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Makefile.b32 2.92 KiB
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    #  Makefile.b32 - Borland's C++ Compiler 5.X
    #  'lib' directory
    #  'BCCDIR' has to be set up to point to the base directory
    #  of the compiler, i.e. SET BCCDIR = c:\Borland\BCC55
    #  Written by Jaepil Kim,
    !if "$(__MAKE__)" == ""
    !error __MAKE__ not defined. Use Borlands's MAKE to process this makefile.
    # Borland's $(MAKEDIR) expands to the path where make.exe is located,
    # use this feature to define BCCDIR when user has not defined BCCDIR.
    !if "$(BCCDIR)" == ""
    BCCDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\..
    # Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources.
    !ifndef ZLIB_PATH
    ZLIB_PATH = ..\..\zlib-1.2.5
    # Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package.
    !ifndef OPENSSL_PATH
    OPENSSL_PATH = ..\..\openssl-0.9.8q
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    # Set libcurl static lib, dll and import lib
    LIBCURL_LIB    = libcurl.lib
    LIBCURL_DLL    = libcurl.dll
    LIBCURL_IMPLIB = libcurl_imp.lib
    # Setup environment
    PP_CMD   = cpp32 -q -P-
    CC_CMD   = bcc32 -q -c
    LD       = bcc32
    RM       = del
    MKDIR    = mkdir
    RMDIR    = rmdir /s /q
    LIB      = tlib
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    IMPLIB   = implib
    CC_FLAGS = -5 -O2 -tWM -w -w-aus -w-ccc -w-dup -w-prc -w-pro -w-rch -w-sig -w-spa -Dinline=__inline
    LDFLAGS  = -q -lq -laa -tWD
    SRCDIR   = .
    OBJDIR   = .\objs
    INCDIRS  = -I.;..\include
    LINKLIB  = $(BCCDIR)\lib\cw32mt.lib
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    # By default LDAP support is disabled for BCC
    !ifndef WITH_LDAP
    # ZLIB support is enabled setting WITH_ZLIB=1
    !ifdef WITH_ZLIB
    LINKLIB  = $(LINKLIB) $(ZLIB_PATH)\zlib.lib
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    # SSL support is enabled setting WITH_SSL=1
    !ifdef WITH_SSL
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    INCDIRS  = $(INCDIRS);$(OPENSSL_PATH)\inc32;$(OPENSSL_PATH)\inc32\openssl
    LINKLIB  = $(LINKLIB) $(OPENSSL_PATH)\out32\ssleay32.lib $(OPENSSL_PATH)\out32\libeay32.lib
    .path.c   = $(SRCDIR)
    .path.obj = $(OBJDIR)
    # provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines
    OBJECTS = $(CSOURCES:.c=.obj)
    	@-$(RM) $(@R).int >NUL 2>&1
    	$(PP_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) -o$(@R).int $(<)
    	$(CC_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) -o$(@) $(@R).int
    	@-$(RMDIR) $(OBJDIR) >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_LIB) >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB) >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(RM) libcurl.tds >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(RMDIR) $(OBJDIR) >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(MKDIR) $(OBJDIR)
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    	@-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_LIB) >NUL 2>&1
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    	@-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_DLL) >NUL 2>&1
    	@-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB) >NUL 2>&1
    Gisle Vanem's avatar
    Gisle Vanem committed
    	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -e$(LIBCURL_DLL) $**