Commit f85c9904 authored by Geoff Thorpe's avatar Geoff Thorpe
Browse files

Fix an oversight - when checking a potential session ID for conflicts with

an SSL_CTX's session cache, it is necessary to compare the ssl_version at
the same time (a conflict is defined, courtesy of SSL_SESSION_cmp(), as a
matching id/id_length pair and a matching ssl_version). However, the
SSL_SESSION that will result from the current negotiation does not
necessarily have the same ssl version as the "SSL_METHOD" in use by the
SSL_CTX - part of the work in a handshake is to agree on an ssl version!

This is fixed by having the check function accept an SSL pointer rather
than the SSL_CTX it belongs to.

[Thanks to Lutz for illuminating the full extent of my stupidity]
parent 48bf4aae
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