LibNGAP_Templates.ttcn 397 KB
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            template (present) BluetoothMeasConfigNameItem mw_bluetoothMeasConfigNameItem(
                                                                                          template (present) BluetoothName p_bluetoothName := ?,
                                                                                          template BluetoothMeasConfigNameItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                          ) := {
                bluetoothName := p_bluetoothName,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_bluetoothMeasConfigNameItem

            template (present) BluetoothMeasConfig mw_bluetoothMeasConfig(template (present) BluetoothMeasConfig p_value := setup) := p_value;

            template (present) CancelAllWarningMessages mw_cancelAllWarningMessages(template (present) CancelAllWarningMessages p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (present) CancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item mw_cancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                                template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                                template CancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI          := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cancelledCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item

            template (present) CancelledCellsInEAI_NR_Item mw_cancelledCellsInEAI_NR_Item(
                                                                                          template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                          template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                          template CancelledCellsInEAI_NR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                          ) := {
                nR_CGI             := p_nR_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cancelledCellsInEAI_NR_Item

            template (present) CancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item mw_cancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                                template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                                template CancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI          := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cancelledCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item

            template (present) CancelledCellsInTAI_NR_Item mw_CancelledCellsInTAI_NR_Item(
                                                                                          template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                          template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                          template CancelledCellsInTAI_NR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                          ) := {
                nR_CGI             := p_nR_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_CancelledCellsInTAI_NR_Item

            template (present) CandidateCellItem mw_candidateCellItem(
                                                                      template (present) CandidateCell p_candidateCell := ?,
                                                                      template CandidateCellItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                      ) := {
                candidateCell := p_candidateCell,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_candidateCellItem

            template (present) CandidateCell mw_candidateCell_candidateCGI(
                                                                           template (present) CandidateCellID p_candidateCGI := ?
                                                                           ) := {
                candidateCGI := p_candidateCGI
            } // End of template mw_candidateCell_candidateCGI

            template (present) CandidateCell mw_candidateCell_candidatePCI(
                                                                           template (present) CandidatePCI p_candidatePCI := ?
                                                                           ) := {
                candidatePCI := p_candidatePCI
            } // End of template mw_candidateCell_candidatePCI

            template (present) CandidateCell mw_candidateCell_ext(
                                                                  template (present) CandidateCell.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions := ?
                                                                  ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_candidateCell_ext

            template (present) CandidatePCI mw_candidatePCI(
                                                            template (present) CandidatePCI.candidatePCI p_candidatePCI := ?,
                                                            template (present) CandidatePCI.candidateNRARFCN p_candidateNRARFCN := ?,
                                                            template CandidatePCI.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                            ) := {
                candidatePCI     := p_candidatePCI,
                candidateNRARFCN := p_candidateNRARFCN,
                iE_Extensions    := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_candidatePCI

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_radioNetwork(
                                                           template (present) CauseRadioNetwork p_radioNetwork
                                                           ) := {
                radioNetwork := p_radioNetwork
            } // End of template mw_cause_radioNetwork

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_transport(
                                                        template (present) CauseTransport p_transport
                                                        ) := {
                transport := p_transport
            } // End of template mw_cause_transport

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_nas(
                                                  template (present) CauseNas p_nas
                                                  ) := {
                nas := p_nas
            } // End of template mw_cause_nas

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_protocol(
                                                       template (present) CauseProtocol p_protocol
                                                    ) := {
                protocol := p_protocol
            } // End of template mw_cause_protocol

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_misc(
                                                   template (present) CauseMisc p_misc
                                                   ) := {
                misc := p_misc
            } // End of template mw_cause_misc

            template (present) Cause mw_cause_ext(
                                                  template (present) Cause.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions
                                                  ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cause_ext

            template (present) CauseMisc mw_causeMisc(template (present) CauseMisc p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) CauseNas mw_causeNas(template (present) CauseNas p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) CauseProtocol mw_causeProtocol(template (present) CauseProtocol p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) CauseRadioNetwork mww_causeRadioNetwork(template (present) CauseRadioNetwork p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) CauseTransport mw_causeTransport(template (present) CauseTransport p_value := ?) := p_value;

            template (present) Cell_CAGInformation mw_cell_CAGInformation(
                                                                          template (present) NGRAN_CGI p_nGRAN_CGI := ?,
                                                                          template (present) CellCAGList p_cellCAGList := ?,
                                                                          template Cell_CAGInformation.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                          ) := {
                nGRAN_CGI     := p_nGRAN_CGI,
                cellCAGList   := p_cellCAGList,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cell_CAGInformation

            template (present) CellIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item mw_cellIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item(
                                                                                      template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                      template CellIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                      ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI     := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item

            template (present) CellIDBroadcastNR_Item mw_cellIDBroadcastNR_Item(
                                                                                template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                template CellIDBroadcastNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                ) := {
                nR_CGI := p_nR_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellIDBroadcastNR_Item

            template (present) CellIDCancelledEUTRA_Item mw_cellIDCancelledEUTRA_Item(
                                                                                      template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                      template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                      template CellIDCancelledEUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                      ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI          := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellIDCancelledEUTRA_Item

            template (present) CellIDCancelledNR_Item mw_cellIDCancelledNR_Item(
                                                                                template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                template (present) NumberOfBroadcasts p_numberOfBroadcasts := ?,
                                                                                template CellIDCancelledNR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                ) :=  {
                nR_CGI             := p_nR_CGI,
                numberOfBroadcasts := p_numberOfBroadcasts,
                iE_Extensions      := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellIDCancelledNR_Item

            template (present) CellIDListForRestart mw_cellIDListForRestart_eUTRA_CGIListforRestart(
                                                                                                    template (present) EUTRA_CGIList p_eUTRA_CGIListforRestart := ?
                                                                                                    ) := {
                eUTRA_CGIListforRestart := p_eUTRA_CGIListforRestart
            } // End of template mw_cellIDListForRestart_misc

            template (present) CellIDListForRestart mw_cellIDListForRestart_nR_CGIListforRestart(
                                                                                                 template (present) NR_CGIList p_nR_CGIListforRestart := ?
                                                                                                 ) := {
                nR_CGIListforRestart := p_nR_CGIListforRestart
            } // End of template mw_cellIDListForRestart_nR_CGIListforRestart

            template (present) CellIDListForRestart mw_cellIDListForRestart_ext(
                                                                                template (present) CellIDListForRestart.choice_Extensions p_choice_Extensions := ?
                                                                                ) := {
                choice_Extensions := p_choice_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellIDListForRestart_ext

            template (present) CellSize mw_cellSize(template (present) CellSize p_value := ?) := p_value;

            template (present) CellType mw_cellType(
                                                    template (present) CellSize p_cellSize:= ?,
                                                    template CellType.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                    ) := {
                cellSize      := p_cellSize,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cellType

            template (present) CEmodeBSupport_Indicator mw_cEmodeBSupport_Indicator(template (present) CEmodeBSupport_Indicator p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) CEmodeBrestricted mw_cEmodeBrestricted(template (present) CEmodeBrestricted p_value := ?) := p_value;

            template CNAssistedRANTuning mw_cNAssistedRANTuning(
                                                                template ExpectedUEBehaviour p_expectedUEBehaviour := *,
                                                                template CNAssistedRANTuning.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                ) := {
	            expectedUEBehaviour := p_expectedUEBehaviour,
                iE_Extensions       := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cNAssistedRANTuning

            template (present) CNTypeRestrictionsForEquivalentItem mw_cNTypeRestrictionsForEquivalentItem(
	                                                                                                      template (present) PLMNIdentity p_plmnIdentity := ?,
                                                                                                          template (present) CNTypeRestrictionsForEquivalentItem.cn_Type p_cn_Type := ?,
                                                                                                          template CNTypeRestrictionsForEquivalentItem.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                          ) := {
                plmnIdentity  := p_plmnIdentity,
                cn_Type       := p_cn_Type,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_cNTypeRestrictionsForEquivalentItem

            template (present) CNTypeRestrictionsForServing mw_cNTypeRestrictionsForServing(template (present) CNTypeRestrictionsForServing p_value := ?) := p_value;

            template (present) CompletedCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item mw_completedCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                                template CompletedCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI     := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_completedCellsInEAI_EUTRA_Item

            template (present) CompletedCellsInEAI_NR_Item mw_completedCellsInEAI_NR_Item(
                                                                                          template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                          template CompletedCellsInEAI_NR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                          ) := {
                nR_CGI        := p_nR_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_completedCellsInEAI_NR_Item

Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
            template (present) CompletedCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item mw_completedCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item(
                                                                                                template (present) EUTRA_CGI p_eUTRA_CGI := ?,
                                                                                                template CompletedCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                ) := {
                eUTRA_CGI     := p_eUTRA_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_completedCellsInTAI_EUTRA_Item

            template (present) CompletedCellsInTAI_NR_Item mw_completedCellsInTAI_NR_Item(
                                                                                          template (present) NR_CGI p_nR_CGI := ?,
                                                                                          template CompletedCellsInTAI_NR_Item.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                          ) := {
                nR_CGI        := p_nR_CGI,
                iE_Extensions := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_completedCellsInTAI_NR_Item

            template (present) ConcurrentWarningMessageInd mw_concurrentWarningMessageInd(template (present) ConcurrentWarningMessageInd p_value := true_) := p_value;
            template (present) ConfidentialityProtectionIndication mw_confidentialityProtectionIndication(template (present) ConfidentialityProtectionIndication p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) ConfidentialityProtectionResult mw_confidentialityProtectionResult(template (present) ConfidentialityProtectionResult p_value := ?) := p_value;
            template (present) ConfiguredTACIndication mw_configuredTACIndication(template (present) ConfiguredTACIndication p_value := true_) := p_value;

            template (present) CoreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive mw_coreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive(
                                                                                                                          template (present) UEIdentityIndexValue p_uEIdentityIndexValue := ?,
                                                                                                                          template (present) PeriodicRegistrationUpdateTimer p_periodicRegistrationUpdateTimer := ?,
                                                                                                                          template (present) TAIListForInactive p_tAIListForInactive := ?,
                                                                                                                          template PagingDRX p_uESpecificDRX := *,
                                                                                                                          template MICOModeIndication p_mICOModeIndication := *,
                                                                                                                          template ExpectedUEBehaviour p_expectedUEBehaviour := *,
                                                                                                                          template CoreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                                                                                          ) := {
                uEIdentityIndexValue            := p_uEIdentityIndexValue,
                uESpecificDRX                   := p_uESpecificDRX,
                periodicRegistrationUpdateTimer := p_periodicRegistrationUpdateTimer,
                mICOModeIndication              := p_mICOModeIndication,
                tAIListForInactive              := p_tAIListForInactive,
                expectedUEBehaviour             := p_expectedUEBehaviour,
                iE_Extensions                   := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_coreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive

            template (present) CoreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive.iE_Extensions mw_coreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive_paging(
                                                                                                                                               template (present) EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation p_eUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation := ?,
                                                                                                                                               template (present) ExtendedUEIdentityIndexValue p_extendedUEIdentityIndexValue := ?,
                                                                                                                                               template (present) UERadioCapabilityForPaging p_uERadioCapabilityForPaging := ?,
                                                                                                                                               template (present) MicoAllPLMN p_micoAllPLMN := ?
                                                                                                                                               ) := {
                    id             := id_EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation := p_eUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation }
                    id             := id_ExtendedUEIdentityIndexValue,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { ExtendedUEIdentityIndexValue := p_extendedUEIdentityIndexValue }
                    id             := id_UERadioCapabilityForPaging,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { UERadioCapabilityForPaging := p_uERadioCapabilityForPaging }
                    id             := id_MicoAllPLMN,
                    criticality    := ignore,
                    extensionValue := { MicoAllPLMN := p_micoAllPLMN }
                // TODO To be enhanced
            } // End of template mw_coreNetworkAssistanceInformationForInactive_paging

Iztok Juvancic's avatar
Iztok Juvancic committed
            //  type    record  COUNTValueForPDCP_SN12  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION COUNTValueForPDCP_SN12_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  COUNTValueForPDCP_SN18  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION COUNTValueForPDCP_SN18_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    octetstring CoverageEnhancementLevel;
            //  type    union   CPTransportLayerInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   CPTransportLayerInformation_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  CriticalityDiagnostics  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CriticalityDiagnostics_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofErrors)   of  CriticalityDiagnostics_IE_Item  CriticalityDiagnostics_IE_List;
            //  type    record  CriticalityDiagnostics_IE_Item  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CriticalityDiagnostics_IE_Item_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  CellBasedMDT_NR {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CellBasedMDT_NR_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellIDforMDT) of  NR_CGI  CellIdListforMDT_NR;
            //  type    record  CellBasedMDT_EUTRA  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CellBasedMDT_EUTRA_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  CellBasedQMC    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CellBasedQMC_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellIDforQMC) of  NGRAN_CGI   CellIdListforQMC;
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellIDforMDT) of  EUTRA_CGI   CellIdListforMDT_EUTRA;
            //  type    bitstring   DataCodingScheme    length  (8);
            //  type    enumerated  DataForwardingAccepted  {
            template (present) DataForwardingAccepted mw_dataForwardingAccepted(template (present) DataForwardingAccepted p_value := ?) := p_value;
Iztok Juvancic's avatar
Iztok Juvancic committed
            //  type    enumerated  DataForwardingNotPossible   {
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofDRBs) of  DataForwardingResponseDRBItem   DataForwardingResponseDRBList;
            //  type    record  DataForwardingResponseDRBItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DataForwardingResponseDRBItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  DAPSRequestInfo {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DAPSRequestInfo_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofDRBs) of  DAPSResponseInfoItem    DAPSResponseInfoList;
            //  type    record  DAPSResponseInfoItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DAPSResponseInfoItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  DAPSResponseInfo    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DAPSResponseInfo_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofE_RABs)   of  DataForwardingResponseERABListItem  DataForwardingResponseERABList;
            //  type    record  DataForwardingResponseERABListItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DataForwardingResponseERABListItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  DelayCritical   {
            //  type    record  DL_CP_SecurityInformation   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DL_CP_SecurityInformation_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    bitstring   DL_NAS_MAC  length  (16);
            //  type    enumerated  DLForwarding    {
            //  type    enumerated  DL_NGU_TNLInformationReused {
            //  type    enumerated  DirectForwardingPathAvailability    {
            //  type    integer DRB_ID  (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofDRBs) of  DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferList;
            //  type    record  DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBsSubjectToStatusTransferItem_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    union   DRBStatusDL {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   DRBStatusDL_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  DRBStatusDL12   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBStatusDL12_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  DRBStatusDL18   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBStatusDL18_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    union   DRBStatusUL {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   DRBStatusUL_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  DRBStatusUL12   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBStatusUL12_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  DRBStatusUL18   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBStatusUL18_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofDRBs) of  DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem   DRBsToQosFlowsMappingList;
            //  type    record  DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBsToQosFlowsMappingItem_ExtIEs    (
            //  type    record  Dynamic5QIDescriptor    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION Dynamic5QIDescriptor_ExtIEs (
            //  type    enumerated  EarlyMeasurement    {
            //  type    record  EarlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EarlyStatusTransfer_TransparentContainer_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    union   ProcedureStageChoice    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   ProcedureStageChoice_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  FirstDLCount    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FirstDLCount_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofDRBs) of  DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item   DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_List;
            //  type    record  DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION DRBsSubjectToEarlyStatusTransfer_Item_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    enumerated  EDT_Session {
            //  type    octetstring EmergencyAreaID length  (3);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEmergencyAreaID)  of  EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item  EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA;
            //  type    record  EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastEUTRA_Item_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEmergencyAreaID)  of  EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR;
            //  type    record  EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EmergencyAreaIDBroadcastNR_Item_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEmergencyAreaID)  of  EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item  EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA;
            //  type    record  EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EmergencyAreaIDCancelledEUTRA_Item_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEmergencyAreaID)  of  EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR;
            //  type    record  EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EmergencyAreaIDCancelledNR_Item_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEmergencyAreaID)  of  EmergencyAreaID EmergencyAreaIDList;
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEAIforRestart)    of  EmergencyAreaID EmergencyAreaIDListForRestart;
            //  type    record  EmergencyFallbackIndicator  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EmergencyFallbackIndicator_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  EmergencyFallbackRequestIndicator   {
            //  type    enumerated  EmergencyServiceTargetCN    {
            //  type    union   ENB_ID  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   ENB_ID_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  Enhanced_CoverageRestriction    {
            //  type    integer Extended_ConnectedTime  (0  ..  255);   
            //  type    octetstring EN_DCSONConfigurationTransfer;
            //  type    record  EndpointIPAddressAndPort    {
            //  type    enumerated  EndIndication   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EndpointIPAddressAndPort_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEPLMNs)   of  PLMNIdentity    EquivalentPLMNs;
            //  type    octetstring EPS_TAC length  (2);
            //  type    record  EPS_TAI {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EPS_TAI_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    integer E_RAB_ID    (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofE_RABs)   of  E_RABInformationItem    E_RABInformationList;
            //  type    record  E_RABInformationItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION E_RABInformationItem_ExtIEs (
            //  type    bitstring   EUTRACellIdentity   length  (28);
            //  type    record  EUTRA_CGI   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRA_CGI_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsinngeNB) of  EUTRA_CGI   EUTRA_CGIList;
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellIDforWarning) of  EUTRA_CGI   EUTRA_CGIListForWarning;
            //  type    record  EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRA_PagingeDRXInformation_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    enumerated  EUTRA_Paging_eDRX_Cycle {
            //  type    enumerated  EUTRA_Paging_Time_Window    {
            //  type    bitstring   EUTRAencryptionAlgorithms   length  (
            //  type    bitstring   EUTRAintegrityProtectionAlgorithms  length  (
            //  type    enumerated  EventType   {
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofThresholdsForExcessPacketDelay)   of  ExcessPacketDelayThresholdItem  ExcessPacketDelayThresholdConfiguration;
            //  type    record  ExcessPacketDelayThresholdItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ExcessPacketDelayThresholdItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  ExcessPacketDelayThresholdValue {
            //  type    integer ExpectedActivityPeriod  (
            //  type    enumerated  ExpectedHOInterval  {
            //  type    integer ExpectedIdlePeriod  (
            //  type    record  ExpectedUEActivityBehaviour {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ExpectedUEActivityBehaviour_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  ExpectedUEBehaviour {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ExpectedUEBehaviour_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    enumerated  ExpectedUEMobility  {
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsUEMovingTrajectory)  of  ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem  ExpectedUEMovingTrajectory;
            //  type    record  ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ExpectedUEMovingTrajectoryItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  Extended_AMFName    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION Extended_AMFName_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    integer ExtendedPacketDelayBudget   (
            //  type    record  Extended_RANNodeName    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION Extended_RANNodeName_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ExtendedRATRestrictionInformation_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    integer ExtendedRNC_ID  (4096   ..  65535); 
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofExtSliceItems)    of  SliceSupportItem    ExtendedSliceSupportList;
            //  type    bitstring   ExtendedUEIdentityIndexValue    length  (16);
            //  type    union   EventTrigger    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   EventTrigger_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  EventL1LoggedMDTConfig  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EventL1LoggedMDTConfig_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    union   MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MeasurementThresholdL1LoggedMDT_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  FailureIndication   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FailureIndication_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  FiveG_ProSeAuthorized   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FiveG_ProSeAuthorized_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    enumerated  FiveGProSeDirectDiscovery   {
            //  type    enumerated  FiveGProSeDirectCommunication   {
            //  type    enumerated  FiveGProSeLayer2UEtoNetworkRelay    {
            //  type    enumerated  FiveGProSeLayer3UEtoNetworkRelay    {
            //  type    enumerated  FiveGProSeLayer2RemoteUE    {
            //  type    record  FiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FiveG_ProSePC5QoSParameters_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPC5QoSFlows)  of  FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem    FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowList;
            //  type    record  FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FiveGProSePC5QoSFlowItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  FiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FiveGProSePC5FlowBitRates_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  FiveG_S_TMSI    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FiveG_S_TMSI_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    octetstring FiveG_TMSI  length  (4);
            //  type    integer FiveQI  (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne)    of  ForbiddenAreaInformation_Item   ForbiddenAreaInformation;
            //  type    record  ForbiddenAreaInformation_Item   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ForbiddenAreaInformation_Item_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofForbTACs) of  TAC ForbiddenTACs;
            //  type    record  FromEUTRANtoNGRAN   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FromEUTRANtoNGRAN_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  FromNGRANtoEUTRAN   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION FromNGRANtoEUTRAN_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  GBR_QosInformation  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GBR_QosInformation_ExtIEs   (
            //  type    octetstring GlobalCable_ID;
            //  type    record  GlobalCable_ID_new  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalCable_ID_new_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalENB_ID    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalENB_ID_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalGNB_ID    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalGNB_ID_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalN3IWF_ID  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalN3IWF_ID_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalLine_ID   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalLine_ID_ExtIEs    (
            //  type    octetstring GlobalLineIdentity;
            //  type    record  GlobalNgENB_ID  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalNgENB_ID_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    union   GlobalRANNodeID {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   GlobalRANNodeID_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  GlobalTNGF_ID   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalTNGF_ID_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalTWIF_ID   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalTWIF_ID_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  GlobalW_AGF_ID  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GlobalW_AGF_ID_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    union   GNB_ID  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   GNB_ID_ExtIEs   (?);

            template (present) GTP_TEID mw_ie_gtpTeId(template (present) GTP_TEID p_val := ?) := p_val;

            template (present) GTPTunnel mw_ie_gTPTunnel(
                                                     in template (present) TransportLayerAddress p_tla := ?,
                                                     in template (present) GTP_TEID p_gtp_teid := ?,
                                                     in template GTPTunnel.iE_Extensions p_iE_Extensions := *
                                                     ):= {
                transportLayerAddress := p_tla,
                gTP_TEID              := p_gtp_teid,
                iE_Extensions         := p_iE_Extensions
            } // End of template mw_ie_gTPTunnel

            template (present) UPTransportLayerInformation mw_ie_uPTLInf(
                                                                         template (present) GTPTunnel p_gtpt := ?
                                                                         ) := {
               gTPTunnel := p_gtpt
            } // End of template mw_ie_uPTLInf
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Iztok Juvancic committed
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            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GTPTunnel_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  GUAMI   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION GUAMI_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    enumerated  GUAMIType   {
            //  type    record  HandoverCommandTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HandoverCommandTransfer_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  HandoverFlag    {
            //  type    record  HandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HandoverPreparationUnsuccessfulTransfer_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  HandoverRequestAcknowledgeTransfer  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HandoverRequestAcknowledgeTransfer_ExtIEs   (
            //  type    record  HandoverRequiredTransfer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HandoverRequiredTransfer_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  HandoverResourceAllocationUnsuccessfulTransfer  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HandoverResourceAllocationUnsuccessfulTransfer_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  HandoverType    {
            //  type    bitstring   HashedUEIdentityIndexValue  length  (
            //  type    octetstring HFCNode_ID;
            //  type    record  HFCNode_ID_new  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HFCNode_ID_new_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  HOReport    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION HOReport_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    integer Hysteresis  (0  ..  30);    
            //  type    enumerated  IAB_Authorized  {
            //  type    enumerated  IAB_Supported   {
            //  type    enumerated  IABNodeIndication   {
            //  type    enumerated  IMSVoiceSupportIndicator    {
            //  type    integer IndexToRFSP (
            //  type    record  InfoOnRecommendedCellsAndRANNodesForPaging  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION InfoOnRecommendedCellsAndRANNodesForPaging_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    enumerated  IntegrityProtectionIndication   {
            //  type    enumerated  IntegrityProtectionResult   {
            //  type    integer IntendedNumberOfPagingAttempts  (
            //  type    bitstring   InterfacesToTrace   length  (8);
            //  type    record  ImmediateMDTNr  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION ImmediateMDTNr_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  InterSystemFailureIndication    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION InterSystemFailureIndication_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemSONConfigurationTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemSONConfigurationTransfer_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   IntersystemSONTransferType  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   IntersystemSONTransferType_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemSONeNBID {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemSONeNBID_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemSONNGRANnodeID   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemSONNGRANnodeID_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    union   IntersystemSONInformation   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   IntersystemSONInformation_ExtIEs    (
            //  type    union   IntersystemSONInformationRequest    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   IntersystemSONInformationRequest_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemCellActivationRequest    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemCellActivationRequest_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsinNGRANNode) of  NGRAN_CGI   CellsToActivateList;
            //  type    record  IntersystemResourceStatusRequest    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemResourceStatusRequest_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    union   ReportingSystem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   ReportingSystem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_ReportingSystemIEs   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_ReportingSystemIEs_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  NGRAN_ReportingSystemIEs    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_ReportingSystemIEs_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofReportedCells)    of  EUTRAN_CellToReportItem EUTRAN_CellToReportList;
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_CellToReportItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_CellToReportItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofReportedCells)    of  NGRAN_CellToReportItem  NGRAN_CellToReportList;
            //  type    record  NGRAN_CellToReportItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_CellToReportItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    bitstring   ReportCharacteristics   length  (32);
            //  type    union   ReportType  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   ReportType_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  EventBasedReportingIEs  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EventBasedReportingIEs_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    integer IntersystemResourceThreshold    (0  ..  100);   
            //  type    enumerated  NumberOfMeasurementReportingLevels  {
            //  type    record  PeriodicReportingIEs    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PeriodicReportingIEs_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    enumerated  ReportingPeriodicity    {
            //  type    union   IntersystemSONInformationReply  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   IntersystemSONInformationReply_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemCellActivationReply  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemCellActivationReply_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsinNGRANNode) of  NGRAN_CGI   ActivatedCellList;
            //  type    record  IntersystemResourceStatusReply  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemResourceStatusReply_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    union   IntersystemSONInformationReport {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   IntersystemSONInformationReport_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  IntersystemCellStateIndication  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemCellStateIndication_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsinNGRANNode) of  NotificationCell_Item   NotificationCellList;
            //  type    record  NotificationCell_Item   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NotificationCell_Item_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemResourceStatusReport {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemResourceStatusReport_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   ResourceStatusReportingSystem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   ResourceStatusReportingSystem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_ReportingStatusIEs   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_ReportingStatusIEs_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofReportedCells)    of  EUTRAN_CellReportItem   EUTRAN_CellReportList;
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_CellReportItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_CellReportItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  CompositeAvailableCapacity  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION CompositeAvailableCapacity_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    integer EUTRAN_NumberOfActiveUEs    (
            //  type    record  EUTRAN_RadioResourceStatus  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION EUTRAN_RadioResourceStatus_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  NGRAN_ReportingStatusIEs    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_ReportingStatusIEs_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofReportedCells)    of  NGRAN_CellReportItem    NGRAN_CellReportList;
            //  type    record  NGRAN_CellReportItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_CellReportItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    integer NGRAN_NumberOfActiveUEs (
            //  type    integer NGRAN_NoofRRCConnections    (
            //  type    record  NGRAN_RadioResourceStatus   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_RadioResourceStatus_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  InterSystemHOReport {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION InterSystemHOReport_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   InterSystemHandoverReportType   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   InterSystemHandoverReportType_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  IntersystemUnnecessaryHO    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION IntersystemUnnecessaryHO_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    octetstring LAC length  (2);
            //  type    record  LAI {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LAI_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   LastVisitedCellInformation  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   LastVisitedCellInformation_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  LastVisitedCellItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LastVisitedCellItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    octetstring LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation;
            //  type    octetstring LastVisitedGERANCellInformation;
            //  type    record  LastVisitedNGRANCellInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LastVisitedNGRANCellInformation_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPSCellsPerPrimaryCellinUEHistoryInfo) of  LastVisitedPSCellInformation    LastVisitedPSCellList;
            //  type    record  LastVisitedPSCellInformation    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LastVisitedPSCellInformation_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    octetstring LastVisitedUTRANCellInformation;
            //  type    enumerated  LineType    {
            //  type    enumerated  LocationReportingAdditionalInfo {
            //  type    integer LocationReportingReferenceID    (
            //  type    record  LocationReportingRequestType    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LocationReportingRequestType_ExtIEs (
            //  type    record  LoggedMDTNr {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LoggedMDTNr_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  LoggingInterval {
            //  type    enumerated  LoggingDuration {
            //  type    enumerated  Links_to_log    {
            //  type    union   LoggedMDTTrigger    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   LoggedMDTTrigger_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    enumerated  LTEM_Indication {
            //  type    octetstring LTEUERLFReportContainer;
            //  type    record  LTEV2XServicesAuthorized    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LTEV2XServicesAuthorized_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  LTEUESidelinkAggregateMaximumBitrate    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION LTEUE_Sidelink_Aggregate_MaximumBitrates_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    bitstring   MaskedIMEISV    length  (64);
            //  type    integer MaximumDataBurstVolume  (
            //  type    bitstring   MessageIdentifier   length  (16);
            //  type    enumerated  MaximumIntegrityProtectedDataRate   {
            //  type    integer MBS_AreaSessionID   (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMRBs) of  MBS_DataForwardingResponseMRBItem   MBS_DataForwardingResponseMRBList;
            //  type    record  MBS_DataForwardingResponseMRBItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_DataForwardingResponseMRBItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMRBs) of  MBS_MappingandDataForwardingRequestItem MBS_MappingandDataForwardingRequestList;
            //  type    record  MBS_MappingandDataForwardingRequestItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_MappingandDataForwardingRequestItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSQoSFlows)  of  QosFlowIdentifier   MBS_QoSFlowList;
            //  type    union   MRB_ProgressInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MRB_ProgressInformation_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSQoSFlows)  of  MBS_QoSFlowsToBeSetupItem   MBS_QoSFlowsToBeSetupList;
            //  type    record  MBS_QoSFlowsToBeSetupItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_QoSFlowsToBeSetupItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    union   MBS_ServiceArea {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MBS_ServiceArea_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSServiceAreaInformation)    of  MBS_ServiceAreaInformationItem  MBS_ServiceAreaInformationList;
            //  type    record  MBS_ServiceAreaInformationItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_ServiceAreaInformationItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  MBS_ServiceAreaInformation  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_ServiceAreaInformation_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsforMBS)  of  NR_CGI  MBS_ServiceAreaCellList;
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofTAIforMBS)    of  TAI MBS_ServiceAreaTAIList;
            //  type    record  MBS_SessionID   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_SessionID_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessions)  of  MBSSessionFailedtoSetupItem MBSSessionFailedtoSetupList;
            //  type    record  MBSSessionFailedtoSetupItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionFailedtoSetupItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessionsofUE)  of  MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetItem MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetList;
            //  type    record  MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_SourcetoTargetItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessionsofUE)  of  MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceItem MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceList;
            //  type    record  MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_ActiveSessionInformation_TargettoSourceItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetupOrModFailureTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionSetupOrModFailureTransfer_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessions)  of  MBSSessionSetupResponseItem MBSSessionSetupResponseList;
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetupResponseItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionSetupResponseItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetupOrModRequestTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MBSSessionSetupOrModRequestTransferIEs  (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSFSAs)  of  MBS_SessionFSAID    MBS_SessionFSAIDList;
            //  type    octetstring MBS_SessionFSAID    length  (3);
            //  type    record  MBSSessionReleaseResponseTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionReleaseResponseTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetupOrModResponseTransfer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionSetupOrModResponseTransfer_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    enumerated  MBS_SupportIndicator    {
            //  type    union   MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GC   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GC_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSServiceAreaInformation)    of  MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GCItem   MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GCList;
            //  type    record  MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GCItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_SessionTNLInfo5GCItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    union   MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRAN {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRAN_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSServiceAreaInformation)    of  MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRANItem MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRANList;
            //  type    record  MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRANItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_SessionTNLInfoNGRANItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  MBS_DistributionReleaseRequestTransfer  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_DistributionReleaseRequesTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  MBS_DistributionSetupRequestTransfer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_DistributionSetupRequestTransfer_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  MBS_DistributionSetupResponseTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_DistributionSetupResponseTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  MBS_DistributionSetupUnsuccessfulTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBS_DistributionSetupUnsuccessfulTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessions)  of  MBSSessionSetupRequestItem  MBSSessionSetupRequestList;
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetupRequestItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionSetupRequestItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessions)  of  MBSSessionSetuporModifyRequestItem  MBSSessionSetuporModifyRequestList;
            //  type    record  MBSSessionSetuporModifyRequestItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionSetuporModifyRequestItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMBSSessions)  of  MBSSessionToReleaseItem MBSSessionToReleaseList;
            //  type    record  MBSSessionToReleaseItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MBSSessionToReleaseItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    enumerated  MBSSessionStatus    {
            //  type    enumerated  MicoAllPLMN {
            //  type    enumerated  MICOModeIndication  {
            //  type    bitstring   MobilityInformation length  (16);
            //  type    record  MobilityRestrictionList {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MobilityRestrictionList_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    union   MDT_AlignmentInfo   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MDT_AlignmentInfo_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMDTPLMNs) of  PLMNIdentity    MDTPLMNList;
            //  type    record  length  (0  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofMDTPLMNs) of  PLMNIdentity    MDTPLMNModificationList;
            //  type    record  MDT_Configuration   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MDT_Configuration_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  MDT_Configuration_NR    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MDT_Configuration_NR_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  MDT_Configuration_EUTRA {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MDT_Configuration_EUTRA_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    enumerated  MDT_Activation  {
            //  type    union   MDTModeNr   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MDTModeNr_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    octetstring MDTModeEutra;
            //  type    bitstring   MeasurementsToActivate  length  (8);
            //  type    integer MRB_ID  (
            //  type    record  MulticastSessionActivationRequestTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MulticastSessionActivationRequestTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  MulticastSessionDeactivationRequestTransfer {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MulticastSessionDeactivationRequestTransfer_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  MulticastSessionUpdateRequestTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   MulticastSessionUpdateRequestTransferIEs    (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPagingAreas)  of  MulticastGroupPagingAreaItem    MulticastGroupPagingAreaList;
            //  type    record  MulticastGroupPagingAreaItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MulticastGroupPagingAreaItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofTAIforPaging) of  TAI MBS_AreaTAIList;
            //  type    record  MulticastGroupPagingArea    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MulticastGroupPagingArea_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofUEsforPaging) of  UE_PagingItem   UE_PagingList;
            //  type    record  UE_PagingItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION UE_PagingItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  M1Configuration {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M1Configuration_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  IncludeBeamMeasurementsIndication   {
            //  type    integer MaxNrofRS_IndexesToReport   (
            //  type    enumerated  M1ReportingTrigger  {
            //  type    record  M1ThresholdEventA2  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M1ThresholdEventA2_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    union   M1ThresholdType {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   M1ThresholdType_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  M1PeriodicReporting {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M1PeriodicReporting_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  M4Configuration {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M4Configuration_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  M4ReportAmountMDT   {
            //  type    enumerated  M4period    {
            //  type    record  M5Configuration {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M5Configuration_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  M5ReportAmountMDT   {
            //  type    enumerated  M5period    {
            //  type    record  M6Configuration {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M6Configuration_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  M6ReportAmountMDT   {
            //  type    enumerated  M6report_Interval   {
            //  type    record  M7Configuration {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION M7Configuration_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    enumerated  M7ReportAmountMDT   {
            //  type    integer M7period    (
            //  type    record  MDT_Location_Info   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION MDT_Location_Info_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    bitstring   MDT_Location_Information    length  (8);
            //  type    union   N3IWF_ID    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   N3IWF_ID_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    octetstring NAS_PDU;
            //  type    octetstring NASSecurityParametersFromNGRAN;
            //  type    enumerated  NB_IoT_DefaultPagingDRX {
            //  type    enumerated  NB_IoT_PagingDRX    {
            //  type    enumerated  NB_IoT_Paging_eDRXCycle {
            //  type    enumerated  NB_IoT_Paging_TimeWindow    {
            //  type    record  NB_IoT_Paging_eDRXInfo  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NB_IoT_Paging_eDRXInfo_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    integer NB_IoT_UEPriority   (
            //  type    integer NetworkInstance (
            //  type    enumerated  NewSecurityContextInd   {
            //  type    integer NextHopChainingCount    (0  ..  7); 
            //  type    enumerated  NextPagingAreaScope {
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofNGAPIESupportInfo)    of  NGAPIESupportInformationRequestItem NGAPIESupportInformationRequestList;
            //  type    record  NGAPIESupportInformationRequestItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGAPIESupportInformationRequestItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofNGAPIESupportInfo)    of  NGAPIESupportInformationResponseItem    NGAPIESupportInformationResponseList;
            //  type    record  NGAPIESupportInformationResponseItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGAPIESupportInformationResponseItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    union   NgENB_ID    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NgENB_ID_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    enumerated  NotifySourceNGRANNode   {
            //  type    union   NGRAN_CGI   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NGRAN_CGI_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofTNLAssociations)  of  NGRAN_TNLAssociationToRemoveItem    NGRAN_TNLAssociationToRemoveList;
            //  type    record  NGRAN_TNLAssociationToRemoveItem    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NGRAN_TNLAssociationToRemoveItem_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    octetstring NGRANTraceID    length  (8);
            //  type    bitstring   NID length  (44);
            //  type    record  NonDynamic5QIDescriptor {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NonDynamic5QIDescriptor_ExtIEs  (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofAllowedAreas) of  TAC NotAllowedTACs;
            //  type    enumerated  NotificationCause   {
            //  type    enumerated  NotificationControl {
            //  type    union   NPN_AccessInformation   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NPN_AccessInformation_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    union   NPN_MobilityInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NPN_MobilityInformation_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   NPN_PagingAssistanceInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NPN_PagingAssistanceInformation_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    union   NPN_Support {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   NPN_Support_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    bitstring   NRCellIdentity  length  (36);
            //  type    record  NR_CGI  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NR_CGI_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellsingNB)   of  NR_CGI  NR_CGIList;
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofCellIDforWarning) of  NR_CGI  NR_CGIListForWarning;
            //  type    record  NR_PagingeDRXInformation    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NR_PagingeDRXInformation_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    enumerated  NR_Paging_eDRX_Cycle    {
            //  type    enumerated  NR_Paging_Time_Window   {
            //  type    bitstring   NRencryptionAlgorithms  length  (
            //  type    bitstring   NRintegrityProtectionAlgorithms length  (
            //  type    octetstring NRMobilityHistoryReport;
            //  type    octetstring NRPPa_PDU;
            //  type    octetstring NRUERLFReportContainer;
            //  type    record  NRNTNTAIInformation {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NRNTNTAIInformation_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    integer NumberOfBroadcasts  (0  ..  65535); 
            //  type    integer NumberOfBroadcastsRequested (0  ..  65535); 
            //  type    integer NRARFCN (0  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxNRARFCN); 
            //  type    integer NRFrequencyBand (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofNRCellBands)  of  NRFrequencyBandItem NRFrequencyBand_List;
            //  type    record  NRFrequencyBandItem {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NRFrequencyBandItem_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  NRFrequencyInfo {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NRFrequencyInfo_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    integer NR_PCI  (
            //  type    record  NRV2XServicesAuthorized {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NRV2XServicesAuthorized_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    enumerated  VehicleUE   {
            //  type    enumerated  PedestrianUE    {
            //  type    record  NRUESidelinkAggregateMaximumBitrate {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION NRUESidelinkAggregateMaximumBitrate_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    integer NSAG_ID (
            //  type    enumerated  OnboardingSupport   {
            //  type    enumerated  OverloadAction  {
            //  type    union   OverloadResponse    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_IES   OverloadResponse_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofSliceItems)   of  OverloadStartNSSAIItem  OverloadStartNSSAIList;
            //  type    record  OverloadStartNSSAIItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION OverloadStartNSSAIItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    integer PacketDelayBudget   (
            //  type    record  PacketErrorRate {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PacketErrorRate_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    integer PacketLossRate  (
            //  type    record  PagingAssisDataforCEcapabUE {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PagingAssisDataforCEcapabUE_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  PagingAttemptInformation    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PagingAttemptInformation_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    integer PagingAttemptCount  (
            //  type    enumerated  PagingCause {
            //  type    enumerated  PagingCauseIndicationForVoiceService    {
            //  type    enumerated  PagingDRX   {
            //  type    enumerated  PagingOrigin    {
            //  type    enumerated  PagingPriority  {
            //  type    enumerated  PagingProbabilityInformation    {
            //  type    record  PathSwitchRequestAcknowledgeTransfer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PathSwitchRequestAcknowledgeTransfer_ExtIEs (
            //  type    record  PathSwitchRequestSetupFailedTransfer    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PathSwitchRequestSetupFailedTransfer_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  PathSwitchRequestTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PathSwitchRequestTransfer_ExtIEs    (
            //  type    record  PathSwitchRequestUnsuccessfulTransfer   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PathSwitchRequestUnsuccessfulTransfer_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  PC5QoSParameters    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PC5QoSParameters_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPC5QoSFlows)  of  PC5QoSFlowItem  PC5QoSFlowList;
            //  type    record  PC5QoSFlowItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PC5QoSFlowItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  PC5FlowBitRates {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PC5FlowBitRates_ExtIEs  (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofNeighPCIforMDT)   of  NR_PCI  PCIListForMDT;
            //  type    enumerated  PrivacyIndicator    {
            //  type    record  PDUSessionAggregateMaximumBitRate   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionAggregateMaximumBitRate_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    integer PDUSessionID    (0  ..  255);   
            //  type    integer PDUSessionPairID    (
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceAdmittedItem  PDUSessionResourceAdmittedList;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceAdmittedItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceAdmittedItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModCfm  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyListModCfm;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModCfm  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModCfm_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModRes  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyListModRes;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModRes  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToModifyItemModRes_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESReq  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeListRESReq;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESReq  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESReq_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESRes  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeListRESRes;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESRes  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToResumeItemRESRes_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtFail  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupListCxtFail;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtFail  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtFail_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtRes   PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupListCxtRes;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtRes   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemCxtRes_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemHOAck    PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupListHOAck;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemHOAck    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemHOAck_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemPSReq    PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupListPSReq;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemPSReq    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemPSReq_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemSURes    PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupListSURes;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemSURes    {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceFailedToSetupItemSURes_ExtIEs (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceHandoverItem  PDUSessionResourceHandoverList;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceHandoverItem  {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceHandoverItem_ExtIEs   (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceInformationItem   PDUSessionResourceInformationList;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceInformationItem   {
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceInformationItem_ExtIEs    (?);
            //  type    record  length  (1  ..  NGAP_Constants.maxnoofPDUSessions)  of  PDUSessionResourceItemCxtRelCpl PDUSessionResourceListCxtRelCpl;
            //  type    record  PDUSessionResourceItemCxtRelCpl {
            //  type    octetstring PDUSessionResourceReleaseResponseTransfer_OCTET_STRING;
            //  type    NGAP_Containers.NGAP_PROTOCOL_EXTENSION PDUSessionResourceItemCxtRelCpl_ExtIEs  (