Commit 71a5516d authored by Richard Levitte's avatar Richard Levitte
Browse files

Add the STORE module

This STORE module adds the following functionality:

- A function OSSL_STORE_open(), OSSL_STORE_load() and OSSL_STORE_close()
  that accesses a URI and helps loading the supported objects (PKEYs,
  CERTs and CRLs for the moment) from it.
- An opaque type OSSL_STORE_INFO that holds information on each loaded
- A few functions to retrieve desired data from a OSSL_STORE_INFO
- Functions to register and unregister loaders for different URI
  schemes.  This enables dynamic addition of loaders from applications
  or from engines.

Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Caswell <>
(Merged from
parent c785fd48
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