Commit d2c6d156 authored by Jay Satiro's avatar Jay Satiro
Browse files

mk-ca-bundle: Update the vbscript version

Bring the VBScript version more in line with the perl version:

- Change timestamp to UTC.

- Change URL retrieval to HTTPS-only by default.

- Comment out the options that disabled SSL cert checking by default.

- Assume OpenSSL is present, get SHA256. And add a flag to toggle it.

- Fix cert issuer name output.

The cert issuer output is now ansi, converted from UTF-8. Prior to this
it was corrupt UTF-8. It turns out though we can work with UTF-8 the
FSO object that writes ca-bundle can't write UTF-8, so there will have
to be some alternative if UTF-8 is needed (like an ADODB.Stream).

- Disable the certificate text info feature.

The certificate text info doesn't work properly with any recent OpenSSL.
parent 4d7fc0a9
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