Commit 941d9fb6 authored by Todd Short's avatar Todd Short Committed by Rich Salz
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OCSP_request_add0_id() inconsistent error return

There are two failure cases for OCSP_request_add_id():
1. OCSP_ONEREQ_new() failure, where |cid| is not freed
2. sk_OCSP_ONEREQ_push() failure, where |cid| is freed

This changes makes the error behavior consistent, such that |cid| is
not freed when sk_OCSP_ONEREQ_push() fails. OpenSSL only takes
ownership of |cid| when the function succeeds.

Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Caswell <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRich Salz <>
(Merged from
(cherry picked from commit 415e7c48)
parent b5c835b3
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