LibNg112_Pixits.ttcn 19.4 KB
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module LibNg112_Pixits {
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  // RFC5222
  import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_lost1 language "XSD" all
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Yann Garcia committed
  with {
    extension "File:../xsd/RFC5222_lost.xsd";
garciay's avatar
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garciay's avatar
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  // RFC 5139
  import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_civicAddr language "XSD" all
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
  with {
    extension "File:../xsd/RFC5139_pdif_geopriv10_civic_address.xsd";
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
  // RFC5222
  import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_lost1 language "XSD" all
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
  with {
    extension "File:../xsd/RFC5222_lost.xsd";
garciay's avatar
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garciay's avatar
garciay committed
  import from http_www_opengis_net_pidflo_1_0 language "XSD" all
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Yann Garcia committed
  with {
    extension "File:../xsd/GLM_pidf_lo_shape.xsd";
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
  import from http_www_opengis_net_gml language "XSD" all
  with {
    extension "File:../xsd/gmlBase.xsd";
    extension "File:../xsd/basicTypes.xsd";
    extension "File:../xsd/measures.xsd";
    extension "File:../xsd/geometryPrimitives.xsd";
    extension "File:../xsd/geometryBasic0d1d.xsd";
    extension "File:../xsd/geometryBasic2d.xsd";
  // LibNg112
  import from LibNg112_TypesAndValues all;
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Garcia committed
   * @desc Epsilon for Double valules comparison
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  modulepar XSD.Double PX_DOUBLE_CMP_EPSILON := 0.00001;
   * @desc Device identifier using SIP uri
  modulepar charstring PX_DEVICE_URI_SIP := "<uri>;gr=kjh29x97us97d</uri>";
   * @desc Device telephone URIs
  modulepar DeviceURIs PX_DEVICE_NUMBER := { "<uri>+331234567890</uri>", "<uri>+331234567891</uri>", "<uri>+331234567892</uri>", "<uri>+331200000000</uri>" };
   * @desc Device telephone URI to get a response with a point
  modulepar integer PX_DEVICE_NUMBER_POINT := 0;
   * @desc Device telephone URI to get a response with a circle
  modulepar integer PX_DEVICE_NUMBER_CIRCLE := 1;
   * @desc Device telephone URI to get a response with a civic address
  modulepar integer PX_DEVICE_NUMBER_CIVIC := 2;
   * @desc Device telephone URI to get a response with an unknown device URI
  modulepar integer PX_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_NUMBER := 3;
   * @desc Unknown device identifier
  modulepar charstring PX_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_URI := "<uri>;gr=kjh29x97us97d</uri>";
   * @desc Device point position
  modulepar DoubleList PX_DEVICE_NUMBER_POINT_POS := { 43.616891, 7.053179 };
   * @desc Device position with a circle of conficence
  modulepar DoubleList PX_CIRCLE_POS := { 43.617174, 7.05275 };
   * @desc OGC Unit of measure
   * @see Clause Definition Branch
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_CIRCLE_UOM := "urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::9001";
   * @desc Circle radius (in km)
  modulepar XSD.Double PX_CIRCLE_RADIUS := 15.000;
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   * @desc OGC Catalogue service
   * @see Clause Definition Branch
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_SRS_NAME := "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326";
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garciay committed
  modulepar Iso3166a2 PX_CIVIC_ADDR_COUNTRY := "AU";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_CIVIC_ADDR_A1 := "NSW";
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  modulepar XSD.String PX_CIVIC_ADDR_A3 := "Wollongong";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_CIVIC_ADDR_A4 := "Gwynneville";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_CIVIC_ADDR_STS := "Northfield Avenue";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_CIVIC_ADDR_LMK := "University of Wollongong";
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  modulepar XSD.Token PX_LOST_ID := "6020688f1ce1896d";
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  modulepar XSD.String PX_V_POLICE_DISPLAY_NAME := "ETSI Police";
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garciay's avatar
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  modulepar XSD.String PX_V_POLICE_SOURCE := "ecrf.gridgears";
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  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_POLICE_SOURCE_ID := "etsiPoliceId";
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  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_E_POLICE_SERVICE_URN := "urn:service:sos.police";
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_E_POLICE_SIP_URI := "";
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  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_POLICE_SERVICE_URN := "urn:service:sos.police";
  modulepar XSD.Token PX_V_POLICE_PATH := "";

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Yann Garcia committed
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_POLICE_SIP_URI := "";
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  modulepar DoubleList PX_POINT_IN_E_POLICE_SERVICE_BOUNDARY := { 43.616891, 7.053179 };
garciay's avatar
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  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_E_FIRE_SERVICE_URN := "";
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_FIRE_SERVICE_URN := "";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_V_FIRE_SOURCE := "ecrf.gridgears";
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_FIRE_SOURCE_ID := "viennaFireId";
  modulepar XSD.String PX_V_FIRE_DISPLAY_NAME := "Vienna Fire";
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_V_FIRE_SIP_URI := "";
  modulepar XSD.Token PX_V_FIRE_PATH := "";
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  modulepar DoubleList PX_POINT_IN_E_FIRE_SERVICE_BOUNDARY := { 48.20597092201654, 16.221656799316406 };
  modulepar DoubleList PX_POINT_IN_V_FIRE_SERVICE_BOUNDARY_POS := { 48.221927869614504, 16.34010314941406 };
  modulepar DoubleList PX_CIRCLE_INTERSECTING_V_FIRE_SERVICE_BOUNDARY_POS := { 48.30260863571332, 16.351604461669922 };
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  modulepar XSD.DateTime PX_LOST_EXPIRES := "2019-08-30T08:48:17+00:00";
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  modulepar XSD.DateTime PX_LOST_LAST_UPDATED := "2018-08-30T08:48:17+00:00";
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  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_E_UNKNOWN_SERVICE_URN := "urn:service:sos.unknown";
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Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
  group SUT {
    group SUT_UE {
      /** @desc charstring for SUT - UE IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for PCSCF
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT - UE port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for PCSCF
      modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_UE_PORT := 5060;
    }//end group SUT_UE1
    group SUT_UE1 {
      /** @desc charstring for SUT - PCSCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_IPADDR := "";
      /** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
      modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_PORT := 5060;
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF1 domain - connection point for UE1
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE1
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local domain 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local user 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE1:
       * The name of user in the specified realm
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd of UE1: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options of UE1:
       * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server; the
       * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP := "auth";
      /** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE1
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for UE1 display name
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY := "UE1@SUT";
    } // End of group SUT_UE1

    group SUT_UE2 {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF2 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE2
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF2 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE2
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF2 domain - connection point for UE2
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE2
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local user
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE2:
       * The name of user in the specified realm
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE2
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE2:
       * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
       * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_QOP := "auth";
      /** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE2
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_REGISTRAR := "";
    } // End of group SUT_UE2

    group SUT_UE3 {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF3 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE3
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF3 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE3
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF3 domain - connection point for UE3
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF3_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE3
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE3 local user
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE3:
       * The name of user in the specified realm
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE3
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE3:
       * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
       * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_QOP := "auth";
      /** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE3
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE3_REGISTRAR := "";
    } // End of group SUT_UE3

    group SUT_UE4 {//UE4 can be used as UE1Visited
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT - PCSCF4 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE4
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT - PCSCF4 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE4
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/PCSCF4 domain - connection point for UE4
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF4_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE4
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE2 local domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the tester UE4 local user
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PUBLIC_USER := "2910";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE4:
       * The name of user in the specified realm
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "abcd";

      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username of UE2
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "1234";
      /** @desc	charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options UE4:
       * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server, the
       * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_QOP := "auth";
      /** @desc	charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE4
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_UE4_REGISTRAR := "";
    } // End of group SUT_UE4

    group SUT_unknown{
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of unknown UE public user
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_unknownUE_PUBLIC_USER := "0007";
    } // End of group SUT_unknown

    group EMERGENCY{
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of emergency service local domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the emergency service
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE := "service.sos";
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
      /** @desc	charstring for identity of the invalid emergency service
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_SERVICE_INVALID := "service.sos.invalid";
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
    }// End of group EMERGENCY service

    group SUT_IBCF {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_IPADDR := "";	
      /** @desc	integer for SUT/IBCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF1 domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF2 IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT/IBCF2 port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/IBCF2 domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
    } // End of group SUT_IBCF
    group SUT_PCSCF {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_IPADDR := "";	

      /** @desc	integer for SUT/P-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCFdomain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF P_VisitedNetwork ID header (see RFC3455) 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_VisitedNetworkID := "sut token";
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/P-CSCF Min-SE header lower bound for the session refresh interval (see RFC4028) 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_MinSE := "100";
    } // End of group SUT_PCSCF
    group SUT_SCSCF {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_IPADDR := "";	

      /** @desc	integer for SUT/S-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCFdomain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/S-CSCF globally used realm name of IUT S-CSCF 
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_REALM := "realm.scscf";
    } // End of group SUT_SCSCF

    group SUT_ICSCF {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-CSCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_IPADDR := "";	

      /** @desc	integer for SUT/I-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-CSCFdomain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
    } // End of group SUT_ICSCF
    group SUT_AS {
      /** @desc charstring for SUT - AS IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for SCSCF
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_IPADDR := "";

      /** @desc	integer for SUT - AS port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for SCSCF
      modulepar integer	  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_PORT := 5060;
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/AS domain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_AS_HOME_DOMAIN := "";

    }//end group SUT_UE1

    group SUT_IMGCF {
      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-MGCF IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_IPADDR := "";	

      /** @desc	integer for SUT/I-MGCF port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer	    PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_PORT := 5060;

      /** @desc	charstring for SUT/I-MGCFdomain
      modulepar charstring  PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
    } // End of group SUT_IMGCF

    group SUT_CONF {
       * @desc
       *     charstring for SUT/conference IP address to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_IPADDR := "";
       * @desc integer for SUT/conference port number to exchange SIP messages
      modulepar integer PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_PORT := 5060;
       * @desc charstring for SUT/conference domain
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
       * @desc charstring for conference factory URI name
      modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_CONF_FACTORY_NAME := "";
    } // End of group SUT_CONF
  } // End og grup sut

  group ts_ue1 {
    /** @desc   charstring for IP address used by the UE1 to exchange SIP messages
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Yann Garcia committed
    modulepar charstring PX_IMS_TS_UE1_IPADDR := "";
    /** @desc   integer for port number used by the UE1 to exchange SIP messages
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Yann Garcia committed
    modulepar integer PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PORT := 5060;
    /** @desc   charstring for visited(TS) REGISTRAR domain
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Yann Garcia committed
    modulepar charstring PX_IMS_TS_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";
  } // End of group ts_ue1 
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Garcia committed
} // End of module LibNg112_Pixits