syntax = "proto3";
package an_epon_pm_onu_remote_info;
message EponPmOnuRemoteInfos {
message EponPmOnuRemoteInfo {
//The name of ONU.
string name = 1;
//Memory utilization of ONU.The unit is %.
uint32 mem_occup = 2;
//CPU utilization of ONU.The unit is %.
uint32 cpu_occup = 3;
//CPU temperature of ONU.The unit is ℃.
int32 cpu_temp = 4;
//Number of packets sent by the ONU PON port.
uint64 onu_pon_send_packets = 5;
//Number of packets received by the ONU PON port.
uint64 onu_pon_recv_packets = 6;
//Number of error packets received by the ONU PON port.
uint64 onu_pon_recv_errors_packets = 7;
repeated EponPmOnuRemoteInfo epon_pm_onu_remote_info = 1;