LibNg112_Pixits.ttcn 1.17 KB
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module LibNg112_Pixits {

  import from XSD all;
  // OpenGIS
  import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_geoShape language "XSD" all;
  import from http_www_opengis_net_gml language "XSD" all;
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  modulepar XSD.Double PX_DOUBLE_CMP_EPSILON := 0.00001;
   * @desc Device identifier using SIP uri
  modulepar charstring PX_DEVICE_URI_SIP := "<sip>;gr=kjh29x97us97d</sip>";
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   * @desc Device identifier using TEL uri
  modulepar charstring PX_DEVICE_URI_TEL := "<tel>+436501234567</tel>";
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   * @desc Unknown device identifier
  modulepar charstring PX_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_URI := "<sip>;gr=kjh29x97us97d</sip>";

   * @desc Device point position
  modulepar DoubleList PX_DEVICE_POSITION := { 48.2153879, 16.2903 };
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   * @desc Device position with a circle of conficence
  modulepar DoubleList PX_CIRCLE_POS := { 48.2153879, 16.2903 };
  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_CIRCLE_UOM := "urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::9001";
  modulepar XSD.Double PX_CIRCLE_BASE := 23.600000381469727;

  modulepar XSD.AnyURI PX_SRS_NAME := "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326";
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} // End of module LibNg112_Pixits