Commit b6a07f67 authored by Philip Prindeville's avatar Philip Prindeville Committed by Pauli
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gendsa: dsaparam: introduce -verbose option to enable output

Other commands like 'req' support -verbose, so why not gendsa and dsaparam?

Part of a larger and more ambitious effort to add -verbose to all apps
that might be used in scripts and need to otherwise run silently (well,
without belching out anything that isn't a warning or error... which ties
into a later scrub of using STDOUT were appropriate for informative
messages instead of STDERR)... so that scripts also have the option of
doing >/dev/null without losing anything critical.

Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Prindeville <>

Reviewed-by: default avatarRichard Levitte <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Dale <>
(Merged from
parent c43fa566
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