Commit 38d2afce authored by Ben Greear's avatar Ben Greear Committed by Daniel Stenberg
Browse files

telnet: Allow programatic use of telnet.

The main change is to allow input from user-specified methods,
when they are specified with CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.
All calls to fflush(stdout) in telnet.c were removed, which makes
using 'curl telnet://' painful since prompts and other data
are not always returned to the user promptly.  Use
'curl --no-buffer telnet://

' instead.  In general,
the user should have their CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION do a fflush
for interactive use.

Also fix assumption that reading from stdin never returns < 0.
Old code could crash in that case.

Call progress functions in telnet main loop.

Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Greear <>
parent 7f616eb5
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