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  • Emilia Kasper's avatar
    Test mac-then-encrypt · b3618f44
    Emilia Kasper authored
    Verify that the encrypt-then-mac negotiation is handled
    correctly. Additionally, when compiled with no-asm, this test ensures
    coverage for the constant-time MAC copying code in
    ssl3_cbc_copy_mac. The proxy-based CBC padding test covers that as
    well but it's nevertheless better to have an explicit handshake test
    for mac-then-encrypt.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarAndy Polyakov <>
    Test mac-then-encrypt
    Emilia Kasper authored
    Verify that the encrypt-then-mac negotiation is handled
    correctly. Additionally, when compiled with no-asm, this test ensures
    coverage for the constant-time MAC copying code in
    ssl3_cbc_copy_mac. The proxy-based CBC padding test covers that as
    well but it's nevertheless better to have an explicit handshake test
    for mac-then-encrypt.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarAndy Polyakov <>
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