• Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    delayed easy handle kill caused double Curl_close() call · 2a94293e
    Daniel Stenberg authored
    Hauke Duden provided an example program that made the multi
    interface crash.  His example simply used the multi interface and
    did first one FTP transfer and after completion it used a second
    easy handle and did another FTP transfer on the same FTP server.
    This triggered a bug in the "delayed easy handle kill" system
    that curl uses: when an FTP connection is left alive it must keep
    an easy handle around internally - only for the purpose of having
    an easy handle when it later disconnects it. The code assumed
    that when the easy handle was removed and an internal reference
    was made, that version could be killed later on when a new easy
    handle came using the same connection. This was wrong as Hauke's
    example showed that the removed handle wasn't killed for real
    until later. This caused a double close attempt => segfault.