TP_IC.tplan2 23.4 KB
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Package TP_IC {
    import all from Sip_Common;	
    Test Purpose {
        TP Id TP_IC_IBCF_GC_01
        Test objective  "IMS CN components shall support SIP messages > 1 300 bytes"
          "TS 124 229 (V15.6.0) [1], clause 4.2A"  
        Config Id CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the NW_UE_B entity isAttachedTo the IMS_A

        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a MESSAGE   
                       containing  Message_Body_Size indicating value greater than 1300 bytes ;
                    to the IMS_A entity
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the MESSAGE to the NW_UE_B entity
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_GC_01

 /* Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_PCSCF_REG_001   // Previous TP_IMS_5011_01  
    Test objective 
        "In case of IMS AKA as security mechanism the P-CSCF shall forward 
         REGISTER requests received from the UE to the entry point in the 
         home network"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶16 (2nd numbered list) and"
    Config Id CFG_IC_01   
    Initial conditions with {
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding and
            the UE_B entity isExistingIn the IMS_B
    }  */
     // End of Test purpose TP_IC_PCSCF_REG_001

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_01     // Former TP_IMS_5097_01
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF shall insert orig-ioi parameter, remove access-network-charging-info parameter 
                and P-Access-Network-Info header before sending initial INVITE or a initial request over NNI"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶11 (1st numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the NW_UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to NW_UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        RouteHeader containing
                            not  "S-CSCF SIP URI of IMS A" 
                        ;  ,
                        PChargingVectorHeader containing
                            "icid-value parameter",
                            "orig-ioi parameter" containing
                            "IMS A"
                        ;  ,
                        not "access network charging info parameter",
                        not "term-ioi parameter"
                        ;  ,
                        RecordRouteHeader containing
                        "originating S-CSCF SIP URI"
                        ;  ,
                        not "P-Access-Network-Info header"
                    to the NW_UE_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_02     // Former TP_IMS_5097_02
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header indicating a registered tel URI 
                or sip URI whichever is not present in initial INVITE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause ¶9 (item 9 1st numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the NW_UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity registeredIdentityTelURI and 
            the IMS_A entity registeredIdentitySipURI
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to NW_UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        P_Asserted_Identity_Header containing
                            "the SIP URI of UE A" 
                        ;  ,
                        P_Asserted_Identity_Header containing
                            "the TEL URI of UE A"
                    to the NW_UE_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_02


    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_SCSCF_INVITE_03     // Former TP_IMS_5097_04
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF uses ENUM/DNS to translate Tel URIs to SIP URIs in initial INVITE requests"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 10 1st numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the NW_UE_B and 
            the Enum_DB entity isConfiguredWithENUMentryForTelURI_E164NumberOf the UE_B 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_B" containing
                        Request_URI containing
                            "a Tel URI"
                    to the IMS_A entity
                    and the IMS_A entity sends intial INVITE 
                    to the Enum_DB entity
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                        Request URI containing
                            "a SIP URI of UE B" 
                        ;  ,
                        P_Charging_Vector_header containing
                            "an access network charging info parameter"
                    to the NW_UE_B entity
    } // End of TP_IC_SCSCF_INVITE_03


    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_04     // Former TP_IMS_5046_01
        Test objective 
               "When the P-CSCF receives an initial INVITE request for a dialog from a UE for which a Service-
                Route header list exists without topology hiding and the UE is not performing the functions of 
                an external attached network using static mode of operation"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (1st numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_03
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity isNotConfiguredForTopologyHiding
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_B entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the initial INVITE containing
                            not indicating value "the P-CSCF SIP URI of IMS_A" 
                            indicating value "the list of Service Route header URIs from registration" ,
                        Via_Header containing
                            P_CSCF_via_port_number ,
                            P_CSCF_FQDN_address "or" 
                        ; ,
                        Record_Route_Header containing
                            P_CSCF_port_number_where_IMS_A_awaits_subsequent_requests_from_UE_A ,
                            P_CSCF_FQDN_address "or" 
                        ; ,
                        not P_Preferred_Identity_Header ,
                            indicating value "an address of UE_B" ,
                            indicating value "an icid_value paramater"
                    to the IMS_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_INVITE_04

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_01
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF include term-ioi parameter and restores orig-ioi in 180 
             responses from UE to initial requests in terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause  (item 2 in 3rd numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 180 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 180 response containing
                        P_Charging_Vector_Header containing 
                               indicating value "Operator Identifier Of ImsA" ,
                               indicating value "Operator Identifier Of ImsB"
                    to the IMS_A entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5131_01
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_02
        Test objective
            "I-CSCF shall remove P-Charging-Function-Addresses header from 180 response to initial request"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (paragraph after note 10)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 180 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 180 response containing
                       not P_Charging_Vector_Header
                    to the IMS_A entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_180RESP_02

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_03
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header in 1xx response indicating a 
             registered tel URI or SIP URI whichever is not present"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 3 in 3rd numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity registeredPublicIdsWithTelUriAndSipUri and
            the UE_B entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 180 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 180 response containing
                            indicating value "the SIP URI of UE_B" ,
                            indicating value "the Tel URI of the UE_B"
                    to the IMS_A entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_1XXRESP_01


    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF include term-ioi parameter and restores orig-ioi in 2xx 
             responses from UE to initial requests in terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 2 in 3rd numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 200 response containing
                        P_Charging_Vector_Header containing 
                               indicating value "Operator Identfier Of IMS_A" ,
                               indicating value "Operator Identifier Of IMS_B"
                    to the IMS_A entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5115_04
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_02
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF inserts a second P-Asserted-Identity header in 1xx response indicating a 
             registered tel URI or SIP URI whichever is not present"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 3 in 3rd numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity registeredPublicIdsWithTelUriAndSipUri and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 200 response containing
                            indicating value "the SIP URI of UE_B" ,
                            indicating value "the Tel URI of the UE_B"
                    to the IMS_A entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_02

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5121_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_04
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF remove access-network-charging-info parameter from 2xx response to subsequent or target refresh requests"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (9th numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity hasReceivedSubsequentOrTargetRefreshRequestInDialog 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 200 response containing
                       P_Charging_Vector_header containing 
                            not access_network_charging_info parameter
                    to the IMS_A entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_04

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5106_01
        Test objective
            "S-CSCF shall handle subsequent INVITE prior to sending it over NNI"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (6th numbered list)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasInitiatedDialogWith the UE_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a subsequent INVITE "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity sends the subsequent INVITE containing
                       Record_Route_header indicating value 
                            "the S-CSCF SIP URI of IMS A" ,
                       P_Charging_Vector_header indicating value 
                         not access_network_charging_info
                    to the IMS_B entity 
    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_REINVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  // Former TP TP_IMS_5131_02
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_03
        Test objective
            "I-CSCF shall remove P-Charging-Function-Addresses header from 200 response to initial request"
        "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (paragraph after note 10)"
        Config Id CFG_IC_02
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_A entity 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200 response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_B entity sends the 200 response containing
                       not P_Charging_Vector_Header
                    to the IMS_A entity 

    }  // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_2XXRESP_03

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_01
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending BYE"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 1 in 7th numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the NW_UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity hasInitiatedDialogWith the NW_UE_B 
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends a BYE "addressed to NW_UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the BYE containing
                        RouteHeader containing
                            not  "the S-CSCF SIP URI of IMS A" 
                    to the NW_UE_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_ACK_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_02
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending ACK"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause (item 1 in 7th numbered list)"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_01
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the NW_UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the IMS_A entity hasReceived200OkOnInitialRequestForDialogWith the NW_UE_B 
        Expected behaviour 
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to NW_UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity forwards the ACK containing
                        RouteHeader containing
                            not  "the S-CSCF SIP URI of IMS A" 
                    to the NW_UE_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_BYE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_100TRY_01     // Former TP_IMS_5070_01
        Test objective 
               "The P-CSCF shall respond with a 100 (Trying) provisional response on initial INVITE in 
                terminating network"
            "TS 124 229 (V15.06.0) [1], clause"
        Config Id  CFG_IC_03
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B  
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_B entity sends an intial INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_A entity sends a 100 response 
                    to the IMS_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_100TRY_01

}  // End of Package TP_IC