Commit 2ccb1b4e authored by Richard Levitte's avatar Richard Levitte
Browse files

EVP fetching: make operation_id part of the method identity

Because the operation identity wasn't integrated with the created
methods, the following code would give unexpected results:

    EVP_MD *md = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "MD5", NULL);
    EVP_CIPHER *cipher = EVP_CIPHER_fetch(NULL, "MD5", NULL);

    if (md != NULL)
        printf("MD5 is a digest\n");
    if (cipher != NULL)
        printf("MD5 is a cipher\n");

The message is that MD5 is both a digest and a cipher.

Partially fixes #9106

Reviewed-by: default avatarShane Lontis <>
(Merged from
parent a08714e1
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