Commit fb34a0f4 authored by Matt Caswell's avatar Matt Caswell
Browse files

Try to be more consistent about the alerts we send

We are quite inconsistent about which alerts get sent. Specifically, these
alerts should be used (normally) in the following circumstances:

SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR = The peer sent a syntactically incorrect message
SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER = The peer sent a message which was syntactically
correct, but a parameter given is invalid for the context
SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE = The peer's messages were syntactically and
semantically correct, but the parameters provided were unacceptable to us
(e.g. because we do not support the requested parameters)
SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR = We messed up (e.g. malloc failure)

The standards themselves aren't always consistent but I think the above
represents the best interpretation.

Reviewed-by: default avatarRich Salz <>
(Merged from
parent d8028b20
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