Commit 5f2d9c4d authored by Dr. Stephen Henson's avatar Dr. Stephen Henson
Browse files

Support constant BN for DH parameters

If BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA is set don't cleanse a->d as it will reside
in read only memory. If BN_FLG_MALLOCED is not set don't modify the
BIGNUM at all.

This change applies to BN_clear_free() and BN_free(). Now the BIGNUM
structure is opaque applications cannot create a BIGNUM structure
without BN_FLG_MALLOCED being set so they are unaffected.

Update internal DH routines so they only copy pointers for read only

Reviewed-by: default avatarAndy Polyakov <>
(Merged from
parent 8e826a33
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