TP_IC.tplan2 65.1 KB
Newer Older
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_01     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends a CANCEL "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends a CANCEL containing 
                        Route not indicating value PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI;
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_02     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL to the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the CANCEL containing
                          Route not indicating value PX_S_CSCF_A_SIP_URI;
                    from the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_02

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_03     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived180OnInitialRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the UE_A entity sends a CANCEL "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_B entity  
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends a CANCEL containing 
                        Route not indicating value PX_S_CSCF_B_SIP_URI;
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_03

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_04     // Former TP_IMS_5107_03
        Test objective 
               "S-CSCF removes its own SIP URI from the route header before sending CANCEL (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_A
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL to the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that { 
                when { 
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the CANCEL containing
                          Route indicating value not PX_S_CSCF_B_SIP_URI
                    from the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the CANCEL 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity
    } // End of TP TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_04


    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 200_Ok response 
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 200_OK
                        to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_02
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the 200_Ok  
                    to the IMS_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_03
        Test objective
            "The P-CSCF receives a 200 OK response to a CANCEL request from the UE receiving the CANCEL request (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id  CF_VxLTE_RMI  // CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 200_Ok response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 200_Ok response 
                        the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 200_OK
                        to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_CANCEL_OK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 487 INVITE (Request Terminated). (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 487_INVITE request "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 487_INVITE request 
                    from the IMS_B entity and 
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 487_INVITE request 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 487 INVITE (Request Terminated).  (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 487_INVITE request "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the 487_INVITE request 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK response for a Request terminated. (Originating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedTerminatedRequest from the UE_B entity  
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a ACK response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the ACK response
                	from the IMS_S_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the ACK response 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK response for a Request terminated. (Terminating leg)"
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause 9.2"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and
            the UE_B entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedIntialRequestForDialog from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity isRequestedToSend a CANCEL and
            the UE_A entity hasReceived200OkCancel from the UE_B entity and
            the UE_A entity hasReceivedTerminatedRequest from the UE_B entity
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the IMS_A entity sends a ACK response "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the ACK response
                	from the IMS_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the ACK response 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_487INVITE_ACK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) originating leg. "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 486_INVITE 
                	from the IMS_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity forwards the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_02
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) Terminating leg. "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 486_INVITE
                	from the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_A entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_03
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) originating leg, roaming case. "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 486_INVITE 
                	from the IMS_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_03
        Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_04
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a 486 INVITE (BUSY) terminating leg, roaming case. "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_A
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isBusy
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_B entity sends a 486_INVITE "addressed to UE_A" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the 486_INVITE 
                	from the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the 486_INVITE 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_04

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_01
        Test objective
            "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK in response to a BUSY reply during session set-up (Originating leg). "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy and
            UE_B hasResponded486INVITE
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_A entity receives the ACK 
                	from the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_A entity sends the ACK 
                    to the IMS_IBCF_B entity  
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_02
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an ACK in response to a BUSY reply during session set-up (Terminating leg). "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause  and RFC 3261 [18], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            UE_A isAttachedTo the EPC_A and 
            UE_B isAttachedTo the EPC_B and 
            UE_A isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and 
            UE_B isRegisteredTo the IMS_B and 
            UE_B isBusy and
            UE_B hasResponded486INVITE
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends an ACK "addressed to UE_B" to the IMS_A entity 
                then {
                	the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the ACK
                	from the IMS_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the ACK 
                    to the IMS_S_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_486INVITE_ACK_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_01   // Former TP TP_IMS_5137_04
        Test objective
           "The IBCF shall perform encryption for topology hiding before an initial REGISTER request is sent "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause,,"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            IMS_A isConfiguredForTopologyHiding and
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the REGISTER containing
                        Via containing
                            ViaBody containing
                                HostPort indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI;; ,
                        Route indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI,
                        Path containing
                            PathValue indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI;;
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 401_Unauthorized
                    from the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 401_Unauthorized
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_01

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_02   // 
        Test objective
           "The IBCF shall perform encryption for topology hiding before a second REGISTER request is sent "
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause,,"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            IMS_A isConfiguredForTopologyHiding and
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_B entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_B and
            the UE_A entity hasAchieveFirstREGISTER
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a second REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the REGISTER containing
                        Via containing
                            ViaBody containing
                                HostPort indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI;; ,
                        Route indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI,
                        Path containing
                            PathValue indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI;;
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 200_OK
                    from the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_02

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_03   // 
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a user de-registration."
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause,,"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" containing
                        Expire indicating value 0;
                    to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the REGISTER 
                    from the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the REGISTER 
                    to the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity receives a 200_OK
                    from the IMS_A entity and
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_03

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_04   // 
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an IMS de-registration due to expiration of registration timer."
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause,,"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity sends a REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" containing
                        Expire indicating value 0;
                    to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the REGISTER 
                    from the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the REGISTER 
                    to the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity receives a 200_OK
                    from the IMS_A entity and
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_04

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_05   // 
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes an IMS de-registration due user initiated network detachment."
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause,,"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity sends a REGISTER "addressed to home network IMS_A" containing
                        Expire indicating value 0;
                    to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the REGISTER 
                    from the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the REGISTER 
                    to the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity receives a 200_OK
                    from the IMS_A entity and
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity 
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_REGISTER_05

    Test Purpose {  
        TP Id  TP_IC_IBCF_SUBSCRIBE_01   // 
        Test objective
           "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a SUBSCRIBE."
            "TS 124 229 [1], clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection  NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the UE_A entity sends a SUBSCRIBE "addressed to home network IMS_A" to the IMS_B entity 
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the SUBSCRIBE containing
                        Route indicating value PX_IBCF_B_SIP_URI;
                    to the IMS_IBCF_A entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives the 200_OK
                    from the IMS_A entity and 
                    the  IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity
    }  // End of TP_IC_IBCF_SUBSCRIBE_01

    Test Purpose {
        TP Id TP_IC_IBCF_NOTIFY_01
        Test objective  "Verify that the IBCF successfully processes a NOTIFY in case of IMS Administrative de-registration."
            "TS 124 229 [1], Clause"
        Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI_B
        PICS Selection NONE
        Initial conditions with {
            the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and
            the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_B
        Expected behaviour
            ensure that {
                when {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives a NOTIFY containing
                        Event indicating value "reg,de-reg";
                    from the IMS_A entity
                then {
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity sends the NOTIFY 
                    to the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity receives a 200_OK 
                    from the IMS_P_CSCF_B entity and
                    the IMS_IBCF_B entity forwards the 200_OK 
                    to the IMS_A entity
    } // End of TP_IC_IBCF_NOTIFY_01
}  // End of Package TP_IC