Commit 6f35f6de authored by Matt Caswell's avatar Matt Caswell
Browse files

Avoid some undefined pointer arithmetic

A common idiom in the codebase is:

if (p + len > limit)
    return; /* Too long */

Where "p" points to some malloc'd data of SIZE bytes and
limit == p + SIZE

"len" here could be from some externally supplied data (e.g. from a TLS

The rules of C pointer arithmetic are such that "p + len" is only well
defined where len <= SIZE. Therefore the above idiom is actually
undefined behaviour.

For example this could cause problems if some malloc implementation
provides an address for "p" such that "p + len" actually overflows for
values of len that are too big and therefore p + len < limit!

Issue reported by Guido Vranken.


Reviewed-by: default avatarRich Salz <>
parent 3d4f83a5
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