscriber Data
-- =============================================

NAProviderID ::= UTF8String

NAAuthID ::= UTF8String

NaSubscriberID ::= UTF8String

NASubscriber ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Generic information on a service subscriber, supplemented with information specific to
	-- network access services.
	validity			[1] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
	subscriberID		[2] NaSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique identifier for this subscriber, e.g. account number
	naSubscriptions		[3] SEQUENCE OF NAServiceSubscription OPTIONAL,
		-- List of all known services subscribed to by this user
	allocatedDeviceIDs	[4] SEQUENCE OF NADeviceId OPTIONAL,
		-- List of all known devices allocated to this user. 
	subscriber			[5] GenericSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL ,
		-- Name, address and other generic subscriber information

NAServiceSubscription ::= SEQUENCE
	-- Description of the subscription to a Network Access service
	validity				[1] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
	naServiceID				[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Identifier for the service, e.g. account plan name. 
	naProviderID			[3] NAProviderID OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique identifier for the provider of the service, e.g. company name
		-- Unique identifier for this subscription, e.g. logon name
		-- Human readable text with restrictions or options to the subscription
	installationAddress	[6] AddressInformation OPTIONAL,
	fixIpAddress			[7] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	allocatedDeviceIDs		[9] SEQUENCE OF NADeviceId OPTIONAL

-- ===========================================
-- Definitions of Network Access Service Usage
-- ===========================================

NAServiceUsage ::= SEQUENCE
	naAccessTime		[1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
		-- Time of connection to the NAS
	naAuthID			[2] NAAuthID OPTIONAL,
		-- Username used to obtain network access
	nwAccessType		[3] NwAccessType OPTIONAL,
		-- Type of network access attempted. If not undefined(0), this should be one of the types
		-- supported by the NAS (identified below by naNwElementID)
	naStatus			[4] ENUMERATED
			-- Authentication OK and access granted
			-- Authentication failure (wrong credentials or time out)
			-- Rejected by the CSP (e.g. usage limits exceeded)
	interval			[5] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
		-- Start time and end time (duration) of network access. 
	naDeviceId			[6] NADeviceId OPTIONAL,
		-- Device used to access the service
	naNwElementID		[7] NANwElementID OPTIONAL,
		-- Network element (NAS) onto which the naDevice is connected
	naAssignedAddress	[8] SEQUENCE OF NAAssignedAddress OPTIONAL,
		-- IP address assigned by the network access service. May be fixed or dynamic
	location			[9] Location OPTIONAL,
		-- Location of the access (for e.g. GPRS handsets)
	dialUpInformation	[10] DialUpInformation OPTIONAL,
	gprsInformation		[11] GprsInformation OPTIONAL,
	octetsDownloaded	[12] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
	octetsUploaded		[13] INTEGER OPTIONAL

NwAccessType ::= ENUMERATED
		-- DialUp access
		-- DSL access
		-- Cable access
		-- LAN access
		-- Wireless LAN access (e.g. hotspot)
		-- Network access over GSM/3GPP GPRS, UMTS, etc.

DialUpInformation ::= SEQUENCE
	diallingNumber		[1] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
		-- Telephone number used for dial-up access
	dialledNumber		[2] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
	callback			[3] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
		-- Call back number used for dial-up access

GprsInformation ::= SEQUENCE
	mSISDN					[2] PartyNumber OPTIONAL,
	sgsnAddress				[3] SEQUENCE OF IPAddress OPTIONAL, 
	ggsnAddress				[4] IPAddress OPTIONAL, 
	pDP-address-allocated	[5] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
	aPN						[6] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- format as per TS 101 671 [6]
	gPRSEvent				[8] GPRSEvent OPTIONAL
		-- format as per 3GPP TS 33.108 [11]

		-- sMS ommited from 3GPP TS 33.108 [11],

-- ====================================
-- Definitions of Network Access Device
-- ====================================

NADeviceId ::= UTF8String

	naDeviceId		[1] NADeviceId OPTIONAL,
		-- Identifier of this device. 
	description		[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
		-- Human readable description of device
	location		[3] Location OPTIONAL,
	macAddress		[4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) OPTIONAL,
		-- MAC or ethernet address
	dslID			[5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	imei			[6] IMEI OPTIONAL,

	-- format as per 3GPP TS 09.02 [8]
	-- format as per 3GPP TS 09.02 [8]

-- ======================================
-- Definitions of Message Network element
-- ======================================

NANwElementID ::= UTF8String

NANwElement ::= SEQUENCE
	-- In this context, the network element is more commonly referred to as NAS
	validity				[1] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
		-- Period for which this interval is valid
	naNwElementID			[2] NANwElementID OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique ID of this NAS (Network Access Server)
	naProviderID			[3] NAProviderID OPTIONAL,
		-- Unique identifier of the provider managing this NAS.
	supportedAccessTypes	[4] SEQUENCE OF NwAccessType OPTIONAL,
	location				[5] Location OPTIONAL,

IPAddress ::= CHOICE
	iPv4BinaryAddress	[1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
	iPv6BinaryAddress	[2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
	iPTextAddress		[3] IA5String (SIZE(7..45)),
	addressSetOrRangeOrMask		[1] IPAddressSetOrRangeOrMask OPTIONAL,
	portNumber					[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
		-- populated with the outbound port number
	assignedTime				[4] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
	destinationAddress			[5] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
		-- used in cases where a single external IP/port pair is translated to multiple internal 
		-- IP/port pairs, with the destination IP/port used to multiplex them
	destinationPort				[6] INTEGER OPTIONAL
		-- used in cases where a single external IP/port pair is translated to multiple internal 
		-- IP/port pairs, with the destination IP/port used to multiplex them
	set		[0] SEQUENCE OF IPAddress,
	range	[1] IPRange,
	mask	[2] IPMask

	-- Things like
	prefix			[0] IPAddress,
	subnetlength	[1] INTEGER (1..128)

	-- Things like
	base	[0] IPAddress,
	mask	[1] IPAddress

NABillingDetails	::= SEQUENCE
	subscriberID		[1] NaSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
	serviceID			[2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
	billingAddress		[3] ContactDetails OPTIONAL,
	billingIdentifier	[4] BillingIdentifier OPTIONAL,
	billingRecords		[5] SEQUENCE OF BillingRecords OPTIONAL,