Commit a24a5b8c authored by Johannes Bauer's avatar Johannes Bauer Committed by Dr. Stephen Henson
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More error handling to HKDF and one more case in TLS1-PRF

HKDF now handles an invalid digest like TLS1-PRF does (i.e., returns
KDF_R_INVALID_DIGEST if the passed digest is not known). Both KDFs now
set the error code KDF_R_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_TYPE if a type was passed
that is not recognized. This will have the effect of improving debugging
output in case a user uses "openssl pkeyutl -kdf ..." in a wrong way and
result in an actual error code (instead of just "failure" and an empty
error stack).

Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Dale <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarStephen Henson <>
(Merged from
parent e65f6509
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