1. 09 Feb, 2011 1 commit
    • Quinn Slack's avatar
      CURLE_TLSAUTH_FAILED: removed · 3cffcba3
      Quinn Slack authored
      On second thought, I think CURLE_TLSAUTH_FAILED should be eliminated. It
      was only being raised when an internal error occurred while allocating
      or setting the GnuTLS SRP client credentials struct. For TLS
      authentication failures, the general CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR seems
      appropriate; its error string already includes "passwords" as a possible
      cause. Having a separate TLS auth error code might also cause people to
      think that a TLS auth failure means the wrong username or password was
      entered, when it could also be a sign of a man-in-the-middle attack.
  2. 19 Jan, 2011 1 commit
  3. 11 Nov, 2010 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      HTTP Auth: Add CURLAUTH_ONLY · 86367422
      Daniel Stenberg authored
      This is a meta symbol. OR this value together with a single specific
      auth value to force libcurl to probe for un-restricted auth and if not,
      only that single auth algorithm is acceptable.
      For example you can use CURLAUTH_DIGEST|CURLAUTH_ONLY to make libcurl
      first probe for what method to use, but yet only consider Digest to be
      Using _only_ CURLAUTH_DIGEST without the CURLAUTH_ONLY field, will make
      libcurl explicitly use Digest right away and not do any probing.
  4. 08 Nov, 2010 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      CURLOPT_RESOLVE: added · 1b24b89c
      Daniel Stenberg authored
      CURLOPT_RESOLVE is a new option that sends along a curl_slist with
      name:port:address sets that will populate the DNS cache with entries so
      that request can be "fooled" to use another host than what otherwise
      would've been used. Previously we've encouraged the use of Host: for
      that when dealing with HTTP, but this new feature has the added bonus
      that it allows the name from the URL to be used for TLS SNI and server
      certificate name checks as well.
      This is a first change. Surely more will follow to make it decent.
  5. 25 Aug, 2010 1 commit
  6. 04 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  7. 16 May, 2010 1 commit
  8. 15 May, 2010 1 commit
  9. 12 May, 2010 2 commits
  10. 24 Mar, 2010 1 commit
  11. 10 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  12. 22 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  13. 21 Jan, 2010 3 commits
  14. 01 Jan, 2010 2 commits
  15. 27 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  16. 25 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  17. 12 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  18. 05 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  19. 16 Oct, 2009 1 commit
  20. 27 Sep, 2009 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      - I introduced a maximum limit for received HTTP headers. It is controlled by · 8646cecb
      Daniel Stenberg authored
        the define CURL_MAX_HTTP_HEADER which is even exposed in the public header
        file to allow for users to fairly easy rebuild libcurl with a modified
        limit. The rationale for a fixed limit is that libcurl is realloc()ing a
        buffer to be able to put a full header into it, so that it can call the
        header callback with the entire header, but that also risk getting it into
        trouble if a server by mistake or willingly sends a header that is more or
        less without an end. The limit is set to 100K.
  21. 01 Sep, 2009 1 commit
  22. 31 Aug, 2009 3 commits
  23. 11 Aug, 2009 1 commit
  24. 22 Jul, 2009 1 commit
  25. 10 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Yang Tse's avatar
      Adjusted to take in account that... · 2c166812
      Yang Tse authored
      With the curl memory tracking feature decoupled from the debug build feature,
      CURLDEBUG and DEBUGBUILD preprocessor symbol definitions are used as follows:
      CURLDEBUG used for curl debug memory tracking specific code (--enable-curldebug)
      DEBUGBUILD used for debug enabled specific code (--enable-debug)
  26. 04 Jun, 2009 1 commit
  27. 01 Jun, 2009 1 commit
  28. 30 May, 2009 1 commit
  29. 28 May, 2009 1 commit
  30. 28 Apr, 2009 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      - Bug report #2709004 (http://curl.haxx.se/bug/view.cgi?id=2709004) by Tim · e01b7c1e
      Daniel Stenberg authored
        Chen pointed out how curl couldn't upload with resume when reading from a
        This ended up with the introduction of a new return code for the
        CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION callback that basically says that the seek failed but
        that libcurl may try to resolve the situation anyway. In our case this means
        libcurl will attempt to instead read that much data from the stream instead
        of seeking and that way curl can now upload with resume when data is read
        from a stream!
  31. 09 Apr, 2009 1 commit
  32. 08 Apr, 2009 1 commit
  33. 11 Mar, 2009 1 commit
  34. 02 Mar, 2009 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      - David Kierznowski notified us about a security flaw · 042cc1f6
      Daniel Stenberg authored
        (http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20090303.html also known as CVE-2009-0037) in
        which previous libcurl versions (by design) can be tricked to access an
        arbitrary local/different file instead of a remote one when
        CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is enabled. This flaw is now fixed in this release
        together this the addition of two new setopt options for controlling this
        new behavior:
        o CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS controls what protocols libcurl is allowed to
        follow to when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is enabled. By default, this option
        excludes the FILE and SCP protocols and thus you nee to explicitly allow
        them in your app if you really want that behavior.
        o CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS controls what protocol(s) libcurl is allowed to fetch
        using the primary URL option. This is useful if you want to allow a user or
        other outsiders control what URL to pass to libcurl and yet not allow all
        protocols libcurl may have been built to support.