LibNGAP_Templates.ttcn 1.25 MB
Newer Older
            } // End of template m_rIMInformation

            template (omit) ScheduledCommunicationTime m_scheduledCommunicationTime(
                                                                                    in template (omit) ScheduledCommunicationTime.dayofWeek p_dayofWeek := omit,
                                                                                    in template (omit) ScheduledCommunicationTime.timeofDayStart p_timeofDayStart := omit,
                                                                                    in template (omit) ScheduledCommunicationTime.timeofDayEnd p_timeofDayEnd := omit,
                                                                                    in template (omit) ScheduledCommunicationTime.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                    ) := {
                dayofWeek      := p_dayofWeek,
                timeofDayStart := p_timeofDayStart,
                timeofDayEnd   := p_timeofDayEnd,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_scheduledCommunicationTime

            template (omit) SecondaryRATUsageInformation m_secondaryRATUsageInformation(
                                                                                        in template (omit) PDUSessionUsageReport p_pDUSessionUsageReport := omit,
                                                                                        in template (omit) QoSFlowsUsageReportList p_qosFlowsUsageReportList := omit,
                                                                                        in template (omit) SecondaryRATUsageInformation.iE_Extension p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                        ) := {
                pDUSessionUsageReport   := p_pDUSessionUsageReport,
                qosFlowsUsageReportList := p_qosFlowsUsageReportList,
                iE_Extension            := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_secondaryRATUsageInformation

            template (omit) SecondaryRATDataUsageReportTransfer m_secondaryRATDataUsageReportTransfer(
                                                                                                      in template (omit) SecondaryRATUsageInformation p_secondaryRATUsageInformation := omit,
                                                                                                      in template (omit) SecondaryRATDataUsageReportTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                      ) := {
                secondaryRATUsageInformation := p_secondaryRATUsageInformation,
                iE_Extensions                := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_secondaryRATDataUsageReportTransfer

            template (omit) SecurityContext m_securityContext(
                                                              in template (value) NextHopChainingCount p_nextHopChainingCount,
                                                              in template (value) SecurityKey p_nextHopNH,
                                                              in template (omit) SecurityContext.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                nextHopChainingCount := p_nextHopChainingCount,
                nextHopNH            := p_nextHopNH,
                iE_Extensions        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_securityContext

            template (omit) SecurityIndication m_securityIndication(
                                                                    in template (value) IntegrityProtectionIndication p_integrityProtectionIndication,
                                                                    in template (value) ConfidentialityProtectionIndication p_confidentialityProtectionIndication,
                                                                    in template (omit) MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate p_maximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_UL := omit,
                                                                    in template (omit) SecurityIndication.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                    ) := {
                integrityProtectionIndication        := p_integrityProtectionIndication,
                confidentialityProtectionIndication  := p_confidentialityProtectionIndication,
                maximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_UL := p_maximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_UL,
                // The above IE shall be present if integrity protection is required or preferred
                iE_Extensions                        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_securityIndication

            template (value) SecurityIndication.iE_Extensions m_securityIndication_id_MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_DL(
                                                                                                                           in template (value) MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate p_maximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate
                                                                                                                           ) := {
                    id             := id_MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_DL,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate := p_maximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate }	
            } // End of template m_securityIndication_id_MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate_DL

            template (omit) SecurityResult m_securityResult(
                                                            in template (value) IntegrityProtectionResult p_integrityProtectionResult,
                                                            in template (value) ConfidentialityProtectionResult p_confidentialityProtectionResult,
                                                            in template (omit) SecurityResult.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                            ) := {
                integrityProtectionResult       := p_integrityProtectionResult,
                confidentialityProtectionResult := p_confidentialityProtectionResult,
                iE_Extensions                   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_securityResult

            template (omit) SensorMeasurementConfiguration m_sensorMeasurementConfiguration(
                                                                                            in template (value) SensorMeasConfig p_sensorMeasConfig,
                                                                                            in template (omit) SensorMeasConfigNameList p_sensorMeasConfigNameList := omit,
                                                                                            in template (omit) SensorMeasurementConfiguration.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                            ) := {
                sensorMeasConfig         := p_sensorMeasConfig,
                sensorMeasConfigNameList := p_sensorMeasConfigNameList,
                iE_Extensions            := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sensorMeasurementConfiguration 

            template (omit) SensorMeasConfigNameItem m_sensorMeasConfigNameItem(
                                                                                in template (value) SensorNameConfig p_sensorNameConfig,
                                                                                in template (omit) SensorMeasConfigNameItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                sensorNameConfig := p_sensorNameConfig,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sensorMeasConfigNameItem

            template (value) SensorMeasConfig m_sensorMeasConfig(in SensorMeasConfig p_value := setup) := p_value;

            template (value) SensorNameConfig m_sensorNameConfig_uncompensatedBarometricConfig(
                                                                                               in template (value) SensorNameConfig.uncompensatedBarometricConfig p_uncompensatedBarometricConfig := true_
                                                                                               ) := {
                uncompensatedBarometricConfig := p_uncompensatedBarometricConfig
            } // End of template m_sensorNameConfig_uncompensatedBarometricConfig

            template (value) SensorNameConfig m_sensorNameConfig_ueSpeedConfig(
                                                                               in template (value) SensorNameConfig.ueSpeedConfig p_ueSpeedConfig := true_
                                                                               ) := {
                ueSpeedConfig := p_ueSpeedConfig
            } // End of template m_sensorNameConfig_ueSpeedConfig

            template (value) SensorNameConfig m_sensorNameConfig_ueOrientationConfig(
                                                                                    in template (value) SensorNameConfig.ueOrientationConfig p_ueOrientationConfig := true_
                                                                                    ) := {
                ueOrientationConfig := p_ueOrientationConfig
            } // End of template m_sensorNameConfig_ueOrientationConfig

            template (value) SensorNameConfig m_sensorNameConfig_choice_Extensions(
                                                                                   in template (value) SensorNameConfig.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                                   ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sensorNameConfig_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) ServedGUAMIItem m_servedGUAMIItem(
                                                              in template (value) GUAMI p_gUAMI,
                                                              in template (omit) AMFName p_backupAMFName := omit,
                                                              in template (omit) ServedGUAMIItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                gUAMI         := p_gUAMI,
                backupAMFName := p_backupAMFName,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429
            } // End of template m_servedGUAMIItem

            template (value) ServedGUAMIItem.iE_Extensions m_servedGUAMIItem_id_GUAMIType(
                                                                                          in template (value) GUAMIType p_gUAMIType
                                                                                          ) := {
                    id             := id_GUAMIType,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { GUAMIType := p_gUAMIType }	
            } // End of template m_servedGUAMIItem_id_GUAMIType

            template (omit) ServiceAreaInformation_Item m_serviceAreaInformation_Item(
                                                                                      in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity,
                                                                                      in template (omit) AllowedTACs p_allowedTACs := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) NotAllowedTACs p_notAllowedTACs := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) ServiceAreaInformation_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                      ) := {
                pLMNIdentity   := p_pLMNIdentity,
                allowedTACs    := p_allowedTACs,
                notAllowedTACs := p_notAllowedTACs,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_serviceAreaInformation_Item

            template (value) ServiceType m_serviceType(in ServiceType p_value := streaming) := p_value;

            template (omit) SharedNGU_MulticastTNLInformation m_sharedNGU_MulticastTNLInformation(
                                                                                                  in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_iP_MulticastAddress,
                                                                                                  in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_iP_SourceAddress,
                                                                                                  in template (value) GTP_TEID p_gTP_TEID,
                                                                                                  in template (omit) SharedNGU_MulticastTNLInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                  ) := {
                iP_MulticastAddress := p_iP_MulticastAddress,
                iP_SourceAddress    := p_iP_SourceAddress,
                gTP_TEID            := p_gTP_TEID,
                iE_Extensions       := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sharedNGU_MulticastTNLInformation

            template (omit) SliceOverloadItem m_sliceOverloadItem(
                                                                  in template (value) S_NSSAI p_s_NSSAI,
                                                                  in template (omit) SliceOverloadItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                  ) := {
                s_NSSAI       := p_s_NSSAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sliceOverloadItem

            template (omit) SliceSupportItem m_sliceSupportItem(
                                                                in template (value) S_NSSAI p_s_NSSAI,
                                                                in template (omit) SliceSupportItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                ) := {
                s_NSSAI       := p_s_NSSAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sliceSupportItem

            template (omit) SliceSupportQMC_Item m_sliceSupportQMC_Item(
                                                                        in template (value) S_NSSAI p_s_NSSAI,
                                                                        in template (omit) SliceSupportQMC_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                        ) := {
                s_NSSAI       := p_s_NSSAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sliceSupportQMC_Item

            template (omit) SNPN_MobilityInformation m_sNPN_MobilityInformation(
                                                                                in template (value) NID p_serving_NID,
                                                                                in template (omit) SNPN_MobilityInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                serving_NID   := p_serving_NID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sNPN_MobilityInformation

            template (omit) S_NSSAI m_s_NSSAI(
                                              in template (value) SST p_sST,
                                              in template (omit) SD p_sD := omit,
                                              in template (omit) S_NSSAI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                              ) := {
                sST           := p_sST,
                sD            := p_sD,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_s_NSSAI

            template (omit) SONConfigurationTransfer m_sONConfigurationTransfer(
                                                                                in template (value) TargetRANNodeID_SON p_targetRANNodeID_SON,
                                                                                in template (value) SourceRANNodeID p_sourceRANNodeID,
                                                                                in template (value) SONInformation p_sONInformation,
                                                                                in template (omit) XnTNLConfigurationInfo p_xnTNLConfigurationInfo := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) SONConfigurationTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                targetRANNodeID_SON    := p_targetRANNodeID_SON,
                sourceRANNodeID        := p_sourceRANNodeID,
                sONInformation         := p_sONInformation,
                xnTNLConfigurationInfo := p_xnTNLConfigurationInfo,
                // The above IE shall be present if the SON Information IE contains the SON Information Request IE set to “Xn TNL Configuration Info”
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sONConfigurationTransfer

            template (value) SONInformation m_sONInformation_sONInformationRequest(
                                                                                   in template (value) SONInformationRequest p_sONInformationRequest
                                                                                   ) := {
                sONInformationRequest := p_sONInformationRequest
            } // End of template m_sONInformation_sONInformationRequest

            template (value) SONInformation m_sONInformation_sONInformationReply(
                                                                                 in template (value) SONInformationReply p_sONInformationReply
                                                                                 ) := {
                sONInformationReply := p_sONInformationReply
            } // End of template m_sONInformation_sONInformationReply

            template (value) SONInformation m_sONInformation_choice_Extensions(
                                                                               in template (value) SONInformation.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                               ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sONInformation_choice_Extensions

            template (value) SONInformation.choice_Extensions m_sONInformatio_id_SONInformationReport(
                                                                                                      in template (value) SONInformationReport p_sONInformationReport
                                                                                                      ) := {
                id          := id_SONInformationReport,
                criticality := ignore,
                value_      := { SONInformationReport := p_sONInformationReport }
            } // End of template m_sONInformatio_id_SONInformationReport

            template (omit) SONInformationReply m_sONInformationReply(
                                                                      in template (omit) XnTNLConfigurationInfo p_xnTNLConfigurationInfo := omit,
                                                                      in template (omit) SONInformationReply.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                      ) := {
                xnTNLConfigurationInfo := p_xnTNLConfigurationInfo,
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReply

            template (value) SONInformationReport m_sONInformationReport_failureIndicationInformation(
                                                                                                      in template (value) FailureIndication p_failureIndicationInformation
                                                                                                      ) := {
                failureIndicationInformation := p_failureIndicationInformation
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_failureIndicationInformation

            template (value) SONInformationReport m_sONInformationReport_hOReportInformation(
                                                                                             in template (value) HOReport p_hOReportInformation
                                                                                             ) := {
                hOReportInformation := p_hOReportInformation
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_hOReportInformation

            template (value) SONInformationReport m_sONInformationReport_choice_Extensions(
                                                                                           in template (value) SONInformationReport.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                                           ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_choice_Extensions

            template (value) SONInformationReport.choice_Extensions m_sONInformationReport_id_SONInformationReport(
                                                                                                                   in template (value) SuccessfulHandoverReportList p_successfulHandoverReportList
                                                                                                                   ) := {
                id          := id_SONInformationReport,
                criticality := ignore,
                value_      := { SuccessfulHandoverReportList := p_successfulHandoverReportList }
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_id_SONInformationReport

            template (omit) SuccessfulHandoverReport_Item m_successfulHandoverReport_Item(
                                                                                          in template (value) octetstring p_successfulHOReportContainer,
                                                                                          in template (omit) SuccessfulHandoverReport_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                          ) := {
                successfulHOReportContainer := p_successfulHOReportContainer,
                iE_Extensions               := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_successfulHandoverReport_Item

            template (value) SONInformationRequest m_sONInformationRequest(in SONInformationRequest p_value := xn_TNL_configuration_info) := p_value;

            template (omit) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer(
                                                                                                                                            in template (value) NGRAN_CGI p_targetCell_ID,
                                                                                                                                            in template (value) RRCContainer p_rRCContainer,
                                                                                                                                            in template (value) UEHistoryInformation p_uEHistoryInformation,
                                                                                                                                            in template (omit) PDUSessionResourceInformationList p_pDUSessionResourceInformationList := omit,
                                                                                                                                            in template (omit) E_RABInformationList p_e_RABInformationList := omit,
                                                                                                                                            in template (omit) IndexToRFSP p_indexToRFSP := omit,
                                                                                                                                            in template (omit) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                                                            ):= {
                rRCContainer                      := p_rRCContainer,
                pDUSessionResourceInformationList := p_pDUSessionResourceInformationList,
                e_RABInformationList              := p_e_RABInformationList,
                targetCell_ID                     := p_targetCell_ID,
                indexToRFSP                       := p_indexToRFSP,
                uEHistoryInformation              := p_uEHistoryInformation,
                iE_Extensions                     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_SgNB_UE_X2AP_ID(
                                                                                                                                                                              in template (value) SgNB_UE_X2AP_ID p_sgNB_UE_X2AP_ID
                                                                                                                                                                              ) := {
                    id             := id_SgNB_UE_X2AP_ID,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { SgNB_UE_X2AP_ID := p_sgNB_UE_X2AP_ID }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_SgNB_UE_X2AP_ID

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE(
                                                                                                                                                                                            in template (value) UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE p_uEHistoryInformationFromTheUE
                                                                                                                                                                                            ) := {
                    id             := id_UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE := p_uEHistoryInformationFromTheUE }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_SourceNodeID(
                                                                                                                                                                           in template (value) SourceNodeID p_sourceNodeID
                                                                                                                                                                           ) := {
                    id             := id_SourceNodeID,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { SourceNodeID := p_sourceNodeID }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_SourceNodeID

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_UEContextReferenceAtSource(
                                                                                                                                                                                         in template (value) RAN_UE_NGAP_ID p_rAN_UE_NGAP_ID
                                                                                                                                                                                         ) := {
                    id             := id_UEContextReferenceAtSource,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { RAN_UE_NGAP_ID := p_rAN_UE_NGAP_ID }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_UEContextReferenceAtSource

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList(
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in template (value) MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList p_mBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetListD
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ) := {
                    id             := id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList := p_mBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetListD }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_QMCConfigInfo(
                                                                                                                                                                            in template (value) QMCConfigInfo p_qMCConfigInfo
                                                                                                                                                                            ) := {
                    id             := id_QMCConfigInfo,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { QMCConfigInfo := p_qMCConfigInfo }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_QMCConfigInfo

            template (value) SourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList(
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in template (value) NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList p_nGAPIESupportInformationRequestList
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ) := {
                    id             := id_NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList := p_nGAPIESupportInformationRequestList }
            } // End of template m_sourceNGRANNode_ToTargetNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList

            template (value) SourceNodeID m_sourceNodeID_sourceengNB_ID(
                                                                        in template (value) GlobalGNB_ID p_sourceengNB_ID
                                                                        ) := {
                sourceengNB_ID := p_sourceengNB_ID
            } // End of template m_sourceNodeID_sourceengNB_ID

            template (value) SourceNodeID m_sourceNodeID_choice_Extensions(
                                                                           in template (value) SourceNodeID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                           ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sourceNodeID_choice_Extensions

            template (value) SourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation m_sourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation(in SourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation p_value := subscription_information) := p_value;

            template (omit) SourceRANNodeID m_sourceRANNodeID(
                                                              in template (value) GlobalRANNodeID p_globalRANNodeID,
                                                              in template (value) TAI p_selectedTAI,
                                                              in template (omit) SourceRANNodeID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                globalRANNodeID := p_globalRANNodeID,
                selectedTAI     := p_selectedTAI,
                iE_Extensions   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sourceRANNodeID

            // This IE includes a transparent container from the source RAN node to the target RAN node.
            // The octets of the OCTET STRING are encoded according to the specifications of the target system.

            template (omit) SourceToTarget_AMFInformationReroute m_sourceToTarget_AMFInformationReroute(
                                                                                                        in template (omit) ConfiguredNSSAI p_configuredNSSAI := omit,
                                                                                                        in template (omit) RejectedNSSAIinPLMN p_rejectedNSSAIinPLMN := omit,
                                                                                                        in template (omit) RejectedNSSAIinTA p_rejectedNSSAIinTA := omit,
                                                                                                        in template (omit) SourceToTarget_AMFInformationReroute.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                        ) := {
                configuredNSSAI     := p_configuredNSSAI,
                rejectedNSSAIinPLMN := p_rejectedNSSAIinPLMN,
                rejectedNSSAIinTA   := p_rejectedNSSAIinTA,
                iE_Extensions       := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_sourceToTarget_AMFInformationReroute

            // This IE includes information from the source Core node to the target Core node for reroute information provide by NSSF.
            // The octets of the OCTET STRING are encoded according to the specifications of the Core network.

            template (value) SRVCCOperationPossible m_sRVCCOperationPossible(in SRVCCOperationPossible p_value := possible) := p_value;

            template (omit) SupportedTAItem m_supportedTAItem(
                                                              in template (value) TAC p_tAC,
                                                              in template (value) BroadcastPLMNList p_broadcastPLMNList,
                                                              in template (omit) SupportedTAItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                tAC               := p_tAC,
                broadcastPLMNList := p_broadcastPLMNList,
                iE_Extensions     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_supportedTAItem

            template (value) SupportedTAItem.iE_Extensions m_supportedTAItem_id_ConfiguredTACIndication(
                                                                                                        in template (value) ConfiguredTACIndication p_configuredTACIndication
                                                                                                        ) := {
                    id             := id_ConfiguredTACIndication,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { ConfiguredTACIndication := p_configuredTACIndication }	
            } // End of template m_supportedTAItem_id_ConfiguredTACIndication

            template (value) SupportedTAItem.iE_Extensions m_supportedTAItem_id_RAT_Information(
                                                                                                in template (value) RAT_Information p_rAT_Information
                                                                                                ) := {
                    id             := id_RAT_Information,
                    criticality    := reject,
                    extensionValue := { RAT_Information := p_rAT_Information }	
            } // End of template m_supportedTAItem_id_RAT_Information
            template (value) SuspendIndicator m_suspendIndicator(in SuspendIndicator p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (value) Suspend_Request_Indication m_suspend_Request_Indication(in Suspend_Request_Indication p_value := suspend_requested) := p_value;

            template (value) Suspend_Response_Indication m_suspend_Response_Indication(in Suspend_Response_Indication p_value := suspend_indicated) := p_value;
            template (omit) TAI m_tAI(
                                      in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity,
                                      in template (value) TAC p_tAC,
                                      in template (omit) TAI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                      ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                tAC           := p_tAC,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAI

            template (omit) TAIBroadcastEUTRA_Item m_tAIBroadcastEUTRA_Item(
                                                                            in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                            in template (value) CompletedCellsInTAI_EUTRA p_completedCellsInTAI_EUTRA,
                                                                            in template (omit) TAIBroadcastEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                            ) := {
                tAI                       := p_tAI,
                completedCellsInTAI_EUTRA := p_completedCellsInTAI_EUTRA,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIBroadcastEUTRA_Item

            template (omit) TAIBroadcastNR_Item m_tAIBroadcastNR_Item(
                                                                      in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                      in template (value) CompletedCellsInTAI_NR p_completedCellsInTAI_NR,
                                                                      in template (omit) TAIBroadcastNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                      ) := {
                tAI                    := p_tAI,
                completedCellsInTAI_NR := p_completedCellsInTAI_NR,
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIBroadcastNR_Item

            template (omit) TAICancelledEUTRA_Item m_tAICancelledEUTRA_Item(
                                                                            in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                            in template (value) CancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA p_cancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA,
                                                                            in template (omit) TAICancelledEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                            ) := {
                tAI                       := p_tAI,
                cancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA := p_cancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAICancelledEUTRA_Item

            template (omit) TAICancelledNR_Item m_tAICancelledNR_Item(
                                                                      in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                      in template (value) CancelledCellsInTAI_NR p_cancelledCellsInTAI_NR,  
                                                                      in template (omit) TAICancelledNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                      ) := {
                tAI                       := p_tAI,
                cancelledCellsInTAI_NR := p_cancelledCellsInTAI_NR,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAICancelledNR_Item

            template (omit) TAIListForInactiveItem m_tAIListForInactiveItem(
                                                                            in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                            in template (omit) TAIListForInactiveItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                            ) := {
                tAI           := p_tAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIListForInactiveItem

            template (omit) TAIListForPagingItem m_tAIListForPagingItem(
                                                                        in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                        in template (omit) TAIListForPagingItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                        ) := {
                tAI           := p_tAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIListForPagingItem

            template (omit) TAINSAGSupportItem m_tAINSAGSupportItem(
                                                                    in template (value) NSAG_ID p_nSAG_ID,
                                                                    in template (value) ExtendedSliceSupportList p_nSAGSliceSupportList,
                                                                    in template (omit) TAINSAGSupportItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                                    ) := {
                nSAG_ID              := p_nSAG_ID,
                nSAGSliceSupportList := p_nSAGSliceSupportList,
                iE_Extensions        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAINSAGSupportItem

            template (omit) TargeteNB_ID m_targeteNB_ID(
                                                        in template (value) GlobalNgENB_ID p_globalENB_ID,
                                                        in template (value) EPS_TAI p_selected_EPS_TAI,
                                                        in template (omit) TargeteNB_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit 
                                                        ) := {
                globalENB_ID     := p_globalENB_ID,
                selected_EPS_TAI := p_selected_EPS_TAI,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targeteNB_ID

            template (omit) TargetHomeENB_ID m_targetHomeENB_ID(
                                                                in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNidentity,
                                                                in template (value) TargetHomeENB_ID.homeENB_ID p_homeENB_ID,
                                                                in template (value) EPS_TAI p_selected_EPS_TAI,
                                                                in template (omit) TargetHomeENB_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                ) := {
                pLMNidentity     := p_pLMNidentity,
                homeENB_ID       := p_homeENB_ID,
                selected_EPS_TAI := p_selected_EPS_TAI,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetHomeENB_ID

            template (value) TargetID m_targetID_targetRANNodeID(
                                                                 in template (value) TargetRANNodeID p_targetRANNodeID
                                                                 ) := {
                targetRANNodeID := p_targetRANNodeID
            } // End of template m_targetID_targetRANNodeID

             template (value) TargetID m_targetID_targeteNB_ID(
                                                               in template (value) TargeteNB_ID p_targeteNB_ID
                                                               ) := {
                targeteNB_ID := p_targeteNB_ID
            } // End of template m_targetID_targeteNB_ID

            template (value) TargetID m_targetID_choice_Extensions(
                                                                   in template (value) TargetID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                   ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetID_choice_Extensions

            template (value) TargetID.choice_Extensions m_targetID_id_TargetRNC_ID(
                                                                                   in template (value) TargetRNC_ID p_targetRNC_ID
                                                                                   ) := {
                id          := id_TargetRNC_ID,
                criticality := reject,
                value_      := { TargetRNC_ID := p_targetRNC_ID }
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_id_SONInformationReport
            template (value) TargetID.choice_Extensions m_targetID_id_TargetHomeENB_ID(
                                                                                       in template (value) TargetHomeENB_ID p_targetHomeENB_ID
                                                                                       ) := {
                id          := id_TargetHomeENB_ID,
                criticality := reject,
                value_      := { TargetHomeENB_ID := p_targetHomeENB_ID }
            } // End of template m_sONInformationReport_id_TargetHomeENB_ID

            template (omit) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer(
                                                                                                                                            in template (value) RRCContainer p_rRCContainer,
                                                                                                                                            in template (omit) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                                                            ) := {
                rRCContainer  := p_rRCContainer,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer

            template (value) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_DAPSResponseInfoList(
                                                                                                                                                                                   in template (value) DAPSResponseInfoList p_dAPSResponseInfoList
                                                                                                                                                                                   ) := {
                    id             := id_ConfiguredTACIndication,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { DAPSResponseInfoList := p_dAPSResponseInfoList }	
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_DAPSResponseInfoList

            template (value) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_DirectForwardingPathAvailability(
                                                                                                                                                                                               in template (value) DirectForwardingPathAvailability p_directForwardingPathAvailability
                                                                                                                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_DirectForwardingPathAvailability,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { DirectForwardingPathAvailability := p_directForwardingPathAvailability }	
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_DirectForwardingPathAvailability

            template (value) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList(
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in template (value) MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList p_mBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ) := {
                    id             := id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList := p_mBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList }	
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList
            template (value) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList(
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in template (value) NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList p_nGAPIESupportInformationResponseList
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ) := {
                    id             := id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList := p_nGAPIESupportInformationResponseList }	
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_TransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList

            template (omit) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer(
                                                                                                                                                          in template (omit) Cell_CAGInformation p_cell_CAGInformation := omit,
                                                                                                                                                          in template (omit) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                                                                          ) := {
                cell_CAGInformation := p_cell_CAGInformation,
                iE_Extensions       := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer

            template (value) TargetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer.iE_Extensions m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList(
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in template (value) NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList p_nGAPIESupportInformationResponseList
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ) := {
                    id             := id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList := p_nGAPIESupportInformationResponseList }	
            } // End of template m_targetNGRANNode_ToSourceNGRANNode_FailureTransparentContainer_id_NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList

            template (omit) TargetNSSAI_Item m_targetNSSAI_Item(
                                                                in template (value) S_NSSAI p_s_NSSAI,
                                                                in template (omit) TargetNSSAI_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                ) := {
                s_NSSAI       := p_s_NSSAI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetNSSAI_Item

            template (omit) TargetNSSAIInformation m_targetNSSAIInformation(
                                                                            in template (value) TargetNSSAI p_targetNSSAI,
                                                                            in template (value) IndexToRFSP p_indexToRFSP,
                                                                            in template (omit) TargetNSSAIInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                            ) := {
                targetNSSAI   := p_targetNSSAI,
                indexToRFSP   := p_indexToRFSP,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetNSSAIInformation

            template (omit) TargetRANNodeID m_targetRANNodeID(
                                                              in template (value) GlobalRANNodeID p_globalRANNodeID,
                                                              in template (value) TAI p_selectedTAI,
                                                              in template (omit) TargetRANNodeID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                globalRANNodeID := p_globalRANNodeID,
                selectedTAI     := p_selectedTAI,
                iE_Extensions   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetRANNodeID

            template (omit) TargetRANNodeID_RIM m_targetRANNodeID_RIM(
                                                                      in template (value) GlobalRANNodeID p_globalRANNodeID,
                                                                      in template (value) TAI p_selectedTAI,
                                                                      in template (omit) TargetRANNodeID_RIM.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                      ) := {
                globalRANNodeID := p_globalRANNodeID,
                selectedTAI     := p_selectedTAI,
                iE_Extensions   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetRANNodeID_RIM

            template (omit) TargetRANNodeID_SON m_targetRANNodeID_SON(
                                                                      in template (value) GlobalRANNodeID p_globalRANNodeID,
                                                                      in template (value) TAI p_selectedTAI,
                                                                      in template (omit) TargetRANNodeID_SON.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                      ) := {
                globalRANNodeID := p_globalRANNodeID,
                selectedTAI     := p_selectedTAI,
                iE_Extensions   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetRANNodeID_SON

            template (value) TargetRANNodeID_SON.iE_Extensions m_targetRANNodeID_SON_id_NR_CGI(
                                                                                               in template (value) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI
                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_NR_CGI,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { NR_CGI := p_nR_CGI }	
            } // End of template m_targetRANNodeID_SON_id_NR_CGI

            template (omit) TargetRNC_ID m_targetRNC_ID(
                                                        in template (value) LAI p_lAI,
                                                        in template (value) RNC_ID p_rNC_ID,
                                                        in template (omit) ExtendedRNC_ID p_extendedRNC_ID := omit,
                                                        in template (omit) TargetRNC_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                        ) := {
                lAI            := p_lAI,
                rNC_ID         := p_rNC_ID,
                extendedRNC_ID := p_extendedRNC_ID,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_targetRNC_ID

            template (value) TimerApproachForGUAMIRemoval m_timerApproachForGUAMIRemoval(in TimerApproachForGUAMIRemoval p_value := apply_timer) := p_value;

            template (omit) TimeSyncAssistanceInfo m_timeSyncAssistanceInfo(
                                                                            in template (value) TimeSyncAssistanceInfo.timeDistributionIndication p_timeDistributionIndication := enabled,
                                                                            in template (omit) TimeSyncAssistanceInfo.uUTimeSyncErrorBudget p_uUTimeSyncErrorBudget := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) TimeSyncAssistanceInfo.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                            ) := {
                timeDistributionIndication := p_timeDistributionIndication,
                uUTimeSyncErrorBudget      := p_uUTimeSyncErrorBudget,
                // The above IE shall be present if the Time Distribution Indication IE is set to the value “enabled”
                iE_Extensions              := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_timeSyncAssistanceInfo

            template (value) TimeToWait m_timeToWait(in TimeToWait p_value := v1s) := p_value;

            template (value) TNGF_ID m_tNGF_ID_tNGF_ID(
                                                       in template (value) TNGF_ID.tNGF_ID p_tNGF_ID
                                                       ) := {
                tNGF_ID := p_tNGF_ID
            } // End of template m_tNGF_ID_tNGF_ID

            template (value) TNGF_ID m_tNGF_ID_choice_Extensions(
                                                                 in template (value) TNGF_ID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                 ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tNGF_ID_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) TNLAssociationItem m_tNLAssociationItem(
                                                                    in template (value) CPTransportLayerInformation p_tNLAssociationAddress,
                                                                    in template (value) Cause p_cause,
                                                                    in template (omit) TNLAssociationItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                    ) := {
                tNLAssociationAddress := p_tNLAssociationAddress,
                cause                 := p_cause,
                iE_Extensions         := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tNLAssociationItem

            template (value) TNLAssociationUsage m_TNLAssociationUsage(in TNLAssociationUsage p_value := ue) := p_value;

            template (omit) TooearlyIntersystemHO m_tooearlyIntersystemHO(
                                                                          in template (value) EUTRA_CGI p_sourcecellID,
                                                                          in template (value) NGRAN_CGI p_failurecellID,
                                                                          in template (omit) UERLFReportContainer p_uERLFReportContainer := omit,
                                                                          in template (omit) TooearlyIntersystemHO.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                          ) := {
                sourcecellID         := p_sourcecellID,
                failurecellID        := p_failurecellID,
                uERLFReportContainer := p_uERLFReportContainer,
                iE_Extensions        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tooearlyIntersystemHO

            template (omit) TraceActivation m_traceActivation(
                                                              in template (value) NGRANTraceID p_nGRANTraceID,
                                                              in template (value) InterfacesToTrace p_interfacesToTrace,
                                                              in template (value) TraceDepth p_traceDepth,
                                                              in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_traceCollectionEntityIPAddress,
                                                              in template (omit) TraceActivation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                nGRANTraceID                   := p_nGRANTraceID,
                interfacesToTrace              := p_interfacesToTrace,
                traceDepth                     := p_traceDepth,
                traceCollectionEntityIPAddress := p_traceCollectionEntityIPAddress,
                iE_Extensions                  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_traceActivation

            template (value) TraceActivation.iE_Extensions m_traceActivation_id_MDTConfiguration(
                                                                                                 in template (value) MDT_Configuration p_mDT_Configuration
                                                                                                 ) := {
                    id             := id_MDTConfiguration,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { MDT_Configuration := p_mDT_Configuration }	
            } // End of template m_traceActivation_id_MDTConfiguration

            template (value) TraceActivation.iE_Extensions m_traceActivation_id_TraceCollectionEntityURI(
                                                                                                         in template (value) URI_address p_uRI_address
                                                                                                         ) := {
                    id             := id_TraceCollectionEntityURI,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { URI_address := p_uRI_address }	
            } // End of template m_traceActivation_id_TraceCollectionEntityURI

            template (value) TraceDepth m_traceDepth(in TraceDepth p_value := minimum) := p_value;

            template (value) TypeOfError m_typeOfError(in TypeOfError p_value := not_understood) := p_value;

            template (omit) TAIBasedMDT m_tAIBasedMDT(
                                                      in template (value) TAIListforMDT p_tAIListforMDT,
                                                      in template (omit) TAIBasedMDT.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                      ) := {
                tAIListforMDT := p_tAIListforMDT,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIBasedMDT

            template (omit) TAIBasedQMC m_tAIBasedQMC(
                                                      in template (value) TAIListforQMC p_tAIListforQMC,
                                                      in template (omit) TAIBasedQMC.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                      ) := {
                tAIListforQMC := p_tAIListforQMC,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tAIBasedQMC

            template (omit) TABasedQMC m_tABasedQMC(
                                                    in template (value) TAListforQMC p_tAListforQMC,
                                                    in template (omit) TABasedQMC.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                    ) := {
                tAListforQMC  := p_tAListforQMC,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tABasedQMC

            template (omit) TABasedMDT m_tABasedMDT(
                                                    in template (value) TAListforMDT p_tAListforMDT,
                                                    in template (omit) TABasedMDT.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                    ) := {
                tAListforMDT  := p_tAListforMDT,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tABasedMDT

            template (value) TimeToTrigger m_timeToTrigger(in TimeToTrigger p_value := ms0) := p_value;

            template (value) TWIF_ID m_tWIF_ID_tWIF_ID(
                                                       in template (value) TWIF_ID.tWIF_ID p_tWIF_ID
                                                       ) := {
                tWIF_ID := p_tWIF_ID
            } // End of template m_tWIF_ID_tWIF_ID

            template (value) TWIF_ID m_tWIF_ID_choice_Extensions(
                                                                 in template (value) TWIF_ID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                 ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tWIF_ID_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) TSCAssistanceInformation m_tSCAssistanceInformation(
                                                                                in template (value) Periodicity p_periodicity,
                                                                                in template (omit) BurstArrivalTime p_burstArrivalTime := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) TSCAssistanceInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                periodicity      := p_periodicity,
                burstArrivalTime := p_burstArrivalTime,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tSCAssistanceInformation

            template (value) TSCAssistanceInformation.iE_Extensions m_tSCAssistanceInformation_id_SurvivalTime(
                                                                                                               in template (value) SurvivalTime p_survivalTime
                                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_SurvivalTime,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { SurvivalTime := p_survivalTime }	
            } // End of template m_tSCAssistanceInformation_id_SurvivalTime

            template (omit) TSCTrafficCharacteristics m_tSCTrafficCharacteristics(
                                                                                  in template (omit) TSCAssistanceInformation p_tSCAssistanceInformationDL := omit,
                                                                                  in template (omit) TSCAssistanceInformation p_tSCAssistanceInformationUL := omit,
                                                                                  in template (omit) TSCTrafficCharacteristics.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                  ) := {
                tSCAssistanceInformationDL := p_tSCAssistanceInformationDL,
                tSCAssistanceInformationUL := p_tSCAssistanceInformationUL,
                iE_Extensions              := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_tSCTrafficCharacteristics
            template (omit) UEAggregateMaximumBitRate m_uEAggregateMaximumBitRate(
                                                                                  in template (value) BitRate p_uEAggregateMaximumBitRateDL,
                                                                                  in template (value) BitRate p_uEAggregateMaximumBitRateUL,
                                                                                  in template (omit) UEAggregateMaximumBitRate.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                  ) := {
                uEAggregateMaximumBitRateDL := p_uEAggregateMaximumBitRateDL,
                uEAggregateMaximumBitRateUL := p_uEAggregateMaximumBitRateUL,
                iE_Extensions               := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEAggregateMaximumBitRate

            template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasInfoItem m_uEAppLayerMeasInfoItem(
                                                                            in template (value) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo p_uEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo,
                                                                            in template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasInfoItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                            ) := {
                uEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo := p_uEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo,
                iE_Extensions            := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEAppLayerMeasInfoItem

            template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo m_uEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo(
                                                                                in template (value) QoEReference p_qoEReference,
                                                                                in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_measCollEntityIPAddress,
                                                                                in template (omit) ServiceType p_serviceType,
                                                                                in template (omit) AreaScopeOfQMC p_areaScopeOfQMC := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo.qoEMeasurementStatus p_qoEMeasurementStatus := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo.containerForAppLayerMeasConfig p_containerForAppLayerMeasConfig := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo.measConfigAppLayerID p_measConfigAppLayerID := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) SliceSupportListQMC p_sliceSupportListQMC := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) MDT_AlignmentInfo p_mDT_AlignmentInfo := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) AvailableRANVisibleQoEMetrics p_availableRANVisibleQoEMetrics := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) UEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                qoEReference                   := p_qoEReference,
                serviceType                    := p_serviceType,
                areaScopeOfQMC                 := p_areaScopeOfQMC,
                measCollEntityIPAddress        := p_measCollEntityIPAddress,
                qoEMeasurementStatus           := p_qoEMeasurementStatus,
                containerForAppLayerMeasConfig := p_containerForAppLayerMeasConfig,
                measConfigAppLayerID           := p_measConfigAppLayerID,
                sliceSupportListQMC            := p_sliceSupportListQMC,
                mDT_AlignmentInfo              := p_mDT_AlignmentInfo,
                availableRANVisibleQoEMetrics  := p_availableRANVisibleQoEMetrics,
                iE_Extensions                  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEAppLayerMeasConfigInfo

            template (omit) UE_associatedLogicalNG_connectionItem m_uE_associatedLogicalNG_connectionItem(
                                                                                                          in template (omit) AMF_UE_NGAP_ID p_aMF_UE_NGAP_ID := omit,
                                                                                                          in template (omit) RAN_UE_NGAP_ID p_rAN_UE_NGAP_ID := omit,
                                                                                                          in template (omit) UE_associatedLogicalNG_connectionItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                          ) := {
                aMF_UE_NGAP_ID := p_aMF_UE_NGAP_ID,
                rAN_UE_NGAP_ID := p_rAN_UE_NGAP_ID,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uE_associatedLogicalNG_connectionItem

            template (value) UECapabilityInfoRequest m_uECapabilityInfoRequest(in UECapabilityInfoRequest p_value := requested) := p_value;

            template (value) UEContextRequest m_uEContextRequest(in UEContextRequest p_value := requested) := p_value;

            template (omit) UEContextResumeRequestTransfer m_uEContextResumeRequestTransfer(
                                                                                            in template (omit) QosFlowListWithCause p_qosFlowFailedToResumeList := omit,
                                                                                            in template (omit) UEContextResumeRequestTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                            ) := {
                qosFlowFailedToResumeList := p_qosFlowFailedToResumeList,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEContextResumeRequestTransfer

            template (omit) UEContextResumeResponseTransfer m_uEContextResumeResponseTransfer(
                                                                                              in template (omit) QosFlowListWithCause p_qosFlowFailedToResumeList := omit,
                                                                                              in template (omit) UEContextResumeResponseTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                              ) := {
                qosFlowFailedToResumeList := p_qosFlowFailedToResumeList,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEContextResumeResponseTransfer

            template (omit) UEContextSuspendRequestTransfer m_uEContextSuspendRequestTransfer(
                                                                                              in template (omit) SuspendIndicator p_suspendIndicator := omit,
                                                                                              in template (omit) UEContextSuspendRequestTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                              ) := {
                suspendIndicator := p_suspendIndicator,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uEContextSuspendRequestTransfer

            template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo m_uE_DifferentiationInfo(
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.periodicCommunicationIndicator p_periodicCommunicationIndicator := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.periodicTime p_periodicTime := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.scheduledCommunicationTime p_scheduledCommunicationTime := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.stationaryIndication p_stationaryIndication := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.trafficProfile p_trafficProfile := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.batteryIndication p_batteryIndication := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) UE_DifferentiationInfo.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                            ) := {
                periodicCommunicationIndicator := p_periodicCommunicationIndicator,
                periodicTime                   := p_periodicTime,
                scheduledCommunicationTime     := p_scheduledCommunicationTime,
                stationaryIndication           := p_stationaryIndication,
                trafficProfile                 := p_trafficProfile,
                batteryIndication              := p_batteryIndication,
                iE_Extensions                  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uE_DifferentiationInfo

            template (value) UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE m_uEHistoryInformationFromTheUE_nR(
                                                                                              in template (value) NRMobilityHistoryReport p_nR
                                                                                              ) := {
                nR := p_nR
            } // End of template m_uEHistoryInformationFromTheUE_nR

            template (value) UEHistoryInformationFromTheUE m_uEHistoryInformationFromTheUE_choice_Extensions(