• Geoff Thorpe's avatar
    BN_CTX is opaque and the static initialiser BN_CTX_init() is not used · 2ce90b9b
    Geoff Thorpe authored
    except internally to the allocator BN_CTX_new(), as such this deprecates
    the use of BN_CTX_init() in the API. Moreover, the structure definition of
    BN_CTX is taken out of bn_lcl.h and moved into bn_ctx.c itself.
    NDEBUG should probably only be "forced" in the top-level configuration, but
    until it is I will avoid removing it from bn_ctx.c which might surprise
    people with massive slow-downs in their keygens. So I've left it in
    bn_ctx.c but tidied up the preprocessor logic a touch and made it more
    tolerant of debugging efforts.
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