Commit 720b6cbe authored by Daniel Kahn Gillmor's avatar Daniel Kahn Gillmor Committed by Rich Salz
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Avoid failing s_server when client's psk_identity is unexpected

s_server has traditionally been very brittle in PSK mode.  If the
client offered any PSK identity other than "Client_identity" s_server
would simply abort.

This is breakage for breakage's sake, and unlike most other parts of
s_server, which tend to allow more flexible connections.

This change accomplishes two things:

 * when the client's psk_identity does *not* match the identity
   expected by the server, just warn, don't fail.

 * allow the server to expect instead a different psk_identity from
   the client besides "Client_identity"

Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Kahn Gillmor <>

Reviewed-by: default avatarBen Kaduk <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRich Salz <>
(Merged from
parent ae269dd8
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