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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Curl and libcurl 7.15.1
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Public curl release number:               91
 Releases counted from the very beginning: 118
 Available command line options:           109
 Available curl_easy_setopt() options:     125
 Number of public functions in libcurl:    46
 Amount of public web site mirrors:        27
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Number of known libcurl bindings:         32
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Number of contributors:                   459
This release includes the following changes:
 o LDAPv3 is now the preferred LDAP protocol version
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 o --max-redirs and CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS set to 0 limits redirects

This release includes the following bugfixes:

 o binary LDAP properties are now shown base64 encoded
 o Windows uploads from stdin using curl can now contain ctrl-Z bytes
 o -r [num] would produce an invalid HTTP Range: header
 o multi interface with multi IP hosts could leak socket descriptors
 o the GnuTLS code didn't handle rehandshakes
 o re-use of a dead FTP connection
 o name resolve error codes fixed for Windows builds
 o double WWW-Authenticate Digest headers are now handled

Other curl-related news since the previous public release:

 o is a new mirror in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
 o is a new mirror in Nuremberg, Germany
 o is a new mirror in Florida, US
 o pycurl 7.15.0 was released

This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and
advice from friends like these:

 Dave Dribin, Bradford Bruce, Temprimus, Ofer, Dima Barsky, Amol Pattekar, Jaz
 Fresh, tommink[at], Gisle Vanem, Nis Jorgensen, Vilmos Nebehaj
        Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)