TP_IC.tplan2 46.4 KB
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/* Gm interface at IBCF/IBCF*/
Package TP_IC {
    import all from Sip_Common;	
    Test Purpose {
        TP Id TP_IC_IBCF_GC_01
        Test objective  "IMS CN components shall support SIP messages > 1 300 bytes"
          "TS 124 229 (V15.6.0) [1], clause 4.2A"  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isAttachedTo the IMS_B

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a MESSAGE   
                       containing  Message_Body_Size indicating value greater than 1300 bytes ;
                    to the IMS_A entity
                then {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the MESSAGE to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_GC_01

 /* Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_PCSCF_REG_001   // Previous TP_IMS_5011_01  
    Test objective 
        "In case of IMS AKA as security mechanism the P-CSCF shall forward 
         REGISTER requests received from the UE to the entry point in the 
         home network"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶16 (2nd numbered list) and"
    Config Id CFG_IC_01   
    Initial conditions with {
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding and
            the UE_B entity isExistingIn the IMS_B
    }  */
     // End of Test purpose TP_IC_PCSCF_REG_001

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_01     // Former TP_IMS_5097_01
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF shall insert orig-ioi parameter, remove access-network-charging-info parameter 
                and P-Access-Network-Info header before sending initial INVITE or a initial request over NNI"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶11 (1st numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI, 
                        PChargingVector containing
                            Orig_Ioi_AVP indicating value PX_IMS_A_ICID,
                            not Access_Network_Charging_Info_AVP,
                            not Term_Ioi_AVP
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                        RecordRoute containing
                            Header_AVP indicating value PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                        not PAccessNetworkInfo
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_02     // Former TP_IMS_5097_02
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header indicating a registered tel URI 
                or sip URI whichever is not present in initial INVITE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶9 (item 9 1st numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the UE_A entity registeredIdentityTelURI and 
            the UE_A entity registeredIdentitySipURI
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends an initial INVITE "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        PAssertedID containing
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_SIP_URI,
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_TEL_URI
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed

        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_03     // Former TP_IMS_5097_04
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF uses ENUM/DNS to translate Tel URIs to SIP URIs in initial INVITE requests"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 10 1st numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the NW_UE_B and 
            the Enum_DB entity isConfiguredWithENUMentryForTelURI_E164NumberOf the UE_B 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends an initial INVITE "addressed to UE_B" containing
                        RequestLine indicating value PX_UE_B_TEL_URI
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity sends a NAPTR_Query containing
                        Query_AVP indicating value PX_UE_B_TEL_URI 
                    to the Enum_DB entity and
                    the Enum_DB entity sends a NAPTR_Response containing
                        NAPTR_ResourceRecord indicating value PX_UE_B_SIP_URI
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                         RequestLine indicating value PX_UE_B_SIP_URI,
                         PChargingVector containing
                             not Access_Network_Charging_Info_AVP
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_03
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_04     // Former TP_IMS_5046_01
        Test objective 
               "When the P-CSCF receives an initial INVITE request for a dialog from a UE for which a Service-
                Route header list exists without topology hiding and the UE is not performing the functions of 
                an external attached network using static mode of operation"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (1st numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding and
            the UE_B entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_B entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        Route containing 
                            RouteBody indicating value not PX_P_CSCF_A_SIP_URI, 
                            RouteBody indicating value PX_P_CSCF_Service_Route_URIs
                        ; ,
                        Via containing
                            ViaBody containing
                                HostPort indicating value PX_P_CSCF_Port_Number
                            ; ,
                            PX_P_CSCF_FQDN "or" 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                        RecordRoute containing
                            RouteBody containing
                                NameAddr indicating value PX_P_CSCF_Port_Number_Subsequent_Requests
                            ;  ,
                            PX_P_CSCF_FQDN_address_IMS_A "or" 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                        not PPreferredID ,
                        PAssertedID indicating value PX_UE_B_SIP_URI ,
                        PChargingVector indicating value PX_IMS_A_ICID
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_04

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_01
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF include term-ioi parameter and restores orig-ioi in 180 
             responses from UE to initial requests in terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  (item 2 in 3rd numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 180_Ringing response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 180_Ringing response containing
                        P_Charging_Vector_Header containing 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                           Orig_Ioi_AVP indicating value PX_IMS_B_ICID ,
                           Term_Ioi_AVP indicating value PX_IMS_A_ICID
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5131_01
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_02
        Test objective
            "I-CSCF shall remove P-Charging-Function-Addresses header from 180 response to initial request"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (paragraph after note 10)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 180_Ringing response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 180_Ringing response containing
                       not PChargingVector
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_02

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_03
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header in 1xx response indicating a 
             registered tel URI or SIP URI whichever is not present"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 3 in 3rd numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity registeredPublicIdsWithTelUriAndSipUri and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 180_Ringing response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 180_Ringing response containing
                        PAssertedID containing 
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_SIP_URI ,
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_TEL_URI
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_01

Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5055_01
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_02
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 180 response to an initial request for a dialog from the UE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (1st numbered list)"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a 180_Ringing response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 180_Ringing response containing
                        RecordRoute containing
                            RouteBody containing
                                NameAddr indicating value PX_P_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
                            ; ,
                            RouteBody containing
                                NameAddr indicating value PX_P_CSCF_Port_Number_Subsequent_Requests
                            ; ,
                            not CompSipUri_AVP 
                        ; ,
                        not PPreferredID ,
                        PAssertedID containing 
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_SIP_URI
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_02


    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF include term-ioi parameter and restores orig-ioi in 2xx 
             responses from UE to initial requests in terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 2 in 3rd numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 200_Ok response containing
                        PChargingVector containing 
                           Orig_Ioi_AVP indicating value PX_IMS_B_ICID ,
                           Term_Ioi_AVP indicating value PX_IMS_A_ICID
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_04
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_02
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header in 1xx response indicating a 
             registered tel URI or SIP URI whichever is not present"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 3 in 3rd numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity registeredPublicIdsWithTelUriAndSipUri and
            the UE_B entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 200_Ok response containing
                        PAssertedID containing 
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_SIP_URI ,
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_A_TEL_URI
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_02

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5121_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_04
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF remove access-network-charging-info parameter from 2xx response to subsequent or target refresh requests"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (9th numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedSubsequentOrTargetRefreshRequestInDialog 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 200_Ok response containing
                       PChargingVector containing 
                            not AccessNetworkChargingInfo_AVP
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_04

Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5055_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_05
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 2xx response to an initial request for a dialog from the UE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (1st numbered list)"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 200_Ok response containing
                        RecordRoute containing
                            RouteBody containing
                                NameAddr indicating value PX_P_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
                            ; ,
                            RouteBody containing
                                NameAddr indicating value PX_P_CSCF_Port_Number_Subsequent_Requests
                            ; ,
                            not CompSipUri_AVP 
                        ; ,
                        not PPreferredID ,
                        PAssertedID containing 
                            PAssertedIDValue indicating value PX_UE_B_SIP_URI
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_05

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5106_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF shall handle subsequent INVITE prior to sending it over NNI"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (6th numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasInitiatedDialogWith the UE_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a subsequent INVITE "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the subsequent INVITE containing
                       RecordRoute indicating value PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI ,
                       Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
                       PChargingVector containing 
                           not AccessNetworkChargingInfo_AVP
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_REINVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5131_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_03
        Test objective
            "I-CSCF shall remove P-Charging-Function-Addresses header from 200 response to initial request"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (paragraph after note 10)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 200_Ok response containing
                       not PChargingFunctionAddresses
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_03

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_01
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending BYE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 1 in 7th numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the UE_A entity hasInitiatedDialogWith the UE_B 
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends a BYE "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the BYE containing
                        Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_ACK_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_02
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending ACK"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 1 in 7th numbered list)"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity hasReceived200OkOnInitialRequestForDialogWith the UE_B 
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the ACK containing
                        Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_100TRY_01     // Former TP_IMS_5070_01
        Test objective 
               "The P-CSCF shall respond with a 100 (Trying) provisional response on initial INVITE in 
                terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_B entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends a 100_Trying response 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_100TRY_01

777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358
    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends a CANCEL "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends a CANCEL containing 
                        Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_02     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL to the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the CANCEL containing
                          Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI
                    from the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_02

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_03     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends a CANCEL "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends a CANCEL containing 
                        Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_B_SIP_URI
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_03

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_04     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_A
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL to the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the CANCEL containing
                          Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_B_SIP_URI
                    from the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_04


    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 200_Ok response 
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 200_OK
                        to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_02
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the 200_Ok  
                    to the IMS_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_03
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 200_Ok response 
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 200_OK
                        to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 487 INVITE (Request Terminated). (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 487_INVITE request "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 487_INVITE request 
                    from the IMS_B entity and 
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 487_INVITE request 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 487 INVITE (Request Terminated).  (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 487_INVITE request "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the 487_INVITE request 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK response for a Request terminated. (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedTerminatedRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a ACK response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the ACK response
                	from the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the ACK response 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK response for a Request terminated. (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedTerminatedRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the IMS_A entity sends a ACK response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the ACK response
                	from the IMS_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the ACK response 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) originating leg. "
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 486_INVITE 
                	from the IMS_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) Terminating leg. "
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity forwards the 486_INVITE
                	to the IMS_IBCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_A entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK in response to a BUSY reply during session set-up (Originating leg). "
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy and
            UE_B hasResponded486INVITE

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the ACK 
                	from the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the ACK 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity  
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_02
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK in response to a BUSY reply during session set-up (Terminating leg). "
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy and
            UE_B hasResponded486INVITE

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the ACK
                	from the IMS_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the ACK 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_01   // Former TP TP_IMS_5137_04
        Test objective
           "The IBCF shall perform encryption for topology hiding before an initial REGISTER request is sent "
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            IMS_A isConfiguredForTopologyHiding
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the REGISTER containing
                        Via containing
                            ViaBody containing
                                HostPort indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI
                        ; ,
                        Route indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI,
                        Path containing
                            PathValue indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 401_Unauthorized
                    from the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 401_Unauthorized
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_01

}  // End of Package TP_IC