an-gpon-pm-onu-traffic.proto 610 Bytes
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syntax = "proto3";
package an_gpon_pm_onu_traffic;

message GponPmOnuTraffics {
    message GponPmOnuTraffic {
        //The name of ONU.
        string name = 1;

        //Average transmit rate of the ONU.The unit is kbps.
        uint32 tx_rate = 2;

        //Average receive rate of the ONU.The unit is kbps.
        uint32 rx_rate = 3;

        //Peak transmit rate of the ONU in seconds,The unit is kbps
        uint32 tx_peak_rate = 4;

        //Peak receive rate of the port in seconds.The unit is kbps
        uint32 rx_peak_rate = 5;
    repeated GponPmOnuTraffic gpon_pm_onu_traffic = 1;