Commit 7bc2bddb authored by Benjamin Kaduk's avatar Benjamin Kaduk Committed by Ben Kaduk
Browse files

Permit the "supported_groups" extension in ServerHellos

Although this is forbidden by all three(!) relevant specifications,
there seem to be multiple server implementations in the wild that
send it.  Since we didn't check for unexpected extensions in any
given message type until TLS 1.3 support was added, our previous
behavior was to silently accept these extensions and pass them over
to the custom extension callback (if any).  In order to avoid
regression of functionality, relax the check for "extension in
unexpected context" for this specific case, but leave the protocol
enforcment mechanism unchanged for other extensions and in other
extension contexts.

Leave a detailed comment to indicate what is going on.

Reviewed-by: default avatarTim Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Caswell <>
(Merged from
parent 818b625d
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