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  • Emilia Kasper's avatar
    Tighten session ticket handling · d663df23
    Emilia Kasper authored
    Tighten client-side session ticket handling during renegotiation:
    ensure that the client only accepts a session ticket if the server sends
    the extension anew in the ServerHello. Previously, a TLS client would
    reuse the old extension state and thus accept a session ticket if one was
    announced in the initial ServerHello.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBodo Moeller <>
    Tighten session ticket handling
    Emilia Kasper authored
    Tighten client-side session ticket handling during renegotiation:
    ensure that the client only accepts a session ticket if the server sends
    the extension anew in the ServerHello. Previously, a TLS client would
    reuse the old extension state and thus accept a session ticket if one was
    announced in the initial ServerHello.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBodo Moeller <>
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