Commits (10)
syntax = "proto3";
package an_epon_onu_transceivers;
message EponOnuTransceivers {
message EponOnuTransceiver {
//The name of ONU.
string name = 1;
//Received optical power.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 optical_unit_rx_power = 2;
//Transmit optical power.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 optical_unit_tx_power = 3;
//The current bias of the port.The unit is 0.01mA.
int32 optical_unit_laser_bias_current = 4;
//The current temperature of the optical module.The unit is 0.01℃.
int32 optical_unit_temperature = 5;
//The current voltage of the optical module.The unit is 0.01V.
int32 optical_unit_voltage = 6;
// Optical module type.(0:unknown,1:epon,2:10g-epon-s,3:10g-epon-a,-1:invalid)
int32 module_type = 7;
//Optical module subtype.
string module_sub_type = 8;
repeated EponOnuTransceiver epon_onu_transceiver = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package an_epon_pm_olt_transceivers;
message EponPmOltTransceivers {
message EponPmOltTransceiver {
//The name of EPON port.
string name = 1;
//Optical module temperature.The uint is 0.01℃.
int32 temperature = 2;
//Type of channel 1. The unit is 0.01V.
int32 supply_voltage = 3;
//Type of channel 1.
int32 channel_1_type = 4;
//Current transmit bias of channel 1.The unit is 0.01mA.
int32 channel_1_tx_bias = 5;
//Transmit power of channel 1.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 channel_1_tx_power = 6;
//Optical power at idle time of channel 1.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 channel_1_idle_rssi = 7;
//Type of channel 2.
int32 channel_2_type = 8;
//Current transmit bias of channel 2.The unit is 0.01mA.
int32 channel_2_tx_bias = 9;
//Transmit power of channel 2.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 channel_2_tx_power = 10;
//Optical power at idle time of channel 2.The unit is 0.01dBm.
int32 channel_2_idle_rssi = 11;
//Optical module type.(0:unknown,1:epon,2:10g-epon-s,3:10g-epon-a,-1:invalid)
int32 module_type = 12;
//Optical module subtype
string module_sub_type = 13;
repeated EponPmOltTransceiver epon_pm_olt_transceiver = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package an_epon_pm_olt_traffic;
message EponPmOltTraffics {
message EponPmOltTraffic {
//The name of EPON port.
string name = 1;
//Ethernet frame bytes sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_bytes = 2;
//Ethernet frame bytes received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_bytes = 3;
//Number of Ethernet packets sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_pkt = 4;
//Number of Ethernet packets received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_pkt = 5;
//Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 6;
//Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 7;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 8;
//Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 9;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 10;
//Number of Ethernet error packets received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 11;
//Average transmit rate of the EPON port. The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_rate = 12;
//Average receive rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_rate = 13;
//Peak transmit rate of the EPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 14;
//Peak receive rate of the EPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 15;
//The number of unicast frame bytes sent by the EPON port .
uint64 port_tx_unicast_bytes = 16;
//The number of unicast frame bytes received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_unicast_bytes = 17;
//The number of multicast frame bytes sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_multicast_bytes = 18;
//Average transmit unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_unicast_rate = 19;
//Average receive unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_unicast_rate = 20;
//Average transmit multicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_multicast_rate = 21;
//Peak transmit unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_unicast_rate = 22;
//Peak receive unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_unicast_rate = 23;
//Peak transmit multicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_multicast_rate = 24;
repeated EponPmOltTraffic pm_olt_traffic = 1;
message EponPmOltChannelTraffics {
message EponPmOltChannelTraffic {
//The name of EPON port.
string name = 1;
//The number of EPON port channel.
uint32 channel = 2;
//Ethernet frame bytes sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_bytes = 3;
//Ethernet frame bytes received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_bytes = 4;
//Number of Ethernet packets sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_pkt = 5;
//Number of Ethernet packets received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_pkt = 6;
//Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 7;
//Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 8;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 9;
//Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 10;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 11;
//Number of Ethernet error packets received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 12;
//Average transmit rate of the EPON port. The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_rate = 13;
//Average receive rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_rate = 14;
//Peak transmit rate of the EPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 15;
//Peak receive rate of the EPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 16;
//The number of unicast frame bytes sent by the EPON port .
uint64 port_tx_unicast_bytes = 17;
//The number of unicast frame bytes received by the EPON port.
uint64 port_rx_unicast_bytes = 18;
//The number of multicast frame bytes sent by the EPON port.
uint64 port_tx_multicast_bytes = 19;
//Average transmit unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_unicast_rate = 20;
//Average receive unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_unicast_rate = 21;
//Average transmit multicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_multicast_rate = 22;
//Peak transmit unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_unicast_rate = 23;
//Peak receive unicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_unicast_rate = 24;
//Peak transmit multicast traffic rate of the EPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_multicast_rate = 25;
repeated EponPmOltChannelTraffic pm_olt_channel_traffic =1;
syntax = "proto3";
package an_ethernet_kpi;
message EthernetPortKpiRecords {
message EthernetPortKpiRecord {
//The name pf Ethernet port.
string name = 1;
//Ethernet frame bytes sent by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_bytes = 2;
//Ethernet frame bytes received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_bytes = 3;
//Number of Ethernet packets sent by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_packets = 4;
//Number of Ethernet packets received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_packets = 5;
//Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_discard_packets = 6;
//Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_discard_packets = 7;
//Number of Ethernet packets with misalignment (packet size is between 64bytes and 1518bytes and contains wrong CRC and misalignment).
uint64 port_rx_alignment_error_packets = 8;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the sending direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_crc_error_packets = 9;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_crc_error_packets = 10;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the sending direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_oversized_packets = 11;
//Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_oversized_packets = 12;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the sending direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_undersized_packets = 13;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_undersized_packets = 14;
//Number of fragment packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains wrong CRC) sent by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_fragment_packets = 15;
//Number of fragment packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains wrong CRC) received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_fragment_packets = 16;
//Number of jabber packets (packet size is bigger than 9396bytes and contains wrong CRC) received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_jabber_packets = 17;
// Number of jabber packets (packet size is bigger than 9396bytes and contains wrong CRC) received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_jabber_packets = 18;
//Number of Ethernet error packets sent by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_error_packets = 19;
//Number of Ethernet error packets received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_error_packets = 20;
//Average transmit rate of the Ethernet port. The unit is kbps.
uint64 port_tx_rate = 21;
//Average receive rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint64 port_rx_rate = 22;
//Peak transmit rate of the Ethernet port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint64 port_tx_peak_rate = 23;
//Peak receive rate of the Ethernet port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint64 port_rx_peak_rate = 24;
//The number of unicast frame bytes sent by the Ethernet port .
uint64 port_tx_unicast_bytes = 25;
//The number of unicast frame bytes received by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_rx_unicast_bytes = 26;
//The number of multicast frame bytes sent by the Ethernet port.
uint64 port_tx_multicast_bytes = 27;
//Average transmit unicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_unicast_rate = 28;
//Average receive unicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_unicast_rate = 29;
//Average transmit multicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_multicast_rate = 30;
//Peak transmit unicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_unicast_rate = 31;
//Peak receive unicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_unicast_rate = 32;
//Peak transmit multicast traffic rate of the Ethernet port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_multicast_rate = 33;
repeated EthernetPortKpiRecord ethernet_port_kpi_record = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package an_gpon_pm_olt_traffic;
message GponPmOltTraffics {
message GponPmOltTraffic {
//The name of GPON port.
string name = 1;
//Ethernet frame bytes sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_bytes = 2;
//Ethernet frame bytes received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_bytes = 3;
//Number of Ethernet packets sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_pkt = 4;
//Number of Ethernet packets received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_pkt = 5;
//Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 6;
//Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 7;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 8;
//Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 9;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 10;
//Number of Ethernet error packets received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 11;
//Average transmit rate of the GPON port. The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_rate = 12;
//Average receive rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_rate = 13;
//Peak transmit rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 14;
//Peak receive rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 15;
//The number of unicast frame bytes sent by the GPON port .
uint64 port_tx_unicast_bytes = 16;
//The number of unicast frame bytes received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_unicast_bytes = 17;
//The number of multicast frame bytes sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_multicast_bytes = 18;
//Average transmit unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_unicast_rate = 19;
//Average receive unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_unicast_rate = 20;
//Average transmit multicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_multicast_rate = 21;
//Peak transmit unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_unicast_rate = 22;
//Peak receive unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_unicast_rate = 23;
//Peak transmit multicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_multicast_rate = 24;
repeated gponPmOltTraffic pm_olt_traffic = 1;
message GponPmOltChannelTraffics {
message GponPmOltChannelTraffic {
//The name of GPON port.
string name = 1;
//The number of GPON port channel.
uint32 channel = 2;
//Ethernet frame bytes sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_bytes = 3;
//Ethernet frame bytes received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_bytes = 4;
//Number of Ethernet packets sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_pkt = 5;
//Number of Ethernet packets received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_pkt = 6;
//Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 7;
//Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 8;
//Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 9;
//Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 10;
//Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 11;
//Number of Ethernet error packets received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 12;
//Average transmit rate of the GPON port. The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_rate = 13;
//Average receive rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_rate = 14;
//Peak transmit rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 15;
//Peak receive rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 16;
//The number of unicast frame bytes sent by the GPON port .
uint64 port_tx_unicast_bytes = 17;
//The number of unicast frame bytes received by the GPON port.
uint64 port_rx_unicast_bytes = 18;
//The number of multicast frame bytes sent by the GPON port.
uint64 port_tx_multicast_bytes = 19;
//Average transmit unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_unicast_rate = 20;
//Average receive unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_unicast_rate = 21;
//Average transmit multicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_multicast_rate = 22;
//Peak transmit unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_unicast_rate = 23;
//Peak receive unicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_rx_peak_unicast_rate = 24;
//Peak transmit multicast traffic rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps.
uint32 port_tx_peak_multicast_rate = 25;
repeated GponPmOltChannelTraffic pm_olt_channel_traffic =1;
syntax = "proto3"; //proto v3.
package telemetry; //package name
message Telemetry { //telemetry message structure definition.
string node_id_str = 1; //The hostname of the device is the unique identifier of the device in the network, which can be configured and modified by the user. It is encoded as 1 in GPB encoding.
string subscription_id_str = 2; //Subscription name, the subscription name when the subscription is statically configured
string sensor_path = 3; //Subscription path
uint64 collection_id = 4; //Identify sampling rounds
uint64 collection_start_time = 5; //Identify the start time of the sampling round
uint64 msg_timestamp = 6; //Timestamp when this message was generated
TelemetryGPBTable data_gpb = 7; //data carried.
uint64 collection_end_time = 8; //Identify the end time of the sampling round
uint32 current_period = 9; //Sampling accuracy, in milliseconds
string except_desc = 10; //Exception description information, which is used to report exception information when sampling exceptions.
string product_name = 11; //Product name.
Encoding encoding = 12; //Data encoding.
enum Encoding {
Encoding_GPB = 0;
message TelemetryGPBTable { //TelemetryGPBTable message structure definition
repeated TelemetryRowGPB row = 1; //Array definition, the identification data is the repetition of the TelemetryRowGPB structure.
message TelemetryRowGPB {
uint64 timestamp = 1; //Timestamp at which the current instance was sampled.
bytes content = 11; //The sampled instance data carried is encoded as 11 in GPB encoding. It is necessary to combine the sensor_path field to determine which proto file will be encoded here.
syntax = "proto3";
package dialin;
service gRPCConfigOper {
rpc Subscribe(SubsArgs) returns(stream SubsReply) {};
rpc Cancel(CancelArgs) returns(CancelReply) {};
message Path {
string path = 1;
message SubsArgs {
uint64 request_id = 1;
uint32 encoding = 2;
repeated Destination destination = 3;
//Path to a section of operational state of interest (the sensor).
repeated Path path = 5;
//The accuracy of the collected data reported by the device
//to the collector
uint64 sample_interval = 6;
//Maximum time interval in seconds that may pass
//between updates from a device to a telemetry collector.
//If this interval expires, but there is no updated data to
//send (such as if suppress_updates has been configured), the
//device must send a telemetry message to the collector.
uint64 heartbeat_interval = 7;
//Boolean flag to control suppression of redundant
//telemetry updates to the collector platform. If this flag is
//set to TRUE, then the collector will only send an update at
//the configured interval if a subscribed data value has
//changed. Otherwise, the device will not send an update to
//the collector until expiration of the heartbeat interval.
bool suppress_redundant = 8;
//range "0..63"
//The dscp type represents a Differentiated Services Code Point
//that may be used for marking packets in a traffic stream.
//In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent
//to the Dscp textual convention of the SMIv2.
uint32 originated_qos_marking = 9;
message Destination {
// IP address of the telemetry stream destination
string destination_address = 1;
// Protocol (udp or tcp) port number for the telemetry
// stream destination
uint32 destination_port = 2;
message SubsReply {
uint32 subscription_id = 1;
uint64 request_id = 2;
string response_code = 3;
//containing the data described by the Telemetry message
//defined in hw_telemetry.proto
bytes message = 4;
message CancelArgs {
uint64 request_id = 1;
uint32 subscription_id = 2;
message CancelReply {
uint64 request_id = 1;
string response_code = 2;
string message = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
package dialout;
service gRPCDataservice {
rpc dataPublish(stream serviceArgs) returns(stream serviceArgs) {};
message serviceArgs {
int64 ReqId = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string errors = 3;