Commit c2bbf9cf authored by Richard Levitte's avatar Richard Levitte
Browse files

I got sick and tired of having to keep track of NIDs when such a thing

could be done automagically, much like the numbering in libeay.num and
ssleay.num.  The solution works as follows:

  - New object identifiers are inserted in objects.txt, following the
    syntax given in objects.README.
  - is used to process obj_mac.num and create a new
  - is used to create a new obj_dat.h, using the data in

This is currently kind of a hack, and the perl code in
isn't very elegant, but it works as I intended.  The simplest way to
check that it worked correctly is to look in obj_dat.h and check the
array nid_objs and make sure the objects haven't moved around (this is
important!).  Additions are OK, as well as consistent name changes.
parent 8f0d68fa
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