an-bb-queue-kpi.proto 1.25 KB
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syntax = "proto3";
package an_bb_queue_kpi;

message QueueKpiRecords {
    message QueueKpiRecord {
        //Port name
        string name = 1;

        //Channel number of the port
        string channel = 2;

        //The index of the queue,which range is from 0 to 7.
        uint32 index = 3;

        //Number of bytes forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_bytes = 4;

        //Number of packets forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_packets = 5;

        //Number of packets discarded (red traffic) by the queue.
        uint64 drop_packets = 6;

        //Number of bytes of green traffic forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_green_bytes = 7;

        //Number of packets of green traffic forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_green_packets = 8;

        //Number of packets of green traffic discarded by the queue.
        uint64 drop_green_packets = 9;

        //Number of bytes of yellow traffic forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_yellow_bytes = 10;

        //Number of packets of yellow traffic forwarded by the queue.
        uint64 pass_yellow_packets = 11;

        //Number of packets of yellow traffic discarded by the queue.
        uint64 drop_yellow_packets = 12;
    repeated QueueKpiRecord queue_kpi_record = 1;