LibNGAP_Templates.ttcn 1.42 MB
Newer Older
                cellIdListforMDT := p_cellIdListforMDT,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_cellBasedMDT_EUTRA

            template (omit) CellBasedQMC m_cellBasedQMC(
                                                        in template (value) CellIdListforQMC p_cellIdListforQMC,
                                                        in template (omit) CellBasedQMC.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions
                                                        ) := {
                cellIdListforQMC := p_cellIdListforQMC,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_cellBasedQMC

            template (value) DataForwardingNotPossible m_dataForwardingNotPossible(in DataForwardingNotPossible p_value := data_forwarding_not_possible) := p_value;

            template (value) DataForwardingAccepted m_dataForwardingAccepted(in DataForwardingAccepted p_value := data_forwarding_accepted) := p_value;

            template (omit) DataForwardingResponseDRBItem m_dataForwardingResponseDRBItem(
                                                                                          in template (value) DRB_ID p_dRB_ID,
                                                                                          in template (omit) UPTransportLayerInformation p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := omit,
                                                                                          in template (omit) UPTransportLayerInformation p_uLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := omit,
                                                                                          in template (omit) DataForwardingResponseDRBItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                          ) := {
                dRB_ID                        := p_dRB_ID,
                dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                uLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := p_uLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                iE_Extensions                 := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dataForwardingResponseDRBItem

            template (omit) DAPSRequestInfo m_dAPSRequestInfo(
                                                              in template (value) DAPSRequestInfo.dAPSIndicator p_dAPSIndicator := daps_ho_required,
                                                              in template (omit) DAPSRequestInfo.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                              ) := {
                dAPSIndicator := p_dAPSIndicator,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dAPSRequestInfo

            template (omit) DAPSResponseInfoItem m_dAPSResponseInfoItem(
                                                                        in template (value) DRB_ID p_dRB_ID,
                                                                        in template (value) DAPSResponseInfo p_dAPSResponseInfo,
                                                                        in template (omit) DAPSResponseInfoItem.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit
                                                                        ) := {
                dRB_ID           := p_dRB_ID,
                dAPSResponseInfo := p_dAPSResponseInfo,
                iE_Extension     := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dAPSResponseInfoItem

            template (omit) DAPSResponseInfo m_dAPSResponseInfo(
                                                                in template (value) DAPSResponseInfo.dapsresponseindicator p_dapsresponseindicator,
                                                                in template (omit) DAPSResponseInfo.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                ) := {
                dapsresponseindicator := p_dapsresponseindicator,
                iE_Extensions         := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dAPSResponseInfo

            template (omit) DataForwardingResponseERABListItem m_DataForwardingResponseERABListItem(
                                                                                                    in template (value) E_RAB_ID p_e_RAB_ID,
                                                                                                    in template (value) UPTransportLayerInformation p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) DataForwardingResponseERABListItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                    ) := {
                e_RAB_ID                      := p_e_RAB_ID,
                dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                iE_Extensions                 := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_DataForwardingResponseERABListItem

            template (value) DelayCritical m_delayCritical(in DelayCritical p_value) := p_value;

            template (omit) DL_CP_SecurityInformation m_dL_CP_SecurityInformation(
                                                                                  in template (value) DL_NAS_MAC p_dl_NAS_MAC := PX_DL_NAS_MAC,
                                                                                  in template (omit) DL_CP_SecurityInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                  ) := {
                dl_NAS_MAC    := p_dl_NAS_MAC,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dL_CP_SecurityInformation

            template (value) DLForwarding m_dLForwarding(in DLForwarding p_value := dl_forwarding_proposed) := p_value;

            template (value) DL_NGU_TNLInformationReused m_dL_NGU_TNLInformationReused(in DL_NGU_TNLInformationReused p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (value) DirectForwardingPathAvailability m_directForwardingPathAvailability(in DirectForwardingPathAvailability p_value := direct_path_available) := p_value;

            template (omit) DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem m_dRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem(
                                                                                              in template (value) DRB_ID p_dRB_ID,
                                                                                              in template (value) DRBStatusUL p_dRBStatusUL,
                                                                                              in template (value) DRBStatusDL p_dRBStatusDL,
                                                                                              in template (omit) DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit
                                                                                              ) := {
                dRB_ID       := p_dRB_ID,
                dRBStatusUL  := p_dRBStatusUL,
                dRBStatusDL  := p_dRBStatusDL,
                iE_Extension := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem

            template (value) DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem.iE_Extension m_dRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem_associatedQosFlowList(
                                                                                                                                  in template (value) AssociatedQosFlowList p_associatedQosFlowList
                                                                                                                                  ) := {
                    id             := id_OldAssociatedQosFlowList_ULendmarkerexpected,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { AssociatedQosFlowList := p_associatedQosFlowList }
            } // End of template m_dRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem_associatedQosFlowList

            template (value) DRBStatusDL m_dRBStatusDL_dRBStatusDL12(
                                                                     in template (value) DRBStatusDL12 p_dRBStatusDL12
                                                                     ) := {
                dRBStatusDL12 := p_dRBStatusDL12
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusDL_dRBStatusDL12

            template (value) DRBStatusDL m_dRBStatusDL_dRBStatusDL18(
                                                                     in template (value) DRBStatusDL18 p_dRBStatusDL18
                                                                     ) := {
                dRBStatusDL18 := p_dRBStatusDL18
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusDL_dRBStatusDL18

            template (value) DRBStatusDL m_dRBStatusDL_choice_Extensions(
                                                                         in template (value) DRBStatusDL.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                         ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusDL_choice_Extensions            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   DRBStatusDL_ExtIEs  (?);

            template (omit) DRBStatusDL12 m_dRBStatusDL12(
                                                          in template (value) COUNTValueForPDCP_SN12 p_dL_COUNTValue,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusDL12.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit 
                                                          ) := {
                dL_COUNTValue := p_dL_COUNTValue,
                iE_Extension  := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusDL12

            template (omit) DRBStatusDL18 m_dRBStatusDL18(
                                                          in template (value) COUNTValueForPDCP_SN18 p_dL_COUNTValue,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusDL18.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit
                                                          ) := {
                dL_COUNTValue := p_dL_COUNTValue,
                iE_Extension  := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusDL18

            template (value) DRBStatusUL m_dRBStatusUL_dRBStatusUL12(
                                                                     in template (value) DRBStatusUL12 p_dRBStatusUL12
                                                                     ) := {
                dRBStatusUL12 := p_dRBStatusUL12
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusUL_dRBStatusUL12

            template (value) DRBStatusUL m_dRBStatusUL_dRBStatusUL18(
                                                                     in template (value) DRBStatusUL18 p_dRBStatusUL18
                                                                     ) := {
                dRBStatusUL18 := p_dRBStatusUL18
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusUL_dRBStatusUL18

            template (value) DRBStatusUL m_dRBStatusUL_choice_Extensions(
                                                                         in template (value) DRBStatusUL.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                         ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusUL_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) DRBStatusUL12 m_dRBStatusUL12(
                                                          in template (value) COUNTValueForPDCP_SN12 p_uL_COUNTValue,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusUL12.receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs p_receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs := omit,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusUL12.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit 
                                                          ) := {
                uL_COUNTValue               := p_uL_COUNTValue,
                receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs := p_receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs,
                iE_Extension                := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusUL12

            template (omit) DRBStatusUL18 m_dRBStatusUL18(
                                                          in template (value) COUNTValueForPDCP_SN18 p_uL_COUNTValue,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusUL18.receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs p_receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs := omit,
                                                          in template (omit) DRBStatusUL18.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit 
                                                          ) := {
                uL_COUNTValue               := p_uL_COUNTValue,
                receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs := p_receiveStatusOfUL_PDCP_SDUs,
                iE_Extension                := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBStatusUL18

            template (omit) DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem m_dRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem(
                                                                                  in template (value) DRB_ID p_dRB_ID,
                                                                                  in template (value) AssociatedQosFlowList p_associatedQosFlowList,
                                                                                  in template (omit) DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                  ) := {
                dRB_ID                := p_dRB_ID,
                associatedQosFlowList := p_associatedQosFlowList,
                iE_Extensions         := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem

            template (value) DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem.iE_Extensions m_dRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem_dAPSRequestInfo(
                                                                                                                 in template (value) DAPSRequestInfo p_dAPSRequestInfo
                                                                                                                 ) := {
                    id             := id_DAPSRequestInfo,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { DAPSRequestInfo := p_dAPSRequestInfo }
            } // End of template m_dRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem_dAPSRequestInfo

            template (omit) Dynamic5QIDescriptor m_dynamic5QIDescriptor(
                                                                        in template (value) PriorityLevelQos p_priorityLevelQos,
                                                                        in template (value) PacketDelayBudget p_packetDelayBudget,
                                                                        in template (value) PacketErrorRate p_packetErrorRate,
                                                                        in template (omit) FiveQI p_fiveQI := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) DelayCritical p_delayCritical := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) AveragingWindow p_averagingWindow := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) MaximumDataBurstVolume p_maximumDataBurstVolume := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) Dynamic5QIDescriptor.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                        ) := {
                priorityLevelQos       := p_priorityLevelQos,
                packetDelayBudget      := p_packetDelayBudget,
                packetErrorRate        := p_packetErrorRate,
                fiveQI                 := p_fiveQI,
                delayCritical          := p_delayCritical,
                // The above IE shall be present in case of GBR QoS flow
                averagingWindow        := p_averagingWindow,
                // The above IE shall be present in case of GBR QoS flow
                maximumDataBurstVolume := p_maximumDataBurstVolume,
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_dynamic5QIDescriptor

            template (value) Dynamic5QIDescriptor.iE_Extensions m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_extendedPacketDelayBudget(
                                                                                                                 in template (value) ExtendedPacketDelayBudget p_extendedPacketDelayBudget
                                                                                                                 ) := {
                    id             := id_ExtendedPacketDelayBudget,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { ExtendedPacketDelayBudget := p_extendedPacketDelayBudget }
            } // End of template m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_extendedPacketDelayBudget

            template (value) Dynamic5QIDescriptor.iE_Extensions m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_cNPacketDelayBudgetDL(
                                                                                                             in template (value) ExtendedPacketDelayBudget p_extendedPacketDelayBudget
                                                                                                             ) := {
                    id             := id_CNPacketDelayBudgetDL,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { ExtendedPacketDelayBudget := p_extendedPacketDelayBudget }
            } // End of template m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_cNPacketDelayBudgetDL

            template (value) Dynamic5QIDescriptor.iE_Extensions m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_cNPacketDelayBudgetUL(
                                                                                                             in template (value) ExtendedPacketDelayBudget p_extendedPacketDelayBudget
                                                                                                             ) := {
                    id             := id_CNPacketDelayBudgetUL,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { ExtendedPacketDelayBudget := p_extendedPacketDelayBudget }
            } // End of template m_dynamic5QIDescriptor_cNPacketDelayBudgetUL

            template (value) EarlyMeasurement m_earlyMeasurement(in EarlyMeasurement p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (omit) EarlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer m_earlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer(
                                                                                                                in template (value) ProcedureStageChoice p_procedureStage,
                                                                                                                in template (omit) EarlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                                ) := {
                procedureStage := p_procedureStage,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_earlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer

            template (value) ProcedureStageChoice m_procedureStageChoice_firstDLCount(
                                                                                      in template (value) FirstDLCount p_firstDLCount
                                                                                      ) := {
                first_dl_count := p_firstDLCount
            } // End of template m_procedureStageChoice_firstDLCount

            template (value) ProcedureStageChoice m_procedureStageChoice_choice_Extensions(
                                                                                           in template (value) ProcedureStageChoice.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                                           ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_procedureStageChoice_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) FirstDLCount m_firstDLCount(
                                                        in template (value) DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_List p_dRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer,
                                                        in template (omit) FirstDLCount.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit
                                                        ) := {
                dRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer := p_dRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer,
                iE_Extension                     := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_firstDLCount

            template (omit) DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item m_dRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item(
                                                                                                          in template (value) DRB_ID p_dRB_ID,
                                                                                                          in template (value) DRBStatusDL p_firstDLCOUNT,
                                                                                                          in template (omit) DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item.iE_Extension p_iE_Extension := omit
                                                                                                          ) := {
                dRB_ID       := p_dRB_ID,
                firstDLCOUNT := p_firstDLCOUNT,
                iE_Extension := p_iE_Extension
            } // End of template m_dRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item

            template (value) EDT_Session m_eDT_Session(in EDT_Session p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item m_emergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                    in template (value) EmergencyAreaID p_emergencyAreaID,
                                                                                                    in template (value) CompletedCellsInEAI_EUTRA p_completedCellsInEAI_EUTRA,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                    ) := {
                emergencyAreaID           := p_emergencyAreaID,
                completedCellsInEAI_EUTRA := p_completedCellsInEAI_EUTRA,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_emergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item

            template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item m_emergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item(
                                                                                              in template (value) EmergencyAreaID p_emergencyAreaID,
                                                                                              in template (value) CompletedCellsInEAI_NR p_completedCellsInEAI_NR,
                                                                                              in template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                              ) := {
                emergencyAreaID        := p_emergencyAreaID,
                completedCellsInEAI_NR := p_completedCellsInEAI_NR,
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_emergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item

            template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item m_emergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                    in template (value) EmergencyAreaID p_emergencyAreaID,
                                                                                                    in template (value) CancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA p_cancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                    ) := {
                emergencyAreaID           := p_emergencyAreaID,
                cancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA := p_cancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_emergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item

            template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item m_emergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item(
                                                                                              in template (value) EmergencyAreaID p_emergencyAreaID,
                                                                                              in template (value) CancelledCellsInEAI_NR p_cancelledCellsInEAI_NR,
                                                                                              in template (omit) EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                              ) := {
                emergencyAreaID        := p_emergencyAreaID,
                cancelledCellsInEAI_NR := p_cancelledCellsInEAI_NR,
                iE_Extensions          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_emergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item

            template (omit) EmergencyFallbackIndicator m_emergencyFallbackIndicator(
                                                                                    in template (value) EmergencyFallbackRequestIndicator p_emergencyFallbackRequestIndicator,
                                                                                    in template (omit) EmergencyServiceTargetCN p_emergencyServiceTargetCN := omit,
                                                                                    in template (omit) EmergencyFallbackIndicator.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                    ) := {
                emergencyFallbackRequestIndicator := p_emergencyFallbackRequestIndicator,
                emergencyServiceTargetCN          := p_emergencyServiceTargetCN,
                iE_Extensions                     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_emergencyFallbackIndicator

            template (value) EmergencyFallbackRequestIndicator m_emergencyFallbackRequestIndicator(in EmergencyFallbackRequestIndicator p_value := emergency_fallback_requested) := p_value;

            template (value) EmergencyServiceTargetCN m_emergencyServiceTargetCN(in EmergencyServiceTargetCN p_value := fiveGC) := p_value;

            template (value) ENB_ID m_eNB_ID_macroENB_ID(
                                                         in template (value) Bit20 p_macroENB_ID
                                                         ) := {
                macroENB_ID := p_macroENB_ID
            } // End of template m_eNB_ID_macroENB_ID

            template (value) ENB_ID m_eNB_ID_homeENB_ID(
                                                         in template (value) Bit28 p_homeENB_ID
                                                         ) := {
                homeENB_ID := p_homeENB_ID
            } // End of template m_eNB_ID_homeENB_ID

            template (value) ENB_ID m_eNB_ID_short_macroENB_ID(
                                                              in template (value) Bit18 p_short_macroENB_ID
                                                              ) := {
                short_macroENB_ID := p_short_macroENB_ID
            } // End of template m_eNB_ID_short_macroENB_ID

            template (value) ENB_ID m_eNB_ID_long_macroENB_ID(
                                                              in template (value) Bit21 p_long_macroENB_ID
                                                              ) := {
                long_macroENB_ID := p_long_macroENB_ID
            } // End of template m_eNB_ID_long_macroENB_ID

            template (value) ENB_ID m_eNB_ID_choice_Extensions(
                                                               in template (value) ENB_ID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                               ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_eNB_ID_choice_Extensions

            template (value) Enhanced_CoverageRestriction m_enhanced_CoverageRestriction(in Enhanced_CoverageRestriction p_value := restricted) := p_value;

            template (omit) EndpointIPAddressAndPort m_endpointIPAddressAndPort(
                                                                                in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_endpointIPAddress := PX_TRANSPORT_LAYER_ADDRESS,
                                                                                in template (value) PortNumber p_portNumber,
                                                                                in template (omit) EndpointIPAddressAndPort.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                endpointIPAddress := p_endpointIPAddress,
                portNumber        := p_portNumber,
                iE_Extensions     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_endpointIPAddressAndPort

            template (value) EndIndication m_endIndication(in EndIndication p_value := no_further_data) := p_value;

            template (omit) EPS_TAI m_ePS_TAI(
                                              in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                              in template (value) EPS_TAC p_ePS_TAC,
                                              in template (omit) EPS_TAI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                              ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                ePS_TAC       := p_ePS_TAC,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_ePS_TAI

            template (omit) E_RABInformationItem m_e_RABInformationItem(
                	                                                    in template (value) E_RAB_ID p_e_RAB_ID,
	                                                                    in template (value) DLForwarding p_dLForwarding,
                                                                        in template (omit) E_RABInformationItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                        ) := {
                e_RAB_ID      := p_e_RAB_ID,
                dLForwarding  := p_dLForwarding,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_e_RABInformationItem

            template (omit) E_RABInformationItem.iE_Extensions m_e_RABInformationItem_id_SourceTNLAddrInfo(
                                                                                                           in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_transportLayerAddress := PX_SOURCE_TRANSPORT_LAYER_ADDRESS
                                                                                                           ) := {
                    id             := id_SourceTNLAddrInfo,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { TransportLayerAddress := p_transportLayerAddress }
            } // End of template m_e_RABInformationItem_id_SourceTNLAddrInfo

            template (omit) E_RABInformationItem.iE_Extensions m_e_RABInformationItem_id_SourceNodeTNLAddrInfo(
                                                                                                               in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_transportLayerAddress := PX_SOURCE_TRANSPORT_LAYER_ADDRESS
                                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_SourceNodeTNLAddrInfo,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { TransportLayerAddress := p_transportLayerAddress }
            } // End of template m_e_RABInformationItem_id_SourceNodeTNLAddrInfo

            template (omit) EUTRA_CGI m_uUTRA_CGI(
                                                  in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                  in template (value) EUTRACellIdentity p_eUTRACellIdentity := PX_EUTRA_CELL_IDENTITY,
                                                  in template (omit) EUTRA_CGI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                  ) := {
                pLMNIdentity      := p_pLMNIdentity,
                eUTRACellIdentity := p_eUTRACellIdentity,
                iE_Extensions     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_uUTRA_CGI

            template (omit) EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation m_eUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation(
                                                                                      in template (value) EUTRA_Paging_eDRX_Cycle p_eUTRA_paging_eDRX_Cycle,
                                                                                      in template (omit) EUTRA_Paging_Time_Window p_eUTRA_paging_Time_Window := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                      ) := {
                eUTRA_paging_eDRX_Cycle  := p_eUTRA_paging_eDRX_Cycle,
                eUTRA_paging_Time_Window := p_eUTRA_paging_Time_Window,
                iE_Extensions            := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_eUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation

            template (value) EUTRA_Paging_eDRX_Cycle m_eUTRA_Paging_eDRX_Cycle(in EUTRA_Paging_eDRX_Cycle p_value := hfhalf) := p_value;

            template (value) EUTRA_Paging_Time_Window m_eUTRA_Paging_Time_Window(in EUTRA_Paging_Time_Window p_value := s1) := p_value;

            template (value) EventType m_eventType(in EventType p_value := direct) := p_value;

            template (omit) ExcessPacketDelayThresholdItem m_excessPacketDelayThresholdItem(
                                                                                            in template (value) FiveQI p_fiveQi,
                                                                                            in template (value) ExcessPacketDelayThresholdValue p_excessPacketDelayThresholdValue,
                                                                                            in template (omit) ExcessPacketDelayThresholdItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                            ) := {
                fiveQi                          := p_fiveQi,
                excessPacketDelayThresholdValue := p_excessPacketDelayThresholdValue,
                iE_Extensions                   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_excessPacketDelayThresholdItem

            template (value) ExcessPacketDelayThresholdValue m_excessPacketDelayThresholdValue(in ExcessPacketDelayThresholdValue p_value := ms0dot25) := p_value;

            template (value) ExpectedHOInterval m_expectedHOInterval(in ExpectedHOInterval p_value := sec15) := p_value;

            template (omit) ExpectedUEActivityBehaviour m_expectedUEActivityBehaviour(
                                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedActivityPeriod p_expectedActivityPeriod := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedIdlePeriod p_expectedIdlePeriod := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) SourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation p_sourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedUEActivityBehaviour.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                      ) := {
                expectedActivityPeriod                 := p_expectedActivityPeriod,
                expectedIdlePeriod                     := p_expectedIdlePeriod,
                sourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation := p_sourceOfUEActivityBehaviourInformation,
                iE_Extensions                          := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_expectedUEActivityBehaviour

            template (omit) ExpectedUEBehaviour m_expectedUEBehaviour(
                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedUEActivityBehaviour p_expectedUEActivityBehaviour := omit,
                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedHOInterval p_expectedHOInterval := omit,
                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedUEMobility p_expectedUEMobility := omit,
                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedUEMovingTrajectory p_expectedUEMovingTrajectory:= omit,
                                                                      in template (omit) ExpectedUEBehaviour.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                      ) := {
                expectedUEActivityBehaviour := p_expectedUEActivityBehaviour,
                expectedHOInterval          := p_expectedHOInterval,
                expectedUEMobility          := p_expectedUEMobility,
                expectedUEMovingTrajectory  := p_expectedUEMovingTrajectory,
                iE_Extensions               := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_expectedUEBehaviour

            template (value) ExpectedUEMobility m_expectedUEMobility(in ExpectedUEMobility p_value := mobile) := p_value;

            template (omit) ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem m_expectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem(
                                                                                            in template (value) NGRAN_CGI p_nGRAN_CGI,
                                                                                            in template (omit) ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem.timeStayedInCell p_timeStayedInCell := omit,
                                                                                            in template (omit) ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                            ) := {
                nGRAN_CGI        := p_nGRAN_CGI,
                timeStayedInCell := p_timeStayedInCell,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_expectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem

            template (omit) Extended_AMFName m_extended_AMFName(
                                                                in template (omit) AMFNameVisibleString p_aMFNameVisibleString := omit,
                                                                in template (omit) AMFNameUTF8String p_aMFNameUTF8String := omit,
                                                                in template (omit) Extended_AMFName.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                ) := {
                aMFNameVisibleString := p_aMFNameVisibleString,
                aMFNameUTF8String    := p_aMFNameUTF8String,
                iE_Extensions        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_extended_AMFName

            template (omit) Extended_RANNodeName m_extended_RANNodeName(
                                                                        in template (omit) RANNodeNameVisibleString p_rANNodeNameVisibleString := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) RANNodeNameUTF8String p_rANNodeNameUTF8String := omit,
                                                                        in template (omit) Extended_RANNodeName.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                        ) := {
                rANNodeNameVisibleString := p_rANNodeNameVisibleString,
                rANNodeNameUTF8String    := p_rANNodeNameUTF8String,
                iE_Extensions            := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_extended_RANNodeName

            template (omit) ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation m_extendedRATRestrictionInformation(
                                                                                                  in template (value) ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation.primaryRATRestriction p_primaryRATRestriction,
                                                                                                  in template (value) ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation.secondaryRATRestriction p_secondaryRATRestriction,
                                                                                                  in template (omit) ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                  ) := {
                primaryRATRestriction   := p_primaryRATRestriction,
                secondaryRATRestriction := p_secondaryRATRestriction,
                iE_Extensions           := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_extendedRATRestrictionInformation

            template (value) EventTrigger m_eventTrigger_outOfCoverage(
                                                                       in template (value) EventTrigger.outOfCoverage p_outOfCoverage := true_
                                                                       ) := {
                outOfCoverage := p_outOfCoverage
            } // End of template m_eventTrigger_outOfCoverage

            template (value) EventTrigger m_eventTrigger_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig(
                                                                                in template (value) EventL1LoggedMDTConfig p_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig
                                                                                ) := {
                eventL1LoggedMDTConfig := p_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig
            } // End of template m_eventTrigger_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig

            template (value) EventTrigger m_eventTrigger_choice_Extensions(
                                                                           in template (value) EventTrigger.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                           ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_eventTrigger_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) EventL1LoggedMDTConfig m_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig(
                                                                            in template (value) MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT p_l1Threshold,
                                                                            in template (value) Hysteresis p_hysteresis,
                                                                            in template (value) TimeToTrigger p_timeToTrigger,
                                                                            in template (omit) EventL1LoggedMDTConfig.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                            ) := {
                l1Threshold   := p_l1Threshold,
                hysteresis    := p_hysteresis,
                timeToTrigger := p_timeToTrigger,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_eventL1LoggedMDTConfig

            template (value) MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_threshold_RSRP(
                                                                                                              in template (value) Threshold_RSRP p_threshold_RSRP
                                                                                                              ) := {
                threshold_RSRP := p_threshold_RSRP
            } // End of template m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_threshold_RSRP

            template (value) MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_threshold_RSRQ(
                                                                                                              in template (value) Threshold_RSRQ p_threshold_RSRQ
                                                                                                              ) := {
                threshold_RSRQ := p_threshold_RSRQ
            } // End of template m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_threshold_RSRQ

            template (value) MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_choice_Extensions(
                                                                                                                 in template (value) MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                                                                 ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_measurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) FailureIndication m_failureIndication(
                                                                  in template (value) UERLFReportContainer p_uERLFReportContainer,
                                                                  in template (omit) FailureIndication.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                  ) := {
                uERLFReportContainer := p_uERLFReportContainer,
                iE_Extensions        := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_failureIndication

            template (omit) FiveG_ProSeAuthorized m_FiveG_ProSeAuthorized(
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveGProSeDirectDiscovery p_fiveGProSeDirectDiscovery := omit,
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveGProSeDirectCommunication p_fiveGProSeDirectCommunication := omit,
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay p_fiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay := omit,
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay p_fiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay := omit,
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE p_fiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE := omit,
                                                                           in template (omit) FiveG_ProSeAuthorized.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                           ) := {
                fiveGProSeDirectDiscovery        := p_fiveGProSeDirectDiscovery,
                fiveGProSeDirectCommunication    := p_fiveGProSeDirectCommunication,
                fiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay := p_fiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay,
                fiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay := p_fiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay,
                fiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE         := p_fiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE,
                iE_Extensions                    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_FiveG_ProSeAuthorized

            template (value) FiveGProSeDirectDiscovery m_fiveGProSeDirectDiscovery(in FiveGProSeDirectDiscovery p_value := authorized) := p_value;

            template (value) FiveGProSeDirectCommunication m_fiveGProSeDirectCommunication(in FiveGProSeDirectCommunication p_value := authorized) := p_value;

            template (value) FiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay m_fiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay(in FiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay p_value := authorized) := p_value;

            template (value) FiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay m_fiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay(in FiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay p_value := authorized) := p_value;

            template (value) FiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE m_fiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE(in FiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE p_value := authorized) := p_value;

            template (omit) FiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters m_fiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters(
                                                                                      in template (value) FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowList p_fiveGProSepc5QoSFlowList,
                                                                                      in template (omit) BitRate p_fiveGProSepc5LinkAggregateBitRates := omit,
                                                                                      in template (omit) FiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                      ) := {
                fiveGProSepc5QoSFlowList           := p_fiveGProSepc5QoSFlowList,
                fiveGProSepc5LinkAggregateBitRates := p_fiveGProSepc5LinkAggregateBitRates,
                iE_Extensions                      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters

            template (omit) FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem m_fiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem(
                                                                                in template (value) FiveQI p_fiveGproSepQI,
                                                                                in template (omit) FiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates p_fiveGproSepc5FlowBitRates := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) Range p_fiveGproSerange := omit,
                                                                                in template (omit) FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                ) := {
                fiveGproSepQI             := p_fiveGproSepQI,
                fiveGproSepc5FlowBitRates := p_fiveGproSepc5FlowBitRates,
                fiveGproSerange           := p_fiveGproSerange,
                iE_Extensions             := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem

            template (omit) FiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates m_fiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates(
                                                                                  in template (value) BitRate p_fiveGproSeguaranteedFlowBitRate,
                                                                                  in template (value) BitRate p_fiveGproSemaximumFlowBitRate,
                                                                                  in template (omit) FiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                  ) := {
                fiveGproSeguaranteedFlowBitRate := p_fiveGproSeguaranteedFlowBitRate,
                fiveGproSemaximumFlowBitRate    := p_fiveGproSemaximumFlowBitRate,
                iE_Extensions                   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates

            template (omit) FiveG_S_TMSI m_fiveG_S_TMSI(
                                                        in template (value) AMFSetID p_aMFSetID := PX_AMF_SET_ID,
                                                        in template (value) AMFPointer p_aMFPointer := PX_AMF_POINTER,
                                                        in template (value) FiveG_TMSI p_fiveG_TMSI,
                                                        in template (omit) FiveG_S_TMSI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                        ) := {
                aMFSetID      := p_aMFSetID,
                aMFPointer    := p_aMFPointer,
                fiveG_TMSI    := p_fiveG_TMSI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fiveG_S_TMSI

            template (omit) ForbiddenAreaInformation_Item m_forbiddenAreaInformation_Item(
                                                                                          in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                                                          in template (value) ForbiddenTACs p_forbiddenTACs,
                                                                                          in template (omit) ForbiddenAreaInformation_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                          ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                forbiddenTACs := p_forbiddenTACs,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_forbiddenAreaInformation_Item

            template (omit) FromEUTRANtoNGRAN m_fromEUTRANtoNGRAN(
                                                                  in template (value) IntersystemSONeNBID p_sourceeNBID,
                                                                  in template (value) IntersystemSONNGRANnodeID p_targetNGRANnodeID,
                                                                  in template (omit) FromEUTRANtoNGRAN.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                  ) := {
                sourceeNBID       := p_sourceeNBID,
                targetNGRANnodeID := p_targetNGRANnodeID,
                iE_Extensions     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fromEUTRANtoNGRAN

            template (omit) FromNGRANtoEUTRAN m_fromNGRANtoEUTRAN(
                                                                  in template (value) IntersystemSONNGRANnodeID p_sourceNGRANnodeID,
                                                                  in template (value) IntersystemSONeNBID p_targeteNBID,
                                                                  in template (omit) FromNGRANtoEUTRAN.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                  ) := {
                sourceNGRANnodeID := p_sourceNGRANnodeID,
                targeteNBID       := p_targeteNBID,
                iE_Extensions     := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_fromNGRANtoEUTRAN

            template (omit) GBR_QosInformation m_gBR_QosInformation(
                                                                    in template (value) BitRate p_maximumFlowBitRateDL,
                                                                    in template (value) BitRate p_maximumFlowBitRateUL,
                                                                    in template (value) BitRate p_guaranteedFlowBitRateDL,
                                                                    in template (value) BitRate p_guaranteedFlowBitRateUL,
                                                                    in template (omit) NotificationControl p_notificationControl := omit,
                                                                    in template (omit) PacketLossRate p_maximumPacketLossRateDL := omit,
                                                                    in template (omit) PacketLossRate p_maximumPacketLossRateUL := omit,
                                                                    in template (omit) GBR_QosInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                    ) := {
                maximumFlowBitRateDL    := p_maximumFlowBitRateDL,
                maximumFlowBitRateUL    := p_maximumFlowBitRateUL,
                guaranteedFlowBitRateDL := p_guaranteedFlowBitRateDL,
                guaranteedFlowBitRateUL := p_guaranteedFlowBitRateUL,
                notificationControl     := p_notificationControl,
                maximumPacketLossRateDL := p_maximumPacketLossRateDL,
                maximumPacketLossRateUL := p_maximumPacketLossRateUL,
                iE_Extensions           := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_gBR_QosInformation

            template (value) GBR_QosInformation.iE_Extensions m_gBR_QosInformation_id_AlternativeQoSParaSetList(
                                                                                                                in template (value) AlternativeQoSParaSetList p_alternativeQoSParaSetList
                                                                                                                ) := {
                    id             := id_AlternativeQoSParaSetList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { AlternativeQoSParaSetList := p_alternativeQoSParaSetList}
            } // End of template m_gBR_QosInformation_id_AlternativeQoSParaSetList

            template (omit) GlobalCable_ID_new m_globalCable_ID_new(
                                                                    in template (value) GlobalCable_ID p_globalCable_ID,
                                                                    in template (value) TAI p_tAI,
                                                                    in template (omit) GlobalCable_ID_new.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                    ) := {
                globalCable_ID := p_globalCable_ID,
                tAI            := p_tAI,
                iE_Extensions  := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalCable_ID_new

            template (omit) GlobalGNB_ID m_ie_globalGnbId(
                                                          in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_plmnId := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                          in template (value) bitstring p_gnbId,
                                                          in template (omit) GlobalGNB_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                          ) := {
Iztok Juvancic's avatar
Iztok Juvancic committed
                pLMNIdentity  := p_plmnId,//'010001'O,
                gNB_ID        := { gNB_ID := p_gnbId/*'0000000000000000000000'B*/},
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_ie_globalGnbId

            template (omit) GlobalN3IWF_ID m_globalN3IWF_ID(
                                                            in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                            in template (value) N3IWF_ID p_n3IWF_ID,
                                                            in template (omit) GlobalN3IWF_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                            ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                n3IWF_ID      := p_n3IWF_ID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalN3IWF_ID

            template (omit) GlobalLine_ID m_globalLine_ID(
                                                          in template (value) GlobalLineIdentity p_globalLineIdentity,
                                                          in template (omit) LineType p_lineType := omit,
                                                          in template (omit) GlobalLine_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                          ) := {
                globalLineIdentity := p_globalLineIdentity,
                lineType           := p_lineType,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalLine_ID

            template (value) GlobalLine_ID.iE_Extensions m_globalLine_ID_id_TAI(in template (value) TAI p_tAI) := {
                    id             := id_TAI,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { TAI := p_tAI }	
            } // End of template m_globalLine_ID_id_TAI

            template (omit) GlobalNgENB_ID m_globalNgENB_ID(
                                                            in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                            in template (value) NgENB_ID p_ngENB_ID,
                                                            in template (omit) GlobalNgENB_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                            ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                ngENB_ID      := p_ngENB_ID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalNgENB_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID m_globalRANNodeID_globalGNB_ID(
                                                                            in template (value) GlobalGNB_ID p_globalGNB_ID
                                                                            ) := {
                globalGNB_ID := p_globalGNB_ID
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_globalGNB_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID m_globalRANNodeID_globalNgENB_ID(
                                                                              in template (value) GlobalNgENB_ID p_globalNgENB_ID
                                                                              ) := {
                globalNgENB_ID := p_globalNgENB_ID
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_globalNgENB_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID m_globalRANNodeID_globalN3IWF_ID(
                                                                              in template (value) GlobalN3IWF_ID p_globalN3IWF_ID
                                                                              ) := {
                globalN3IWF_ID := p_globalN3IWF_ID
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_globalN3IWF_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID m_globalRANNodeID_choice_Extensions(
                                                                                 in template (value) GlobalRANNodeID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                                                 ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_choice_Extensions

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID.choice_Extensions m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalTNGF_ID(
                                                                                                  in template (value) GlobalTNGF_ID p_globalTNGF_ID
                                                                                                  ) := {
                id          := id_GlobalTNGF_ID,
                criticality := reject,
                value_      := { GlobalTNGF_ID := p_globalTNGF_ID }
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalTNGF_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID.choice_Extensions m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalTWIF_ID(
                                                                                                  in template (value) GlobalTNGF_ID p_globalTWIF_ID
                                                                                                  ) := {
                id          := id_GlobalTWIF_ID,
                criticality := reject,
                value_      := { GlobalTNGF_ID := p_globalTWIF_ID }
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalTWIF_ID

            template (value) GlobalRANNodeID.choice_Extensions m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalW_AGF_ID(
                                                                                                   in template (value) GlobalW_AGF_ID p_globalW_AGF_ID
                                                                                                   ) := {
                id          := id_GlobalW_AGF_ID,
                criticality := reject,
                value_      := { GlobalW_AGF_ID := p_globalW_AGF_ID }
            } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_id_GlobalW_AGF_ID

            // template (value) GlobalRANNodeID.choice_Extensions m_globalRANNodeID_all(
            //                                                                          in template (value) GlobalTNGF_ID p_globalTNGF_ID,
            //                                                                          in template (value) GlobalTWIF_ID p_globalTWIF_ID,
            //                                                                          in template (value) GlobalW_AGF_ID p_globalW_AGF_ID
            //                                                                          ) := {
            //     {
            //         id          := id_GlobalTNGF_ID,
            //         criticality := reject,
            //         value_      := { GlobalTNGF_ID := p_globalTNGF_ID }
            //     },
            //     {
            //         id          := id_GlobalTWIF_ID,
            //         criticality := reject,
            //         value_      := { GlobalTNGF_ID := p_globalTWIF_ID }
            //     },
            //     {
            //         id          := id_GlobalW_AGF_ID,
            //         criticality := reject,
            //         value_      := { GlobalW_AGF_ID := p_globalW_AGF_ID }
            //     }
            // } // End of template m_globalRANNodeID_all

            template (omit) GlobalTNGF_ID m_globalTNGF_ID(
                                                          in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                          in template (value) TNGF_ID p_tNGF_ID,
                                                          in template (omit) GlobalTNGF_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                          ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                tNGF_ID       := p_tNGF_ID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalTNGF_ID

            template (omit) GlobalTWIF_ID m_globalTWIF_ID(
                                                          in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                          in template (value) TWIF_ID p_tWIF_ID,
                                                          in template (omit) GlobalTWIF_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                          ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                tWIF_ID       := p_tWIF_ID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_globalTWIF_ID

            template (omit) GlobalW_AGF_ID m_GlobalW_AGF_ID(
                                                            in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                                            in template (value) W_AGF_ID p_w_AGF_ID,
                                                            in template (omit) GlobalW_AGF_ID.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                            ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                w_AGF_ID      := p_w_AGF_ID,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_GlobalW_AGF_ID

            template (value) GNB_ID m_gNB_ID_gNB_ID(
                                                    in template (value) GNB_ID.gNB_ID p_gNB_ID
                                                    ) := {
                gNB_ID := p_gNB_ID
            } // End of template m_gNB_ID_gNB_ID

            template (value) GNB_ID m_gNB_ID_choice_Extensions(
                                                               in template (value) GNB_ID.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                               ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template m_gNB_ID_choice_Extensions

            template (omit) GTPTunnel m_gTPTunnel(
                                                  in template (value) TransportLayerAddress p_tla := PX_TRANSPORT_LAYER_ADDRESS,
                                                  in template (value) GTP_TEID p_gtp_teid := PX_GTP_TEID,
                                                  in template (omit) GTPTunnel.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                  ):= {
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Iztok Juvancic committed
                transportLayerAddress := p_tla,
                gTP_TEID              := p_gtp_teid,
                iE_Extensions         := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_gTPTunnel

            template (omit) GUAMI m_gUAMI(
                                          in template (value) PLMNIdentity p_pLMNIdentity := PX_PLMN_IDENTITY,
                                          in template (value) AMFRegionID p_aMFRegionID := PX_AMF_REGION_ID,
                                          in template (value) AMFSetID p_aMFSetID := PX_AMF_SET_ID,
                                          in template (value) AMFPointer p_aMFPointer := PX_AMF_POINTER,
                                          in template (omit) GUAMI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                          ) := {
                pLMNIdentity  := p_pLMNIdentity,
                aMFRegionID   := p_aMFRegionID,
                aMFSetID      := p_aMFSetID,
                aMFPointer    := p_aMFPointer,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_gUAMI

            template (value) GUAMIType m_gUAMIType(in GUAMIType p_val := native) := p_val;

            template (omit) HandoverCommandTransfer m_handoverCommandTransfer(
                                                                              in template (omit) UPTransportLayerInformation p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := omit,
                                                                              in template (omit) QosFlowToBeForwardedList p_qosFlowToBeForwardedList := omit,
                                                                              in template (omit) DataForwardingResponseDRBList p_dataForwardingResponseDRBList := omit,
                                                                              in template (omit) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                              ) := {
                dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                qosFlowToBeForwardedList      := p_qosFlowToBeForwardedList,
                dataForwardingResponseDRBList := p_dataForwardingResponseDRBList,
                iE_Extensions                 := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer

            template (value) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_AdditionalDLForwardingUPTNLInformation(
                                                                                                                                       in template (value) QosFlowPerTNLInformationList p_qosFlowPerTNLInformationList
                                                                                                                                       ) := {
                    id             := id_AdditionalDLForwardingUPTNLInformation,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { QosFlowPerTNLInformationList := p_qosFlowPerTNLInformationList }	
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_AdditionalDLForwardingUPTNLInformation

            template (value) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_ULForwardingUP_TNLInformation(
                                                                                                                              in template (value) UPTransportLayerInformation p_uPTransportLayerInformation
                                                                                                                              ) := {
                    id             := id_ULForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                    criticality    := reject,
                    extensionValue := { UPTransportLayerInformation := p_uPTransportLayerInformation }	
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_ULForwardingUP_TNLInformation

            template (value) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_AdditionalULForwardingUPTNLInformation(
                                                                                                                                       in template (value) UPTransportLayerInformationList p_uPTransportLayerInformationList
                                                                                                                                       ) := {
                    id             := id_AdditionalULForwardingUPTNLInformation,
                    criticality    := reject,
                    extensionValue := { UPTransportLayerInformationList := p_uPTransportLayerInformationList }	
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_AdditionalULForwardingUPTNLInformation

            template (value) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_DataForwardingResponseERABList(
                                                                                                                               in template (value) DataForwardingResponseERABList p_dataForwardingResponseERABList
                                                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_DataForwardingResponseERABList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { DataForwardingResponseERABList := p_dataForwardingResponseERABList }	
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_DataForwardingResponseERABList

            template (value) HandoverCommandTransfer.iE_Extensions m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_QosFlowFailedToSetupList(
                                                                                                                         in template (value) QosFlowListWithCause p_qosFlowListWithCause
                                                                                                                         ) := {
                    id             := id_QosFlowFailedToSetupList,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { QosFlowListWithCause := p_qosFlowListWithCause }	
            } // End of template m_handoverCommandTransfer_id_QosFlowFailedToSetupList

            template (value) HandoverFlag m_handoverFlag(in HandoverFlag p_val := handover_preparation) := p_val;

            template (omit) HandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer m_mandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer(
                                                                                                              in template (value) Cause p_cause,
                                                                                                              in template (omit) HandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                              ) := {
                cause         := p_cause,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template m_mandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer

            template (omit) HandoverRequestAcknowledgeTransfer m_handoverRequestAcknowledgeTransfer(
                                                                                                    in template (value) UPTransportLayerInformation p_dL_NGU_UP_TNLInformation,
                                                                                                    in template (value) QosFlowListWithDataForwarding p_qosFlowSetupResponseList,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) UPTransportLayerInformation p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := omit,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) SecurityResult p_securityResult := omit,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) QosFlowListWithCause p_qosFlowFailedToSetupList := omit,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) DataForwardingResponseDRBList p_dataForwardingResponseDRBList := omit,
                                                                                                    in template (omit) HandoverRequestAcknowledgeTransfer.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := omit
                                                                                                    ) := {
                dL_NGU_UP_TNLInformation      := p_dL_NGU_UP_TNLInformation,
                dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation := p_dLForwardingUP_TNLInformation,
                securityResult                := p_securityResult,