Commit 54e48b14 authored by Sergei Kuzmin's avatar Sergei Kuzmin Committed by Daniel Stenberg
Browse files

cookies: same domain handling changed to match browser behavior

Cokie with the same domain but different tailmatching property are now
considered different and do not replace each other.  If header contains
following lines then two cookies will be set: Set-Cookie: foo=bar;; expires=Thu Mar 3 GMT 8:56:27 2033 Set-Cookie: foo=baz;; expires=Thu Mar 3 GMT 8:56:27 2033

This matches Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Firefox behavior. When sending
stored tokens to Chrome, Opera, Firefox store send them in the
stored order, while Safari pre-sort the cookies.

Closes #1050
parent 2a1d5389
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