Commit 37124360 authored by Nicola Tuveri's avatar Nicola Tuveri Committed by Matt Caswell
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EC point multiplication: add `ladder` scaffold

for specialized Montgomery ladder implementations

PR #6009 and #6070 replaced the default EC point multiplication path for
prime and binary curves with a unified Montgomery ladder implementation
with various timing attack defenses (for the common paths when a secret
scalar is feed to the point multiplication).
The newly introduced default implementation directly used
EC_POINT_add/dbl in the main loop.

The scaffolding introduced by this commit allows EC_METHODs to define a
specialized `ladder_step` function to improve performances by taking
advantage of efficient formulas for differential addition-and-doubling
and different coordinate systems.

- `ladder_pre` is executed before the main loop of the ladder: by
  default it copies the input point P into S, and doubles it into R.
  Specialized implementations could, e.g., use this hook to transition
  to different coordinate systems before copying and doubling;
- `ladder_step` is the core of the Montgomery ladder loop: by default it
  computes `S := R+S; R := 2R;`, but specific implementations could,
  e.g., implement a more efficient formula for differential
- `ladder_post` is executed after the Montgomery ladder loop: by default
  it's a noop, but specialized implementations could, e.g., use this
  hook to transition back from the coordinate system used for optimizing
  the differential addition-and-doubling or recover the y coordinate of
  the result point.

This commit also renames `ec_mul_consttime` to `ec_scalar_mul_ladder`,
as it better corresponds to what this function does: nothing can be
truly said about the constant-timeness of the overall execution of this
function, given that the underlying operations are not necessarily
constant-time themselves.
What this implementation ensures is that the same fixed sequence of
operations is executed for each scalar multiplication (for a given
EC_GROUP), with no dependency on the value of the input scalar.

Co-authored-by: default avatarSohaib ul Hassan <>
Co-authored-by: default avatarBilly Brumley <>

Reviewed-by: default avatarAndy Polyakov <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Caswell <>
(Merged from
parent 51f3021d
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