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    #ifndef __URLDATA_H
    #define __URLDATA_H
     *                                  _   _ ____  _     
     *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |    
     *                             / __| | | | |_) | |    
     *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___ 
     *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
     *  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
     *  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
     *  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
     *  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
     *  License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
     *  under the License.
     *  The Original Code is Curl.
     *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Daniel Stenberg.
     *  Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998.
     *  All Rights Reserved.
     * ------------------------------------------------------------
     * Main author:
     * - Daniel Stenberg <>
     * $Source$
     * $Revision$
     * $Date$
     * $Author$
     * $State$
     * $Locker$
     * ------------------------------------------------------------
    /* This file is for lib internal stuff */
    #include "setup.h"
    #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256
    #define PORT_FTP 21
    #define PORT_TELNET 23
    #define PORT_GOPHER 70
    #define PORT_HTTP 80
    #define PORT_HTTPS 443
    #define PORT_DICT 2628
    #define PORT_LDAP 389
    #define DICT_MATCH "/MATCH:"
    #define DICT_MATCH2 "/M:"
    #define DICT_MATCH3 "/FIND:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE "/DEFINE:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE2 "/D:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE3 "/LOOKUP:"
    #define CURL_DEFAULT_USER "anonymous"
    #include "cookie.h"
    #ifdef USE_SSLEAY
    /* SSLeay stuff usually in /usr/local/ssl/include */
    #ifdef USE_OPENSSL
    #include "openssl/rsa.h"
    #include "openssl/crypto.h"
    #include "openssl/x509.h"
    #include "openssl/pem.h"
    #include "openssl/ssl.h"
    #include "openssl/err.h"
    #include "rsa.h"
    #include "crypto.h"
    #include "x509.h"
    #include "pem.h"
    #include "ssl.h"
    #include "err.h"
    /* Download buffer size, keep it fairly big for speed reasons */
    #define BUFSIZE (1024*50)
    /* Initial size of the buffer to store headers in, it'll be enlarged in case
       of need. */
    #define HEADERSIZE 256
    struct UrlData {
      FILE *out;    /* the fetched file goes here */
      FILE *in;     /* the uploaded file is read from here */
      FILE *err;    /* the stderr writes goes here */
      FILE *writeheader; /* write the header to this is non-NULL */
      char *url;   /* what to get */
      char *freethis; /* if non-NULL, an allocated string for the URL */
      char *hostname; /* hostname to contect, as parsed from url */
      unsigned short port; /* which port to use (if non-protocol bind) set
                              CONF_PORT to use this */
      unsigned short remote_port; /* what remote port to connect to, not the proxy
    				 port! */
      char *proxy; /* if proxy, set it here, set CONF_PROXY to use this */
      long conf;   /* configure flags */
      char *userpwd;  /* <user:password>, if used */
      char *proxyuserpwd;  /* Proxy <user:password>, if used */
      char *range; /* range, if used. See README for detailed specification on
                      this syntax. */
      char *postfields; /* if POST, set the fields' values here */
      char *referer;
      char *errorbuffer; /* store failure messages in here */
      char *useragent;   /* User-Agent string */
      char *ftpport; /* port to send with the PORT command */
     /* function that stores the output:*/
      size_t (*fwrite)(char *buffer,
                       size_t size,
                       size_t nitems,
                       FILE *outstream);
      /* function that reads the input:*/
      size_t (*fread)(char *buffer,
                      size_t size,
                      size_t nitems,
                      FILE *outstream);
      long timeout; /* in seconds, 0 means no timeout */
      long infilesize; /* size of file to upload, -1 means unknown */
      long maxdownload; /* in bytes, the maximum amount of data to fetch, 0
                           means unlimited */
      /* fields only set and used within _urlget() */
      int firstsocket;     /* the main socket to use */
      int secondarysocket; /* for i.e ftp transfers */
      char buffer[BUFSIZE+1]; /* buffer with size BUFSIZE */
      double current_speed;  /* the ProgressShow() funcion sets this */
      long low_speed_limit; /* bytes/second */
      long low_speed_time;  /* number of seconds */
      int resume_from;    /* continue [ftp] transfer from here */
      char *cookie;       /* HTTP cookie string to send */
      short    use_ssl;   /* use ssl encrypted communications */
      char *newurl; /* This can only be set if a Location: was in the
    		   document headers */
    #ifdef MULTIDOC
      struct MoreDoc *moredoc;  /* linked list of more docs to get */
      struct HttpHeader *headers; /* linked list of extra headers */
      struct HttpPost *httppost;  /* linked list of POST data */
      char *cert; /* PEM-formatted certificate */
      char *cert_passwd; /* plain text certificate password */
      struct CookieInfo *cookies;
      long ssl_version; /* what version the client wants to use */
    #ifdef USE_SSLEAY
      SSL_CTX* ctx;
      SSL*     ssl;
      X509*    server_cert;
    #endif /* USE_SSLEAY */
      long crlf;
      struct curl_slist *quote;
      TimeCond timecondition;
      time_t timevalue;
      char *customrequest; /* http/ftp request to use */
      char *headerbuff; /* allocated buffer to store headers in */
      int headersize;   /* size of the allocation */
      int progressmode; /* what kind of progress meter to display */
    #define MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH 128
      char user[MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH];
      char passwd[MAX_CURL_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
      char proxyuser[MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH];
      char proxypasswd[MAX_CURL_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
      /**** Dynamicly allocated strings, may need to be freed on return ****/
      char *ptr_proxyuserpwd; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_uagent; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_userpwd; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_rangeline; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_ref; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_cookie; /* free later if not NULL! */
      char *ptr_host; /* free later if not NULL */
    #define LIBCURL_NAME "libcurl"