1. 27 Nov, 2009 7 commits
  2. 26 Nov, 2009 5 commits
  3. 24 Nov, 2009 5 commits
  4. 23 Nov, 2009 12 commits
  5. 22 Nov, 2009 5 commits
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · f9e55c99
      Yang Tse authored
      Make configure remove the curlbuild.h file included in distribution tarballs
      for use by non-configure systems. As intended, configure would overwrite the
      distributed one when doing in-tree builds. But VPATH builds would end having
      two curlbuild.h files, one in the source tree and another in the build tree.
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · 3005e63b
      Yang Tse authored
      Make configure remove the ares_build.h file included in distribution tarballs.
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · 65e628cc
      Yang Tse authored
      Fix macro redefinition.
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · 738e5478
      Yang Tse authored
      Fix name space pollution.
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · 5ec8a3ae
      Yang Tse authored
      Allow using different extra import libraries for debug and release builds.
  6. 21 Nov, 2009 1 commit
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      · fdfbc5d8
      Yang Tse authored
      Add manifest stuff to msvc makefile
  7. 20 Nov, 2009 5 commits