Commit 786b6a45 authored by Andy Polyakov's avatar Andy Polyakov
Browse files

asn1/a_int.c: clean up asn1_get_int64.

Trouble was that integer negation wasn't producing *formally* correct
result in platform-neutral sense. Formally correct thing to do is
-(int64_t)u, but this triggers undefined behaviour for one value that
would still be representable in ASN.1. The trigger was masked with
(int64_t)(0-u), but this is formally inappropriate for values other
than the problematic one. [Also reorder branches to favour most-likely
paths and harmonize asn1_string_set_int64 with asn1_get_int64].]

Reviewed-by: default avatarRich Salz <>
(Merged from
parent 5c8e9d53
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