TP_GM.tplan2 2.61 KB
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Package TP_GM {
    import all from Sip_Common;
    Test Purpose {
        TP Id TP_GM_UE_INVITE_01
        Test objective  "Verify that the SUT successfully processes an initial INVITE."
            "ETSI TS 124 229 (V15.3.0) [5], clauses 5.1.3, 6.1.1 and 6.1.2",
            "ETSI TS 186 011-1 (V5.1.1), clause 5.4.1",
            "ETSI TS 186 011-2 (V5.1.1), clause"
        Config Id CFG_GM_01
        PICS Selection PICS_1
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and
            the UE_B entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend an InitialINVITE
                then {
                    the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity receives an InitialINVITE containing
                        Route_HDR indicating value
                        Route_HDR indicating value
                        Via_HDR indicating value
                            P PX_P_SCF_A_VIA,
                        P_Charging_Vector_HDR containing
                            ICID indicating value PX_IMS_A_ICID,
                            ORIG_IOI indicating value PX_IMS_A_ORIG_IOI,
                            "not" Access_Network_Charging_Info_HDR,
                            "not" Term_Ioi_HDR
                        Record_Route_HDR containing
                            Originating indicating value PX_S_SCF_A_SIP_URI,
                        "not" containing P_Access_Network_Info_HDR
    } // End of TP TP_GM_UE_INVITE_01
} // End of Package TP_GM