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                                  _   _ ____  _     
                              ___| | | |  _ \| |    
                             / __| | | | |_) | |    
                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___ 
                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|

                               History of Changes

Version *upcoming* 7.4

Daniel (9 October 2000)
- Georg Horn provided a source example that proved a memory leak in libcurl.
  I added simple memory debugging facilities and now we can make libcurl log
  all memory fiddling functions. An additional perl script is used to analyze
  the output logfile and to match malloc()s with free()s etc. The memory leak
  Georg found turned out to be the main cookie struct that cookie_cleanup()
  didn't free!

Daniel (8 October 2000)
- Georg Horn found a GetHost() problem. It turned out it never assigned the
  pointer in the third argument properly! This could make a crash, or at best
  a memory leak!

Version 7.4 pre4

Daniel (6 October 2000)
- Is the -F post following the RFCX 1867 spec? We had this dicussion on the
  mailing list since it appears curl can't post -F form posts to a PHP

- Domenico Andreoli found out that the long option '--proxy' wasn't working
  anymore! The option parser got confused when I added the --proxytunnel for
  7.3. This was indeed a very old flaw that hasn't turned up until now...

- Jörn Hartroth provided patches, updated makefiles and two new files for DLL
  stuff on win32. He also pointed out that lib source files were compiled with
  -I../src which isn't only wrong but plain stupid!

- Troels Walsted Hansen fixed a problem with HTTP resume. Curl previously used
  a local variable badly, that could lead to crashes.

Version 7.4 pre3

Daniel (4 October 2000)
- More docs written. The curl_easy_getinfo.3 man page is now pretty accurate,
  as is the -w section in curl.1. I added two options to enable the user to
  get information about the received headers' size and the size of the HTTP
  request. T. Bharath requested them.
Daniel (3 October 2000)
- Corrected a sever free() before use in the new add_buffer_send()! ;-)

Version 7.4 pre2

Daniel (3 October 2000)
- Jason S. Priebe sent me patches that changed the way curl issues HTTP
  requests. The entire request is now issued in one single shot. It didn't do
  this previously, and it has turned out that since the common browsers do it
  this way, some sites have turned out to work with browsers but not with
  curl! Although this is not a client-side problem, we want to be able to
  fully emulate browsers, and thus we have now adjusted the networking layer
  to slightly more appear as a browser. I adjusted Jason's patch, the faults
  are probably mine.

Daniel (2 October 2000)
- Anyone who ever uploaded data with curl on a slow link has noticed that the
  progess meter is updated very infrequently. That is due to the large buffer
  size curl is using. It reads 50Kb and sends it, updates the progress meter
  and loops. 50Kb is very much on a slow link, although it is pretty neat to
  use on a fast one.

  I've now made an adjustment that makes curl use a 2Kb buffer for uploads to
  start with. If curl's average upload speed is faster than buffer size bytes
  per second, curl will increase the used buffer size up to max 50Kb. It
  should make the progress meter work better.
Version 7.4 pre1

Daniel (29 September 2000)
- Ripped out the -w stuff from the library and put in the curl tool. It gets
  all the relevant info from the library using the new curl_easy_getinfo()

- brad at mailed me a patch that corrected my kerberos mistake and
  removed a compiler warning from hostip.c that OpenBSD people get.

Daniel (28 September 2000)
- Of course (I should probably get punished somehow) I didn't properly correct
  the #include lines for the base64 stuff in the kerberos sources in the just
  released 7.3 package. They still include the *_krb.h files! Now, the error
  is sooo very easy to spot and fix so I won't bother with a quick bug fix
  release. I'll post a patch whenever one is needed instead. It'll be
  available in the CVS in a few minutes anyway.

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Daniel (28 September 2000)
- Removed the base64_krb.[ch] files. They've now replaced the former
  base64.[ch] files.

Daniel (26 September 2000)
- Updated some docs.

- I changed the OpenSSL fix to work with older versions as well. The posted
  patch was only working with 0.9.6 and no older ones.
Version 7.3-pre8

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Daniel (25 September 2000)
- Erdmut Pfeifer informed us that curl didn't build with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and
  showed us what needed to get patched in order to make it build properly

- Dirk Kruschewski found a bug in the cookie parser. I made an alternative
  approach to the solution Dirk himself suggested. The bug made a cookie
  header that didn't end with a trailing semicolon to not get parsed.

- I've marked -c and -t deprecated now. If you use any of them, curl will tell
  you to use "-C -" or "-T -" instead. I don't think occupying two letters for
  nearly identical functions is good use. Also, -T - kind of follows the curl
  tradition of using - for stdin where a file name is expected.

Daniel (23 September 2000)
- Martin Hedenfalk provided the patch that finally made the krb4 ftp upload

Daniel (21 September 2000)
- The kerberos code is not quite thread-safe yet. There are a few more globals
  that need to be take care of. Let's get the upload working first!

Daniel (20 September 2000)
- Richard Prescott solved another name lookup buffer size problem. I took this
  opportunity to rewrite the GetHost() function. With these large buffer
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  sizes, I think keeping them as local arrays quickly turn ugly. I now use
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  malloc() to get the buffer memory. Thanks to this, I now can realloc() to a
  large buffer in case of demand (errno == ERANGE) in case a solution like
  that would become necessary. I still want to avoid that kind of nastiness.

- Tried to compile and run curl on Linux for alpha and FreeBSD for alpha. Went
  as smooth as it could.

- Added a docs/examples directory with two tiny example sources that show how
  to use libcurl. I hope users will supply me with more useful examples
  further on.

- Applied a patch by Jörn Hartroth to no longer use the word 'inteface' in the
  config struct in the src/main.c file since certain compilers have that word
  "reservered".  I figure that is some kind of C++ decease.

- Updated the curl.1 man page with --interface and --krb4.

- Modified the base64Encode() function to work like the kerberos one, so that
  I could remove the use of that. There is no need for *two* base64 encoding
  functions! ;-)

Version 7.3pre5

Daniel (19 September 2000)
- The kerberos4-layer source code that is much "influenced" by the original
  krb4 source code, through yafc into curl, was using quite a lot of global
  variables. libcurl can't work properly with globals like that why I had to
  clean up almost every function in the new security.c to make them use
  connection specific variables instead of the globals. I just hope I didn't
  destroy anything now... :-) configure updated, version string now reflects
  krb4 built-in. It almost works now. Only uploads are still being naughty.

Version 7.3pre3

Daniel (18 September 2000)
- Martin Hedenfalk supplied a major patch that introduces krb4-ftp support to
  curl. Martin is the primary author of the ftp client named yafc and he did
  not hesitate to help us implement this when I asked him. Many and sincere
  thanks to a splendid effort. It didn't even take many hours!

- Stephen Kick supplied a big patch that introduces the --interface flag to
  the curl tool and CURLOPT_INTERFACE for libcurl. It allows you to specify an
  outgoing interface to use for your request. This may not work on all
  platforms. This needs testing.

- Richard Prescott noticed that curl on Tru64 unix could core dumped if the
  name didn't resolve properly. This was due to the GetHost() function not
  returning an error even though it failed on some platforms!

Daniel (15 September 2000)
- Updated all sorts of documents in regards to the new proxytunnel support.

Version 7.3pre2
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Daniel (15 September 2000)
- Kai-Uwe Rommel pointed out a problem in the httpproxytunnel stuff for ftp.
  Adjusted it. Added better info message when setting up the tunnel and the
  pasv message when doing the second connect.
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Daniel (15 September 2000)
- libcurl now allows "httpproxytunnel" to an arbitrary host and port name. The
  second connection on ftp needed that.

- TheArtOfHTTPScripting was corrected all over. I both type and spell really
  bad at times!
Daniel (14 September 2000)
- -p/--proxytunnel was added to 'curl'. It uses the new
  CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL libcurl option that allows "any" protocol to tunnel
  through the specified http proxy. At the moment, this should work with ftp.

Daniel (13 September 2000)
- Jochen Schaeuble found that file:// didn't work as expected. Corrected this
  and mailed the patch to the mailing list.

Daniel (7 September 2000)
- I changed the #define T() in curl.h since it turned out it wasn't really
  a good symbol to use (when you compiled PHP with curl as a module, that
  define collided with some IMAP define or something). This was posted to the
  PHP bug tracker.

- I added extern "C" stuff in two header files to better allow libcurl usage
  in C++ sorces. Discussions on the libcurl list with Danny Horswell lead to

Version 7.2.1

Daniel (31 August 2000)
- Albert Chin-A-Young fixed the configure script *again* and now it seems to
  detect Linux name resolving properly! (heard that before?)

- Troels Walsted Hansen pointed out that downloading a file containing the
  letter '+' from an ftp server didn't work. It did work from HTTP though and
  the reason was my lame URL decoder.

- I happened to notice that -I didn't at all work on ftp anymore. I corrected

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Version 7.2

Daniel (30 August 2000)
- Understanding AIX is a hard task. I believe I'll never figure out why they
  solve things so differently from the other unixes. Now, I'm left with the
  AIX 4.3 run-time warnings about duplicate symbols that according to this
  article ( is a
  libtool flaw. I tried the mentioned patch, although that stops the linking

  So, if I select to ignore the ld warnings there are compiler warnings that
  fill the screen pretty bad when curl compiles. It turns out that if I want
  to '#include <arpa/inet.h>', I can get tid of the warnings by include the
  following three include files before that one:

        #include <net/if_dl.h>
        #include <sys/mbuf.h>
        #include <netinet/if_ether.h>

  Now, is it really sane to add those include files before arpa/inet.h in all
  the source files that include it?

  Thanks to Albert Chin-A-Young at who gave me the AIX
  login to try everything on.

Daniel (24 August 2000)
- Jan Schmidt supplied us a new VC6 makefile for Windows as the previous one
  was not up to date but lacked several object files.

- More work on the naming.

- Albert Chin-A-Young provided a configure-check for large file support, as
  some systems seem to need that for them to work. Had to change the position
  for the config.h include file in every .c file in the libcurl dir...

- As suggested on the mailing list (by Troy Engel), I did use a --data-binary
  option instead of the messy way I've left described below. It seems to
  work. The libcurl fix remained the same as yesterday.

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- Back on the -d stripping newlines thing. The 'plain post' thing was added
  when I had no thought of that one could actually post binary data with
  it. Now, I have to add this functionality in a graceful manner and I think
  I've managed to come up with a way: '-d @file;binary' will thus post the
  file binary, exactly as its contents are. It is implemented with a new
  *setopt() option (CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE) to set the postfield size, since
  libcurl can't strlen() the data in these cases.

- Albert Chin-A-Young made some very serious efforts and all the name
  resolving problems seem to have been sorted out now on all the platforms
  that previously showed them. I'll make another release now anyday because of

- The FAQ was much enhanced when it comes to the licensing issues thanks to
  Bjorn Reese.

Daniel (21 August 2000)
- Rick Welykochy pointed out a problem when you use -d to post and you want to
  keep the newlines, as curl strips them off as a bonus before posting...
  This needs to be addressed.

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Version 7.1.1

Daniel (21 August 2000)
- Got more people involved in the gethostbyname_r() mess. Caolan McNamara sent
  me configure-code that turned out to be very similar to my existing tests
  which only make me more sure I'm on the right path. I changed the order of
  the tests slightly, as it seems that some compilers don't yell error if a
  function is used with too many parameters. Thus, the first tested function
  will seem ok... Let's hope more compilers think of too-few parameters as bad
  manners, as we're now trying the functions in that order; fewer first. I
  should also add that Lars Hecking mailed me and volunteered to run tests on
  a few odd systems. Coalan is keeping his work over at Might be handy in the
  future as well.

Daniel (18 August 2000)
- I noticed I hadn't increased the name lookup buffer in lib/ftp.c. I don't
  think this is the reason for the continued trouble though.

Daniel (17 August 2000)
- Fred Noz corrected my stupid mistakes in the gethostbyname_r() fluff. It
  should affect some AIX, Digital Unix and HPUX 10 systems.
Daniel (15 August 2000)
- Mathieu Legare compiled and build 7.1 without errors on both AIX 4.2 as well
  as AIX 4.3. Now why did problems occur before?

- Fred Noz reported a -w/--write-out bug that caused it to malfunction when
  used combined with multiple URL retrievales. All but the first display got
  screwed up!

Daniel (11 August 2000)
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- Jason Priebe and an anonymous friend found some host names the Linux version
  of curl could not resolve. It turned out the buffer used to retrieve that
  information was too small. Fixed. One could argue about the usefulness of
  not having the slightest trace of a man page for gethostbyname_r() on my
  Linux Redhat installation...

Daniel (10 August 2000)
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- Balaji S Rao was first in line to note the missing possibility to replace
  the Content-Type: and Content-Length: headers when doing -d posts. I added
  the possibility just now. It seems some people wants to do standard posts
  using custom Content-Types.

Daniel (8 August 2000)
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- Mike Dowell correctly discovered that curl did not approve of URLs with no
  user name but password. As in ''. I corrected this.

Version 7.1

Daniel (7 August 2000)
- My AIX 4 fix does not work. I need help from a AIX 4 hacker.

- I added my new document in the docs directory. It is aimed to become a sort
  of tutorial on how to do HTTP scripting with curl.

Daniel (4 August 2000)
- Working with Rich Gray on compiling curl for lots of different platforms.
  My fix for AIX 3.2 was not good enough and was slightly changed, I had to
  move an include file before another, as is now described in the source.

  AIX 4.2 (4.X?) has different gethostbyname_r() and gethostbyaddr_r()
  functions that the configure script didn't check for and thus the compile
  broke with an error. I have now changed the gethostbyname_r() check in the
  configure file to support all three versions of both these functions. My
  implementation that uses the AIX-style is though not yet verified and I may
  get problems to fix it if it turns out to bug since I don't have access to
  any system using that.

  For problems like that, I made the configure script allow --disable-thread
  to completely switch off the check for threadsafe versions of a few
  functions and thus go with the "good old versions" that tend to work
  although will break thread-safeness for libcurl. Most people won't use
  libcurl for other things than curl though, and curl doesn't need a
  thread-safe lib.

- Working on my big tutorial about HTTP scripting with curl.

Daniel (1 August 2000)
- Rich Gray spotted a problem in src/setup.h caused by a #define strequal()
  that was just a left-over from passed times. The strequal() is now a true
  function supplied by libcurl for a portable case insensitive string
  comparison. I added the prototypes in include/curl.h and removed the
  now obsolete #define.

- Igor Khristophorov made a fix to allow resumed download from Sun's
  JavaWebServer/1.1.1. It seems that their server sends bad Content-Range

- The makefiles forced a static library build, which is bad since we now use
  libtool and thus have excellent shared library support! Albert Chin-A-Young
  found out.

Version 7.0.11beta

Daniel (1 August 2000)
- Albert Chin-A-Young pointed out that 'make install' did not properly create
  the header include directory, why it failed to install the header files as
  it should. Automake isn't really equipped to deal with subdirectories
  without Makefiles in any nice way. I had to run ahead and add Makefiles in
  both include and include/curl before I managed to create a top-level
  makefile that succeeds in install everything properly!

- Ok, no more "features" added now. Let's just verify that there's no major
  flaws added now.

Daniel (31 July 2000)
- Both Jeff Schasny and Ketil Froyn asked me how to tell curl not to send one
  of those internally generated headers. They didn't settle with the blank
  ones you could tell curl to use. I rewrote the header-replace stuff a
  little. Now, if you replace an internal header with your own and that new
  one is a blank header you will only remove the internal one and not get any
  blank. I couldn't figure out any case when you want that blank header.

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Daniel (29 July 2000)
- It struck me that the lib used localtime() which is not thread-safe, so now
  I use localtime_r() in the systems that has it.

- I went through this entire document and removed all email addresses and left
  names only. I've really made an effort to always note who brought be bug
  reports or fixes, but more and more people ask me to remove the email
  addresses since they become victims for spams this way. Gordon Beaton got me
  working on this.
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Daniel (27 July 2000)
- Jörn Hartroth found out that when you specified a HTTP proxy in an
  environment variable and used -L, curl failed in the second fetch. I
  corrected this problem and posted a patch to the list. No need for an extra
  beta release just for this.

Version 7.0.10beta

Daniel (27 July 2000)
- So, libtool replaced two of my files with symbolic links and I forgot to add
  the two new libtool files to the release archive (and they were added as
  symlinks as well!) This of course lead to that the configure script failed
  on 7.0.9...

Version 7.0.9beta

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Daniel (25 July 2000)
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- Kristian Köhntopp <kris at> brought a fix that makes libcurl
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  libtoolified, just as we've wanted for a while now. He also made the
  recently added man pages get installed properly on 'make install' and some
  other nice cleanups.

- In a discussion with Eetu Ojanen it struck me that if we use curl to get a
  page using a password, and that page then sends a Location: to another
  server that curl follows, curl will send the user name and password to that
  server as well.

  Now, I'll never be able to make curl do Location: following all that perfect
  and you're all sooner or later required to write a script to do several
  fetches when you're doing advanced stuff, but now I've modified curl to at
  least *only* send the user name and password to the original server. Which
  means that if get a page from server A with a password, that forwards curl
  to server B, curl won't use the password there. If server B then forwards
  curl back to server A again, the password will be used again.

  This is not a perfect implementation, as in a browser case it would only use
  the password if the left-prefix of the first path is the same. I just think
  that this fix prevents a somewhat lurky "security hole".

  As a side-note in this subject: HTTP passwords are sent in cleartext and
  will never be considered to be safe or secure. Use HTTPS for that.

- As discussed on the mailing list, I converted the FTP response reading
  function into using select() which then allows timeouts (even under win32!)
  if the command-reply session gets too slow or dies completely. I made a
  default timeout on 3600 seconds unless anything else is specified, since I
  don't think anyone wants to wait more than that for a single character to
  get received...

- Torsten Foertsch <torsten.foertsch at> brought a set of fixes for
  the rfc1867 form posts. He introduced 'name=<file' which brings a means to
  suuply very large text chunks read from the given file name. It differs from
  'name=@file' in the way that this latter thing is marked in the uploaded
  contents as a file upload, while the first is just text (as in a input or
  textarea field). Torsten also corrected a bug that would happen if you used
  %s or similar in a -F file name.

- As discovered by Nico Baggus <Nico.Baggus at>, when transferring
  files to/from FTP using type ASCII curl should not expect the transfer to be
  the exact size reported by the server as the file size. Since ASCII may very
  well mean that the content is translated while transfered, the final size
  may very well differ. Therefor, curl now ignores the file size when doing
  ASCII transfers in FTP.

Daniel (24 July 2000)
- Added CURLOPT_PROXYPORT to the curl_easy_setopt() call to allow the proxy
  port number to be set separately from the proxy host name.

- Andrew <andrew at> pointed out a netrc manual bug.

- The FTP transfer code now accepts a 250-code as well as the previously
  accepted 226, after a successful file transfer. Mohan <mnair at> pointed this out.

- The check for *both* nsl and socket was never added in the v7
  when I moved the main branch. I re-added that check to This was
  discovered by Rich Gray.

- Howard, Blaise <Blaise.Howard at> pointed out a missing free() in
  curl_disconnect() which of course meant libcurl ate memory.

- Brian E. Gallew noted that the HTTP 'Host:' header curl sent did not
  properly include the port number if non-default ports were used. This should
  now have been fixed.

- HTTP connect errors now return errors earlier. This was most notably causing
  problems when the HTTPS certificate had problems and later caused a crash.
  Many thanks to Gregory Nicholls <gnicholls at> for discovering
  and suggesting a fix...

Daniel (21 June 2000)
- After a "bug report" I received where the user was using both -F and -I in a
  HTTP request (it severly confused the library I should add), I added some
  checks to src/main.c that prevents setting more than one HTTP request
  command, no matter what the user wants! ;-)

Version 7.0.8beta

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Daniel (20 June 2000)
- I did a major replace in many files to use the new curl domain
  instead of the previous one.

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- As Eetu Ojanen suggested, I finally took the step and now libcurl no longer
  makes a POST after it has followed a location. When the initial POST has
  been done, it'll turned into a GET for the further requests. This is only
  interesting when using -L/--location *and* doing a POST at the same time.

  While messing with this, I added another weird feature I call 'auto
  referer'. If you append ';auto' to the right of a given referer string (or
  only use that string as referer), libcurl will automatically set the
  previoud URL as refered when it follows a Location: and gets a succeeding

- My hero Rich Gray found the very obscure FTP bug that happened to him only
  when passing through a particular firewall and using the PORT command. It
  turned out that PORT was the only command in the lib/ftp.c source that
  didn't send a proper \r\n sequence but instead used the faulty \n which as
  it seemed is supported by most major ftp servers... :-O

Version 7.0.7beta

Daniel (16 June 2000)
- I had avoided this long enough now, so I moved the alternative progress bar
  stuff from the lib and added it to the client code. This is now using the
  recently added progress callback and it seems to work pretty much like
  before. Since it is only one progress bar and you and download and upload at
  the same time, this bar shows the combined progress of both directions. This
  code was just ported from the old place to this, Lars is still our saviour!
  ;-) This also made the documentation more accurate since I never removed
  this function from any docs! Although I now removed the CURLOPT_PROGRESSMODE
  from the library since the lib has only one internal progress meter and it
  will never get another. It is although likely that the internal one also
  will be moved to the client code in the future (when I have other means of
  getting the writeout data and move that too to the client).

- I took the opportunity to verify that standard progress meter works and I
  found out it didn't get inited properly. Grrr. I corrected that as well.

Daniel (15 June 2000)
- I thought I'd better verify that the -F option still works in v7 and of
  course it didn't... :-/ Anyway, I had the problems I could discover
  corrected. About one month of beta testing and not a single person has used
  this feature with v7?

- Björn correctly pointed out that the --progress-bar still doesn't work in
  v7. Hm.

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Daniel (14 June 2000)
- Tim Tassonis discovered that curl 7 didn't handle normal http POST as it
  should. I corrected this.

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Version 7.0.6beta

Daniel (14 June 2000)
- Björn Stenberg pointed out several problems (related to win32 compiling):
  lib/strequal.c had a bad #ifdef for one of the string comparisons (win32)
  src/main.c had several minor problems
  lib/makefile.m32 had getpass.[co] twice
  src/config-win32.h lacked the HAVE_FCNTL_H define
  both config-win32.h files now only set the HAVE_UNISTD_H define if the
  define MINGW32 is set, and I modified src/makefile.m32 and lib/makefile.m32
  to set it.

Version 7.0.5beta

Daniel (14 June 2000)
- Applied Luong Dinh Dung's comments about a few win32 compile problems.

- Applied Björn Stenberg's suggested fix that turns the win32 stdout to
  binary. It won't do it if the -B / --use-ascii option is used. That option
  is now an extended version of the previous -B /--ftp--ascii. The flag was
  already in use be the ldap as well so the new name fits pretty good. The
  libcyrl CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT was also introduced as an alias to the now
  obsolete CURLOPT_FTPASCII. Can't verify this fix myself as I have no win32
  compiler around.

Daniel (13 June 2000)
- Luong Dinh Dung <dung at> found a problem in curl_easy_cleanup()
  since it free()ed the main curl struct *twice*. This is now corrected.

Daniel (9 June 2000)
- Updated the RESOURCES file, added a README.win32 file.

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Daniel (8 June 2000)
- So I finally added the progress callback to the *setopt() options and it
  should work now. I don't have the energy to write any test program for it
  right now.
- Made the callback function typedefs public in curl/curl.h for comfort. Just
  in case anyone wanna fiddle with such pointers.
- Updated the curl_easy_setopt() man page accordingly.

Version 7.0.4beta

Daniel (2 June 2000)
- I noticed that when doing Location: following, we lost custom headers in all
  but the first request.
- Removed the 'HttpPost' struct and moved the header stuff to the more generic
- Added some better slist-cleanups in src/main.c

Version 7.0.3beta

Daniel (31 May 2000)
- So I discovered that I released the 7.0.2beta without it being able to
  compile under Linux. gethostbyname_r() and gethostbyaddr_r() turned out to
  feature a different amount of arguments on different systems so I had to add
  a configure check for this and adjust the code slightly.

Version 7.0.2beta

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Daniel (29 May 2000)
- Corrected the bits.* assignments when using CURLOPT options that only
  toggles one of those bits.

- Applied the huge patches from David LeBlanc <dleblanc at> that add
  usage of the gethostbyname_r() and similar functions in case they're around,
  since that make libcurl much better threadsafe in many systems (such as
  solaris). I added the checks for these functions to the configure script.

  I can't explain why, but the inet_ntoa_r() function did not appear in my
  Solaris include files, I had to add my own include file for this for now.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (22 May 2000)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Jörn Hartroth brought me fixes to make the win32 version compile properly as
  well as a rename of the 'interface' field in the urldata struct, as it seems
  to be reserved in some gcc versions!

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Rich Gray struck back with yet some portability reports. Data General DG/UX
  needed a little fix in lib/ldap.c since it doesn't have RTLD_GLOBAL defined.
  More fixes are expected as a result of Richies very helpful work.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.0.1beta
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Daniel (21 May 2000)
- Updated lots of #defines, enums and variable type names in the library. No
  more weird URG or URLTAG prefixes. All types and names should be curl-
  prefixed to avoid name space clashes. The FLAGS-parameter to the former
  curl_urlget() has been converted into a bunch of flags to use in separate
  setopt calls. I'm still focusing on the easy-interface, as the curl tool is
  now using that.

- Bjorn Reese has provided me with an asynchronous name resolver that I plan
  to use in upcoming versions of curl to be able to gracefully timeout name

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.0beta

Daniel (18 May 2000)
- Introduced LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM to the curl.h include file to better allow
  source codes to be dependent on the lib version. This define is now set to
  a dexadecimal number, with 8 bits each for major number, minor number and
  patch number. In other words, version 1.2.3 would make it 0x010203. It also
  makes a larger number a newer version.

Daniel (17 May 2000)
- Martin Kammerhofer correctly pointed out several flaws in the FTP range
  option. I corrected them.
- Removed the win32 winsock init crap from the lib to the src/main.c file
  in the application instead. They can't be in the lib, especially not for
  multithreaded purposes.

Daniel (16 May 2000)
- Rewrote the src/main.c source to use the new easy-interface to libcurl 7.
  There is still more work to do, but the first step is now taken.
  <curl/easy.h> is the include file to use.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (14 May 2000)
- FTP URLs are now treated slightly different, more according to RFC 1738.
- FTP sessions are now performed differently, with CWD commands to change
  directory instead of RETR/STOR/LIST with the full path. Discussions with
  Rich Gray made me notice these problems.
- Janne Johansson discovered and corrected a buffer overflow in the
  src/usrglob.c file.
- I had to add a lib/strequal.c file for doing case insensitive string
  compares on all platforms.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (8 May 2000):
- Been working lots on the new lib.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Together with Rich Gray, I've tried to adjust the configure script to work
  better on the NCR MP-RAS Unix.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Daniel (2 May 2000):
- Albert Chin-A-Young pointed out that I had a few too many instructions in that didn't do any good.

Daniel (24 April 2000):
- Added a new paragraph to the FAQ about what to do when configure can't
  find OpenSSL even though it is installed. Supplied by Bob Allison

Daniel (12 April 2000):
- Started messing around big-time to convert the old library interface to a
  better one...

Daniel (8 April 2000):
- Made the progress bar look better for file sizes between 9999 kilobytes
  and 100 megabytes. They're now displayed XX.XM.
- I also noticed that ftp fetches through HTTP proxies didn't add the user
  agent string. It does now.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Habibie <habibie at> supplied a pretty good way to build RPMs
  on a Linux machine. It still a) requires me to be root to do it, b) leaves
  the rpm packages laying at some odd place on my disk c) doesn't work to
  build the ssl version of curl since I didn't install openssl from an rpm
  package so now the rpm crap thinks I don't have openssl and refuses to build
  a package that depends on ssl... Did I mention I don't get along with RPM?
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Once again I received a bug report about autoconf not setting -L prior to -l
  on the command line when checking for libs. In this case it made the native
  cc compiler on Solaris 7 to fail the OpenSSL check. This has previously been
  reported to cause problems on HP-UX and is a known flaw in autoconf 2.13. It
  is a pity there's no newer release around...
Daniel (4 April 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Marco G. Salvagno supplied me with two fixes that
  appearantly makes the OS/2 port work better with multiple URLs.

Daniel (2 April 2000):
- Another Location: fix. This time, when curl connected to a port and then
  followed a location with an absolute URL to another port, it misbehaved.

Daniel (27 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- H. Daphne Luong pointed out that curl was wrongly
  messing up the proxy string when fetching a document through a http proxy,
  which screwed up multiple fetches such as in location: followings.

Daniel (23 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Marco G. Salvagno corrected my badly applied patch he
  actually already told me about!

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- H. Daphne Luong brought me a fix that now makes curl
  ignore select() errors in the download if errno is EINTR, which turns out to
  happen every now and then when using libcurl multi-threaded...

Daniel (22 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Wham Bang supplied a couple of win32 fixes. HAVE_UNAME
  was accidentally #defined in config-win32.h, which it shouldn't have been.
  The HAVE_UNISTD_H is not defined when compiling with the Makefile.vc6
  makefile for MS VC++.

Daniel (21 March 2000):
- I removed the AC_PROG_INSTALL macro from, since it appears that
  one of the AM_* macros searches for a BSD compatible install already. Janne
  Johansson made me aware of this.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 6.5.2

Daniel (21 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Paul Harrington quickly pointed out to me that 6.5.1
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  crashes hard. I upload 6.5.2 now as quickly as possible! The problem was
  the -D adjustments in src/main.c.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 6.5.1

Daniel (20 March 2000):
- An anonymous post on sourceforge correctly pointed out a possible buffer
  overflow in the curl_unescape() function for URL conversions. The main
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  problem with this bug is that the ftp download uses that function and this
  single- byte overflow could lead to very odd bugs (as one reported by Janne
Daniel (19 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Marco G. Salvagno supplied me with a series of patches
  that now allows curl to get compiled on OS/2. It even includes a section in
  the INSTALL file. Very nice job!

Daniel (17 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Wham Bang supplied a patch for the lib/Makefile.vc6
  file. We still need some fixes for the config-win32.h since it appears that
  VC++ and mingw32 have different opinions about (at least) unistd.h's

Daniel (15 March 2000):
- I modified the -D/--dump-header workings so that it doesn't write anything
  to the file until it needs to. This way, you can actually use -b and -D
  on the same file if you want repeated invokes to store and read the cookies
  in that one single file.

- Poked around in lots of texts. Added the BUGS file for bug reporting stuff.
  Added the classic HTTP POST question to the FAQ, removed some #ifdef WIN32
  stuff from the sources (they're covered by the config-win32.h now).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Pascal Gaudette fixed a missing ldap.c problem in the
  Makefile.vc6 file. He also addressed a problem in src/config-win32.h.

Daniel (14 March 2000):
- Paul Harrington pointed out that the 'http_code' variable in the -w output
  was never written. I fixed it now.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Janne Johansson reported the complaints that OpenBSD does
  when getdate.c #includes malloc.h. It claims stdlib.h should be included
  instead. I added #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H code in getdate.y and two checks in
  the for malloc.h and stdlib.h.

Version 6.5

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (13 March 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- <curl at> pointed out that the way curl sent cookies in a
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  single line wasn't enjoyed by IIS4.0 servers. In my view, that is not what
  the standards say, but I added a white space between the name/value pairs to
  perhaps make them work better.

- Added the perl check back in the again since the
  script needs it!

- Made some beautifications in the curl man page.

Daniel (3 March 2000):
- Jörn helped me update the config-win32.h files with HAVE_SETVBUF and

Daniel (3 March 2000):
- Uploaded the 6.5pre2 package.

Daniel (2 March 2000):
- Removed the perl-programs from the distribution, they never made many people
  happy and I'll still keep them available on the web.

- Added the -w and -N stuff to the man page. Documented the new progress meter
  display in README.curl.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Jörn Hartroth, Chris <cbayliss at csc.come> and Ulf
  Möller from the openssl development team helped bringing me the details for
  fixing an OpenSSL usage flaw. It became apparent when they released openssl
  0.9.5 since that barfed on curl's bad behavior (not seeding a random number

- Yet another option: -N/--no-buffer disables buffering in the output stream.
  Probably most useful for very slow transfers when you really want to get
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  every byte curl receives within some preferred time. Andrew <tmr at>
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Damien Adant mailed me his fixes for making curl compile on Ultrix.
Daniel (24 February 2000):
- Applied Jörn Hartroth's fixes for config-win32.h and lib/Makefile.w32.

  I should also make a note here, if nothing else to myself, that when using
  the %-syntax for variables in DOS command prompts, you must use two %-
  letters for each one since that is an escape letter there! Maybe I should
  use another letter instead!

- Added more variables to -w:


- Made -w@filename read the syntax from a file and -w@- reads the syntax from
  stdin in the good old "standard" curl way.

Daniel (22 February 2000):
- Released a 6.5pre1 version to get some test and user feedback.

Daniel (21 February 2000):

- I added the -w/--write-out flag and some variables to go with it. -w is a
  single string, whatever you enter there will be written out when curl has
  completed a successful request. There are some variable substitutions and
  they are specified as '%{variable}' (without the quotes). Variables that
  exist as of this moment are:

        total_time     - total transfer time in seconds (with 2 decimals)
        size_download  - total downloaded amount of bytes
        size_upload    - total uploaded amount of bytes
        speed_download - the average speed of the entire download
        speed_upload   - the average speed of the entire upload

  I will of course add more variables, but I need input on these and others.

- It struck me that the -# progress bar will be hard to just apply on the new
  progress bar concept. I need some feedback on this before that'll get re-
  introduced! :-/

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (16 February 2000):
- Jörn Hartroth brought me some fixes for the progress meter and I continued
  working on it. It seems to work for http download, http post, ftp download
  and ftp upload. It should be a pretty good test it works generally good.

- Still need to add the -# progress bar into the new style progress interface.

- Gonna have a go at my new output option parameter next.

Daniel (15 February 2000):
- The progress meter stuff is slowly taking place. There's more left before it
  is working ok and everything is tested, but we're reaching there. Slowly!

Daniel (11 February 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Paul Marquis fixed the config file parsing of curl to
  deal with any-length lines, removing the previous limit of 4K.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Eetu Ojanen's suggestion of supporting the @-style for -b
  is implemented. Now -b@<filename> works as well as the old style. -b@- also
  similarly reads the cookies from stdin.

- Reminder: -D should not write to the file until it needs to, in the same way
  -o does. That would enable curl to use -b and -D on the same file...

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Ellis Pritchard made getdate.y work for MacOS X.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Paul Harrington helped me out finding the crash in the
  cookie parser. He also pointed out curl's habit of sending empty cookies to
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Ron Zapp corrected a problem in src/urlglob.c that
   prevented curl from getting compiled on sunos 4. The problem had to do
   with the difference in sprintf() return code types.

 - Transfer() should now be able to download and upload simultaneously. Let's
   do some progress meter fixes later this week.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (31 January 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Paul Harrington found another core dump in the cookie
   parser. Curl doesn't properly recognize the 'version' keyword and I think
   that is what caused this. I need to refresh some specs on cookies and see
   what else curl lacks to improve this a bit more once and for all.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   RFC 2109 clearly specifies how cookies should be dealt with when they are
   compliant with that spec. I don't think many servers are though...

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Mark W. Eichin found that while curl is uploading a form
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   to a web site, it doesn't read incoming data why it'll hang after a while
   since the socket "pipe" becomes full.

   It took me two hours to rewrite Download() and Upload() into the new
   single function Transfer(). It even seems to work! More testing is required
   of course... I should get the header-sending together in a kind of queue
   and let them get "uploaded" in Transfer() as well.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Zhibiao Wu pointed out a curl bug in the location: area,
   although I did not get a reproducible way to do this why I have to wait
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   with fixing anything.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Bob Schader suggested I should implement resume
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   support for the HTTP PUT operation, and as I think it is a valid suggestion
   I'll work on it.

Daniel (25 January 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - M Travis Obenhaus pointed out a manual mixup with -y and -Y that was
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jens Schleusener pointed out a problem to compile
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   curl on AIX 4.1.4 and gave me a solution. This problem was already fixed
   by Jörn's recent #include modifications!

Daniel (19 January 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Oskar Liljeblad pointed out and corrected a problem
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   in the Location: following system that made curl following a location: to a
   different protocol to fail.

   At January 31st I re-considered this fix and the surrounding source code. I
   could not really see that the patch did any difference, why I removed it
   again for further research and debugging. (It disabled location: following
   on server not running on default ports.)

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jörn Hartroth brought a fix that once again
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   made it possible to select progress bar.

 - Jörn also fixed a few include problems.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 6.4

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (17 January 2000):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Based on suggestions from Björn Stenberg, I made the
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   progress deal better with larger files and added a "Time" field which shows
   the time spent on the download so far.
 - I'm now using the CVS repository on, which also allows web
   browsing. See

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (10 January 2000):
 - Renumbered some enums in curl/curl.h since tag number 35 was used twice!
 - Added "postquote" support to the ftp section that enables post-ftp-transfer
   quote commands.
 - Now made the -Q/--quote parameter recognize '-' as a prefix, which means
   that command will be issued AFTER a successful ftp transfer. This can of
   course be used to delete or rename a file after it has been uploaded or
   downloaded. Use your imagination! ;-)
 - Since I do the main development on solaris 2.6 now, I had to download and
   install GNU groff to generate the hugehelp.c file. The solaris nroff cores
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   on the man page! So, in order to make the solaris configure script find a
   better result I made gnroff get checked prior to the regular nroff.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Added all the curl exit codes to the man page.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jim Gallagher properly tracked down a bug in autoconf
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   2.13. The AC_CHECK_LIB() macro wrongfully uses the -l flag before the -L
   flag to 'ld' which causes the HP-UX 10.20 flavour to fail on all libchecks
   and therefore you can't make the configure script find the openssl libs!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (28 December 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Tim Verhoeven correctly identified that curl
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   doesn't support URL formatted file names when getting ftp. Now, there's a
   problem with getting very weird file names off FTP servers. RFC 959 defines
   that the file name syntax to use should be the same as in the native OS of
   the server. Since we don't know the peer server system we currently just
   translate the URL syntax into plain letters. It is still better and with
   the solaris 2.6-supplied ftp server it works with spaces in the file names.

Daniel (27 December 1999):
 - When curl parsed cookies straight off a remote site, it corrupted the input
   data, which, if the downloaded headers were stored made very odd characters
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   in the saved data. Correctly identified and reported by Paul Harrington.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Daniel (13 December 1999):
 - General cleanups in the library interface. There had been some bad kludges
   added during times of stress and I did my best to clean them off. It was
   both regarding the lib API as well as include file confusions.

Daniel (3 December 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - A small --stderr bug was reported by Eetu Ojanen...
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - who also brought the suggestion of extending the -X flag to ftp list as
   well. So, now it is and the long option is now --request instead. It is
   only for ftp list for now (and the former http stuff too of course).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Lars J. Aas (24 November 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Patched curl to compile and build under BeOS. Doesn't work yet though!

 - Corrected the files to allow putting object files in
   different directories than the sources.

Version 6.3.1

Daniel (23 November 1999):
 - I've had this major disk crash. My good old trust-worthy source disk died
   along with the machine that hosted it. Thank goodness most of all the
   things I've done are either backed up elsewhere or stored in this CVS

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Michael S. Steuer pointed out a bug in the -F handling
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   that made curl hang if you posted an empty variable such as '-F name='. It
   was one of those old bugs that never have worked properly...

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jason Baietto pointed out a general flaw in the HTTP
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   download. Curl didn't complain if it was prematurely aborted before the
   entire download was completed. It does now.

Daniel (19 November 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Chris Maltby very accurately criticized the lack of
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   return code checks on the fwrite() calls. I did a thorough check for all
   occurrences and corrected this.

Daniel (17 November 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Paul Harrington pointed out that the -m/--max-time option
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   doesn't work for the slow system calls like gethostbyname()... I don't have
   any good fix yet, just a slightly less bad one that makes curl exit hard
   when the timeout is reached.

 - Bjorn Reese helped me point out a possible problem that might be the reason
   why Thomas Hurst experience problems in his Amiga version.

 Daniel (12 November 1999):
 - I found a crash in the new cookie file parser. It crashed when you gave
   a plain http header file as input...

Version 6.3

 Daniel (10 November 1999):
 - I kind of found out that the HTTP time-conditional GETs (-z) aren't always
   respected by the web server and the document is therefore sent in whole
   again, even though it doesn't match the requested condition. After reading
   section 13.3.4 of RFC 2616, I think I'm doing the right thing now when I do
   my own check as well. If curl thinks the condition isn't met, the transfer
   is aborted prematurely (after all the headers have been received).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - After comments from Robert Linden I also rewrote some parts of the man page
   to better describe how the -F works.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Michael Anti put up a new curl download mirror in
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - I added the list of download mirrors to the README file

 - I did add more explanations to the man page

 Daniel (8 November 1999):
 - I made the -b/--cookie option capable of reading netscape formatted cookie
   files as well as normal http-header files. It should be able to
   transparently figure out what kind of file it got as input.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (29 October 1999):
 - Another one of Sebastiaan van Erk's ideas (that has been requested before
   but I seem to have forgotten who it was), is to add support for ranges in
   FTP downloads. As usual, one request is just a request, when they're two
   it is a demand. I've added simple support for X-Y style fetches. X has to
   be the lower number, though you may omit one of the numbers. Use the -r/
   --range switch (previously HTTP-only).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Sebastiaan van Erk suggested that curl should be
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   able to show the file size of a specified file. I think this is a splendid
   idea and the -I flag is now working for FTP. It displays the file size in
   this manner:
        Content-Length: XXXX
   As it resembles normal headers, and leaves us the opportunity to add more
   info in that display if we can come up with more in the future! It also
   makes sense since if you access ftp through a HTTP proxy, you'd get the
   file size the same way.

   I changed the order of the QUOTE command executions. They're now executed
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   just after the login and before any other command. I made this to enable
   quote commands to run before the -I stuff is done too.

 - I found out that -D/--dump-header and -V/--version weren't documented in
   the man page.

 - Many HTTP/1.1 servers do not support ranges. Don't ask me why. I did add
   some text about this in the man page for the range option. The thread in
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   the mailing list that started this was initiated by Michael Anti.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - I get reports about nroff crashes on solaris 2.6+ when displaying the curl
   man page. Switch to gnroff instead, it is reported to work(!). Adam Barclay
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   reported and brought the suggestion.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - In a dialogue with Johannes G. Kristinsson we came
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   up with the idea to let -H/--header specified headers replace the
   internally generated headers, if you happened to select to add a header
   that curl normally uses by itself. The advantage with this is not entirely
   obvious, but in Johannes' case it means that he can use another Host: than
   the one curl would set.

 Daniel (27 October 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jongki Suwandi brought a nice patch for (yet another) crash when following
   a location:. This time you had to follow a https:// server's redirect to
   get the core.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 6.2

 Daniel (21 October 1999):
 - I think I managed to remove the suspicious (nil) that has been seen just
   before the "Host:" in HTTP requests when -v was used.
 - I found out that if you followed a location: when using a proxy, without
   having specified http:// in the URL, the protocol part was added once again
   when moving to the next URL! (The protocol part has to be added to the
   URL when going through a proxy since it has no protocol-guessing system
   such as curl has.)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Benjamin Ritcey reported a core dump under solaris 2.6
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   with OpenSSL 0.9.4. It turned out this was due to a bad free() in main.c
   that occurred after the download was done and completed.
 - Benjamin found ftp downloads to show the first line of the download meter
   to get written twice, and I removed that problem. It was introduced with
   the multiple URL support.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Dan Zitter correctly pointed out that curl 6.1 and earlier versions didn't
   honor RFC 2616 chapter 4 section 2, "Message Headers": "...Field names are
   case-insensitive..."  HTTP header parsing assumed a certain casing. Dan
   also provided me with a patch that corrected this, which I took the liberty
   of editing slightly.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Dan Zitter also provided a nice patch for config.guess to better recognize
   the Mac OS X
 - Dan also corrected a minor problem in the lib/Makefile that caused linking
   to fail on OS X.

 Daniel (19 October 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Len Marinaccio came up with some problems with curl.  Since Windows has a
   crippled shell, it can't redirect stderr and that causes trouble. I added
   --stderr today which allows the user to redirect the stderr stream to a
   file or stdout.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (18 October 1999):
 - The configure script now understands the '--without-ssl' flag, which now
   totally disable SSL/https support. Previously it wasn't possible to force
   the configure script to leave SSL alone. The previous functionality has
   been retained. Troy Engel helped test this new one.

Version 6.1

 Daniel (17 October 1999):
 - I ifdef'ed or commented all the zlib stuff in the sources and configure
   script. It turned out we needed to mock more with zlib than I initially
   thought, to make it capable of downloading compressed HTTP documents and
   uncompress them on the fly. I didn't mean the zlib parts of curl to become
   more than minor so this means I halt the zlib expedition for now and wait
   until someone either writes the code or zlib gets updated and better
   adjusted for this kind of usage.  I won't get into details here, but a
   short a summary is suitable:
   - zlib can't automatically detect whether to use zlib or gzip
     decompression methods.
   - zlib is very neat for reading gzipped files from a file descriptor,
     although not as nice for reading buffer-based data such as we would
     want it.
   - there are still some problems with the win32 version when reading from
     a file descriptor if that is a socket

 Daniel (14 October 1999):
 - Moved the (external) include files for libcurl into a subdirectory named
   curl and adjusted all #include lines to use <curl/XXXX> to maintain a
   better name space and control of the headers. This has been requested.

 Daniel (12 October 1999):
 - I modified the 'maketgz' script to perform a 'make' too before a release
   archive is put together in an attempt to make the time stamps better and
   hopefully avoid the double configure-running that use to occur.

 Daniel (11 October 1999):
 - Applied Jörn's patches that fixes zlib for mingw32 compiles as well as
   some other missing zlib #ifdef and more text on the multiple URL docs in
   the man page.

Version 6.1beta

 Daniel (6 October 1999):
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Douglas E. Wegscheid sent me a patch that made the exact same thing as I
   just made: the -d switch is now capable of reading post data from a named
   file or stdin.  Use it similarly to the -F. To read the post data from a
   given file:
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

        curl -d @path/to/filename

   or let curl read it out from stdin:

        curl -d @-

 Jörn Hartroth (3 October 1999):
 - Brought some more patches for multiple URL functionality. The MIME
   separation ideas are almost scrapped now, and a custom separator is being
   used instead. This is still compile-time "flagged".

 - Updated curl.1 with multiple URL info.

 Daniel (30 September 1999):
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Felix von Leitner brought openssl-check fixes for to work
   out-of-the-box when the openssl files are installed in the system default
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 Daniel (28 September 1999)
 - Added libz functionality. This should enable decompressing gzip, compress
   or deflate encoding HTTP documents. It also makes curl send an accept that
   it accepts that kind of encoding. Compressed contents usually shortens
   download time. I *need* someone to tell me a site that uses compressed HTTP
   documents so that I can test this out properly.

 - As a result of the adding of zlib awareness, I changed the version string
   a little. I plan to add openldap version reporting in there too.

 Daniel (17 September 1999)
 - Made the -F option allow stdin when specifying files. By using '-' instead
   of file name, the data will be read from stdin.

Version 6.0

 Daniel (13 September 1999)
 - Added -X/--http-request <request> to enable any HTTP command to be sent.
   Do not that your server has to support the exact string you enter. This
   should possibly a string like DELETE or TRACE.

 - Applied Douglas' mingw32-fixes for the makefiles.

 Daniel (10 September 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Douglas E. Wegscheid pointed out a problem. Curl didn't check the FTP
   servers return code properly after the --quote commands were issued. It
   took anything non 200 as an error, when all 2XX codes should be accepted as
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - Sending cookies to the same site in multiple lines like curl used to do
   turned out to be bad and breaking the cookie specs. Curl now sends all
   cookies on a single Cookie: line. Curl is not yet RFC 2109 compliant, but I
   doubt that many servers do use that syntax (yet).

 Daniel (8 September 1999)
 - Jörn helped me make sure it still compiles nicely with mingw32 under win32.

 Daniel (7 September 1999)
 - FTP upload through proxy is now turned into a HTTP PUT. Requested by
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   Stefan Kanthak.
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 - Added the ldap files to the .m32 makefile.

 Daniel (3 September 1999)
 - Made cookie matching work while using HTTP proxy.

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 Bjorn Reese (31 August 1999)
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 - Passed his ldap:// patch. Note that this requires the openldap shared
   library to be installed and that LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the
   directory where the lib will be found when curl is run with a
   ldap:// URL.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Jörn Hartroth (31 August 1999)
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 - Made the Mingw32 makefiles into single files.
 - Made file:// work for Win32. The same code is now used for unix as well for
   performance reasons.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Douglas E. Wegscheid (30 August 1999)
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 - Patched the Mingw32 makefiles for SSL builds.

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 Matthew Clarke (30 August 1999)
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 - Made a cool patch for to allow --with-ssl to specify the
   root dir of the openssl installation, as in

        ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/ssl_here

 - Corrected the 'reconf' script to work better with some shells.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Jörn Hartroth (26 August 1999)
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 - Fixed the Mingw32 makefiles in lib/ and corrected the file.c for win32

Version 5.11

 Daniel (25 August 1999)
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 - John Weismiller pointed out a bug in the header-line
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   realloc() system in download.c.

 - I added lib/file.[ch] to offer a first, simple, file:// support. It
   probably won't do much good on win32 system at this point, but I see it
   as a start.

 - Made the release archives get a Makefile in the root dir, which can be
   used to start the compiling/building process easier. I haven't really
   changed any INSTALL text yet, I wanted to get some feed-back on this

 Daniel (17 August 1999)
 - Another Location: bug. Curl didn't do proper relative locations if the
   original URL had cgi-parameters that contained a slash. Nusu's page

 - Corrected the NO_PROXY usage. It is a list of substrings that if one of
   them matches the tail of the host name it should connect to, curl should
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   not use a proxy to connect there. Pointed out to me by Douglas
   E. Wegscheid.  I also changed the README text a little regarding this.
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 Daniel (16 August 1999)
 - Fixed a memory bug with http-servers that sent Location: to a Location:
   page. Nusu's page showed this too.

 - Made cookies work a lot better. Setting the same cookie name several times
   used to add more cookies instead of replacing the former one which it
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   should've. Nusu <nus at> brought me an URL that made this
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   painfully visible...

 Troy (15 August 1999)
 - Brought new .spec files as well as a patch for that lets the
   configure script find the openssl files better, even when the include
   files are in /usr/include/openssl

Version 5.10

 Daniel (13 August 1999)
 - SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb() has been modified in the 0.9.4 version of
   OpenSSL. Now why couldn't they simply add a *new* function instead of
   modifying the parameters of an already existing function? This way, we get
   a compiler warning if compiling with 0.9.4 but not with earlier. So, I had
   to come up with a #if construction that deals with this...
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - Made curl output the SSL version number get displayed properly with 0.9.4.

 Troy (12 August 1999)
 - Added MingW32 (GCC-2.95) support under Win32. The INSTALL file was also
   a bit rearranged.
 Daniel (12 August 1999)
 - I had to copy a good <arpa/telnet.h> include file into the curl source
   tree to enable the silly win32 systems to compile. The distribution rights
   allows us to do that as long as the file remains unmodified.

 - I corrected a few minor things that made the compiler complain when
   -Wall -pedantic was used.

 - I'm moving the official curl web page to I think it
   will make it easier to remember as it is a lot shorter and less cryptic.
   The old one still works and shows the same info.

 Daniel (11 August 1999)
 - Albert Chin-A-Young mailed me another correction for NROFF in the that is supposed to be better for IRIX users.

 Daniel (10 August 1999)
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 - Albert Chin-A-Young helped me with some stupid Makefile things, as well as
   some fiddling with the getdate.c stuff that he had problems with under
   HP-UX v10. getdate.y will now be compiled into getdate.c if the appropriate
   yacc or bison is found by the configure script. Since this is slightly new,
   we need to test the output getdate.c with win32 systems to make sure it
   still compiles there.
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Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (5 August 1999)
 - I've just setup a new mailing list with the intention to keep discussions
   around libcurl development in it. I mainly expect it to be for thoughts and
   brainstorming around a "next generation" library, rather than nitpicking
   about the current implementation or details in the current libcurl.

   To join our happy bunch of future-looking geeks, enter 'subscribe
   <address>' in the body of a mail and send it to  Curl bug reports, the usual curl
   talk and everything else should still be kept in this mailing list. I've
   started to archive this mailing list and have put the libcurl web page at

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 - Stefan Kanthak contacted me regarding a few problems in the configure
   script which he discovered when trying to make curl compile and build under
   Siemens SINIX-Z V5.42B2004!
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 - Marcus Klein very accurately informed me that src/version.h was not present
   in the CVS repository. Oh, how silly...
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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - Linus Nielsen rewrote the telnet:// part and now curl offers limited telnet
   support. If you run curl like 'curl telnet://host' you'll get all output on
   the screen and curl will read input from stdin. You'll be able to login and
   run commands etc, but since the output is buffered, expect to get a little
   weird output.
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   This is still in its infancy and it might get changed. We need your
   feed-back and input in how this is best done.

   WIN32 NOTE: I bet we'll get problems when trying to compile the current
   lib/telnet.c on win32, but I think we can sort them out in time.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - David Sanderson reported that FORCE_ALLOCA_H or HAVE_ALLOCA_H must be
   defined for getdate.c to compile properly on HP-UX 11.0. I updated the
   configure script to check for alloca.h which should make it.
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Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (4 August 1999)
 - I finally got to understand Marcus Klein's ftp download resume problem,
   which turns out to be due to different outputs from different ftp
   servers. It makes ftp download resuming a little trickier, but I've made
   some modifications I really believe will work for most ftp servers and I do
   hope you report if you have problems with this!

 - Added text about file transfer resuming to README.curl.

 Daniel (2 August 1999)
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 - Applied a progress-bar patch from Lars J. Aas. It offers
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   a new styled progress bar enabled with -#/--progress-bar. 

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 T. Yamada <tai at> (30 July 1999)
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 - It breaks with segfault when 1) curl is using .netrc to obtain
   username/password (option '-n'), and 2) is automatically redirected to
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   another location (option '-L').

   There is a small bug in lib/url.c (block starting from line 641), which
   tries to take out username/password from user- supplied command-line
   argument ('-u' option). This block is never executed on first attempt since
   CONF_USERPWD bit isn't set at first, but curl later turns it on when it
   checks for CONF_NETRC bit. So when curl tries to redo everything due to
   redirection, it segfaults trying to access *data->userpwd.

Version 5.9.1

 Daniel (30 July 1999)
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 - Steve Walch pointed out that there is a memory leak in the formdata
   functions. I added a FormFree() function that is now used and supposed to
   correct this flaw.
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 - Mark Wotton reported:
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   'curl -L' core dumps.  I managed to cure this by
   correcting the cleanup procedure. The bug seems to be gone with my OpenSSL
   0.9.2b, although still occurs when I run the ~100 years old SSLeay 0.8.0. I
   don't know whether it is curl or SSLeay that is to blame for that.

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 - Marcus Klein:
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   Reported an FTP upload resume bug that I really can't repeat nor understand.
   I leave it here so that it won't be forgotten.

 Daniel (29 July 1999)
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 - Costya Shulyupin suggested support for longer URLs when following Location:
   and I could only agree and fix it!
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 - Leigh Purdie found a problem in the upload/POST department. It turned out
   that http.c accidentaly cleared the pointer instead of the byte counter
   when supposed to.
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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Costya Shulyupin pointed out a problem with port numbers and Location:. If
   you had a server at a non-standard port that redirected to an URL using a
   standard port number, curl still used that first port number.
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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Ralph Beckmann pointed out a problem when using both CONF_FOLLOWLOCATION
   and CONF_FAILONERROR simultaneously. Since the CONF_FAILONERROR exits on
   the 302-code that the follow location header outputs it will never show any
   html on location: pages. I have now made it look for >=400 codes if
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - 'struct slist' is now renamed to 'struct curl_slist' (as suggested by Ralph

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - Joshua Swink and Rick Welykochy were the first to point out to me that the
   latest OpenSSL package now have moved the standard include path. It is now
   in /usr/local/ssl/include/openssl and I have now modified the --enable-ssl
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   option for the configure script to use that as the primary path, and I
   leave the former path too to work with older packages of OpenSSL too.

 Daniel (9 June 1999)
 - I finally understood the IRIX problem and now it seem to compile on it!
   I am gonna remove those #define strcasecmp() things once and for all now.

 Daniel (4 June 1999)
 - I adjusted the FTP reply 227 parser to make the PASV command work better
   with more ftp servers. Appearantly the Roxen Challanger server replied
   something curl 5.9 could deal with! :-( Reported by Ashley Reid-Montanaro
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   and Mark Butler brought a solution for it.
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 Daniel (26 May 1999)
 - Rearranged. README is new, the old one is now README.curl and I added a
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   README.libcurl with text I got from Ralph Beckmann.
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 - I also updated the INSTALL text.

 Daniel (25 May 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - David Jonathan Lowsky correctly pointed out that curl didn't properly deal
   with form posting where the variable shouldn't have any content, as in curl
   -F "form=" It was now fixed.
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Version 5.9

 Daniel (22 May 1999)
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 - I've got a bug report from Aaron Scarisbrick in which he states he has some
   problems with -L under FreeBSD 3.0. I have previously got another bug
   report from Stefan Grether which points at an error with similar sympthoms
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   when using win32. I made the allocation of the new url string a bit faster
   and different, don't know if it actually improves anything though...

 Daniel (20 May 1999)
 - Made the cookie parser deal with CRLF newlines too.

 Daniel (19 May 1999)
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 - Download() didn't properly deal with failing return codes from the sread()
   function. Adam Coyne found the problem in the win32 version, and Troy Engel
   helped me out isolating it.
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 Daniel (16 May 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Richard Adams pointed out a bug I introduced in 5.8. --dump-header doesn't
   work anymore! :-/ I fixed it now.
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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 - After a suggestion by Joshua Swink I added -S / --show-error to force curl
   to display the error message in case of an error, even if -s/--silent was
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 Daniel (10 May 1999)
 - I moved the stuff concerning HTTP, DICT and TELNET it their own source
   files now. It is a beginning on my clean-up of the sources to make them
   layer all those protocols better to enable more to be added easier in the

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Leon Breedt sent me some files I've not put into the main curl
   archive. They're for creating the Debian package thingie. He also sent me a
   debian package that I've made available for download at the web page
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 Daniel (9 May 1999)
 - Made it compile on cygwin too.

 Troy Engel (7 May 1999)
 - Brought a series of patches to allow curl to compile smoothly on MSVC++ 6

 Daniel (6 May 1999)
 - I changed the #ifdef HAVE_STRFTIME placement for the -z code so that it
   will be easier to discover systems that don't have that function and thus
   can't use -z successfully. Made the strftime() get used if WIN32 is defined

Version 5.8

 Daniel (5 May 1999)
 - I've had it with this autoconf/automake mess. It seems to work allright
   for most people who don't have automake installed, but for those who have
   there are problems all over.

   I've got like five different bug reports on this only the last
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   week... Claudio Neves and Federico Bianchi and root <duggerj001 at> are some of them reporting this.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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   Currently, I have no really good fix since I want to use automake myself to
   generate the files. I've found out that the @SHELL@-problems
   can often be fixed by manually invoking 'automake' in the archive root
   before you run ./configure... I've hacked my maketgz script now to fiddle
   a bit with this and my tests seem to work better than before at least!

 Daniel (4 May 1999)
 - has been doing badly lately. I corrected a case problem in
   the regexes.

 - I've now remade the -o option to not touch the file unless it needs to.
   I had to do this to make -z option really fine, since now you can make a
   curl fetch and use a local copy's time when downloading to that file, as

        curl -z dump -o dump

   This will only get the file if the remote one is newer than the local.
   I'm aware that this alters previous behaviour a little. Some scripts out
   there may depend on that the file is always touched...

 - Corrected a bug in the SSLv2/v3 selection.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Felix von Leitner requested that curl should be able to send
   "If-Modified-Since" headers, which indeed is a fair idea.  I implemented it
   right away! Try -z <expression> where expression is a full GNU date
   expression or a file name to get the date from!
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 Stephan Lagerholm (30 Apr 1999)
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 - Pointed out a problem with the src/Makefile for FreeBSD. The RM variable
   isn't set and causes the make to fail.

 Daniel (26 April 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Am I silly or what? Irving Wolfe pointed out to me that the curl version
   number was not set properly. Hasn't been since 5.6. This was due to a bug
   in my maketgz script!
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 David Eriksson (25 Apr 1999)
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 - Found a bug in cookies.c that made it crash at times.

Version 5.7.1

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 Doug Kaufman (23 Apr 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brought two sunos 4 fixes. One of them being the hostip.c fix mentioned
   below and the other one a correction in include/stdcheaders.h

 - Added a paragraph about compiling with the US-version of openssl to the
   INSTALL file.

 - New mailing list address. Info updated on the web page as well as in the
   README file

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Greg Onufer (20 Apr 1999)
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 - hostip.c didn't compile properly on SunOS 5.5.1.
   It needs an #include <sys/types.h>

Version 5.7

 Daniel (Apr 20 1999)
 - Decided to upload a non-beta version right now!

 - Made curl support any-length HTTP headers. The destination buffer is now
   simply enlarged every time it turns out to be too small!

 - Added the FAQ file to the archive. Still a bit smallish, but it is a

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 Eric Thelin (15 Apr 1999)
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 - Made -D accept '-' instead of filename to write to stdout.

Version 5.6.3beta

 Daniel (Apr 12 1999)

 - Changed two #ifdef WIN32 to better #ifdef <errorcode> when connect()ing
   in url.c and ftp.c. Makes cygwin32 deal with them better too. We should
   try to get some decent win32-replacement there. Anyone?

 - The old -3/--crlf option is now ONLY --crlf!

 - I changed the "SSL fix" to a more lame one, but that doesn't remove as
   much functionality. Now I've enabled the lib to select what SSL version it
   should try first. Appearantly some older SSL-servers don't like when you
   talk v3 with them so you need to be able to force curl to talk v2 from the
   start. The fix dated April 6 and posted on the mailing list forced curl to
   use v2 at all times using a modern OpenSSL version, but we don't really
   want such a crippled solution.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Marc Boucher sent me a patch that corrected a math error for the
   "Curr.Speed" progress meter.
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Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Eric Thelin sent me a patch that enables '-K -' to read a config file from
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 - I found out we didn't close the file properly before so I added it!

 Daniel (Apr 9 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Yu Xin pointed out a problem with ftp download resume.  It didn't work at
   all! ;-O
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (Apr 6 1999)
 - Corrected the version string part generated for the SSL version.

 - I found a way to make some other SSL page work with openssl 0.9.1+ that
   previously didn't (ssleay 0.8.0 works with it though!). Trying to get
   some real info from the OpenSSL guys to see how I should do to behave the
   best way. SSLeay 0.8.0 shouldn't be that much in use anyway these days!

Version 5.6.2beta

 Daniel (Apr 4 1999)
 - Finally have curl more cookie "aware". Now read carefully. This is how
   it works.
   To make curl read cookies from an already existing file, in plain header-
   format (like from the headers of a previous fetch) invoke curl with the
   -b flag like:

        curl -b file http://site/foo.html

   Curl will then use all cookies it finds matching. The old style that sets
   a single cookie with -b is still supported and is used if the string
   following -b includes a '=' letter, as in "-b name=daniel".

   To make curl read the cookies sent in combination with a location: (which
   sites often do) point curl to read a non-existing file at first (i.e
   to start with no existing cookies), like:

        curl -b nowhere http://site/setcookieandrelocate.html

 - Added a paragraph in the TODO file about the SSL problems recently
   reported. Evidently, some kind of SSL-problem curl may need to address.

 - Better "Location:" following.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Douglas E. Wegscheid (Tue, 30 Mar 1999)
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 - A subsecond display patch.

 Daniel (Mar 14 1999)
 - I've separated the version number of libcurl and curl now. To make
   things a little easier, I decided to start the curl numbering from
   5.6 and the former version number known as "curl" is now the one
   set for libcurl.

 - Removed the 'enable-no-pass' from configure, I doubt anyone wanted

 - Made lots of tiny adjustments to compile smoothly with cygwin under
   win32. It's a killer for porting this to win32, bye bye VC++! ;-)
   Compiles and builds out-of-the-box now. See the new wordings in
   INSTALL for details.

 - Beginning experiments with downloading multiple document from a http
   server while remaining connected.

Version 5.6beta

 Daniel (Mar 13 1999)
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 - Since I've changed so much, I thought I'd just go ahead and implement the
   suggestion from Douglas E. Wegscheid. -D or --dump-header is now storing
   HTTP headers separately in the specified file.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - Added new text to INSTALL on what to do to build this on win32 now.

 - Aaargh. I had to take a step back and prefix the shared #include files
   in the sources with "../include/" to please VC++...

 Daniel (Mar 12 1999)
 - Split the url.c source into many tiny sources for better readability
   and smaller size.

 Daniel (Mar 11 1999)
 - Started to change stuff for a move to make libcurl and a more separate
   curl application that uses the libcurl. Made the libcurl sources into
   the new lib directory while the curl application will remain in src as
   before. New makefiles, adjusted configure script and so.

   libcurl.a built quickly and easily. I better make a better interface to
   the lib functions though.

   The new root dir include/ is supposed to contain the public information
   about the new libcurl. It is a little ugly so far :-)

 Daniel (Mar 1 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Todd Kaufmann sent me a good link to Netscape's cookie spec as well as the
   info that RFC 2109 specifies how to use them.  The link is now in the
   README and the RFC in the RESOURCES.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 Daniel (Feb 23 1999)
 - Finally made configure accept --with-ssl to look for SSL libs and includes
   in the "standard" place /usr/local/ssl...

 Daniel (Feb 22 1999)
 - Verified that curl linked fine with OpenSSL 0.9.1c which seems to be
   the most recent.

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 Henri Gomez (Fri Feb  5 1999)
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 - Sent in an updated curl-ssl.spec. I still miss the script that builds an
   RPM automatically...

Version 5.5.1

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 Mark Butler (27 Jan 1999)
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 - Corrected problems in Download().

 Danitel Stenberg (25 Jan 1999)
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Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Jeremie Petit pointed out a few flaws in the source that prevented it from
   compile warning free with the native compiler under Digital Unix v4.0d.
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Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 5.5

 Daniel Stenberg (15 Jan 1999)
 - Added Bjorns small text to the README about the DICT protocol.

 Daniel Stenberg (11 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - <jswink at> reported about the win32-versioin: "Doesn't use
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   ALL_PROXY environment variable". Turned out to be because of the static-
   buffer nature of the win32 environment variable calls!

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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 Bjorn Reese (10 Jan 1999)
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 - I have attached a simple addition for the DICT protocol (RFC 2229).
   It performs dictionary lookups. The output still needs to be better

   To test it try (the exact format, and more examples are described in
   the RFC)


Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Vicente Garcia (10 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Corrected the progress meter for files larger than 20MB.

 Daniel Stenberg (7 Jan 1999)
 - Corrected the -t and -T help texts. They claimed to be FTP only.

Version 5.4

 Daniel Stenberg
 (7 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Irving Wolfe reported that curl -s didn't always supress the progress
   reporting. It was the form post that autoamtically always switched it on
   again. This is now corrected!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 (4 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Andreas Kostyrka suggested I'd add PUT and he helped me out to test it. If
   you use -t or -T now on a http or https server, PUT will be used for file
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

   I removed the former use of -T with HTTP. I doubt anyone ever really used

 (4 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Erik Jacobsen found a width bug in the mprintf() function.  I corrected it
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 (4 Jan 1999)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - As John V. Chow pointed out to me, curl accepted very limited URL sizes. It
   should now accept path parts that are up to at least 4096 bytes.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - Somehow I screwed up when applying the AIX fix from Gilbert Ramirez, so
   I redid that now.

Version 5.3a (win32 only)

 Troy Engel
 - Corrected a win32 bug in the environment variable part.

Version 5.3

 Gilbert Ramirez Jr. (21 Dec 1998)
 - I have implemented the "quote" function of FTP clients. It allows you to
   send arbitrary commands to the remote FTP server. I chose the -Q/--quote
   command-line arguments.

   You can have more than one quoted string, and curl will apply them in
   order.  This is what I use for my MVS upload:

  curl -B --crlf -Q "site lrecl=80" -Q "site blk=8000" -T file ftp://os390/test

   Curl will send the two quoted "site" commands in the proper order.

 - Made it compile smoothly on AIX.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Gilbert Ramirez Jr. (18 Dec 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brought an MVS patch: -3/--mvs, for ftp upload to the MVS ftp server.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Troy Engel (17 Dec 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brought a correction that fixes the win32 curl bug.

 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - A bug, pointed out to me by Dr H. T. Leung, caused curl to crash on the -A
   flag on certain systems. Actually, all systems should've!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

 - Added a few defines to make directories/file names get build nicer (with _
   instead of . and \ instead of / in win32).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - steve <fisk at> reported a weird bug that occured if the
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   ftp server response line had a parenthesis on the line before the (size)
   info. I hope it works better now!

Version 5.2.1

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Steven G. Johnson (Dec 14, 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brought a fix that corrected a crash in 5.2 due to bad treatment of the
   environment variables.

Version 5.2

 Daniel Stenberg (Dec 14, 1998)
 - Rewrote the mkhelp script and now, the script generates the
   hugehelp.c file from the README *and* the man page file curl.1. By using
   both files, I no longer need to have double information in both the man
   page and the README as well. So, win32-users will only have the hugehelp.c
   file for all info, but then, they download the plain binary most times

 - gcc2.8.1 with the -Wall flag complaints a lot on subscript has type `char'
   if I don't explicitly typecast the argument to isdigit() or isspace() to
   int. So I did to compile warning free with that too.

 - Added checks for 'long double' and 'long long' in the configure script. I
   need those for the mprintf.c source to compile well on non long long
   comforming systems!

Version 5.1 (not publicly released)

 Daniel Stenberg (Dec 10, 1998)
 - I got a request for a pre-compiled NT Alpha version. Anyone?

 - Added Lynx/CERN www lib proxy environment variable support. That means curl
   now reads and understands the following environment variables:


   They should be set for protocol-specific proxies. General proxy should be
   set with

   And a comma-separated list of host names that shouldn't go through any
   proxy is set in (only an asterisk, '*' matches all hosts).


   The usage of the -x/--proxy flag overrides the environment variables.

 - Proxy can now be specified with a procotol:// prefix.

 - Wrote the curl.1 man page.

 - Introduced a whole new dynamic buffer system for all sprintf()s. It is
   based on the *printf() package by yours truly and Bjorn Reese. Hopefully,
   there aren't that many buffer overflow risks left now.

 - Ah, I should mention I've compiled and built curl successfully under
   solaris 2.6 with gcc now, gcc 2.7.2 won't work but 2.8.1 did ok.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Oren Tirosh (Dec 3, 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brought two .spec files, to use when creating (Linux) Redhat style RPM
   packages. They're named curl.spec and curl-ssl.spec.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Troy Engel
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Supplied the src/Makefile.vc6 for easy compiling with VC++ under Win32.

Version 5.0

 Daniel Stenberg (Dec 1, 1998)
 - Not a single bug report in ages.
 - Corrected getpass.c and main.c to compile warning and error free with the
   Win32 VC++ crap.

Version 5.0 beta 24

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 20, 1998)


 * Pre-requisite software:
   What		     To build what             Reads data from
   ====              =============             ===============
   GNU automake, aclocal.m4
     GNU make(1)      - " -
     GNU gcc(1)       - " -
   GNU autoconf      configure       
   GNU autoheader(2), acconfig.h

 * Make sure all files that should be part of the archive are put in FILES.

 * Run './maketgz' and enter version number of the new to become archive.

   maketgz does:

   - Enters the newly created version number in url.h.
   - (If you don't have automake, this script will warn about that, but unless
     you have changed the files, that is nothing to care about.)
     If you have it, it'll run it.
   - If you have autoconf, the will be edited to get the newly
     created version number and autoconf will be run.
   - Creates a new directory named curl-<version>. (Actually, it uses the base
     name of the current directory up to the first '-'.)
   - Copies all files mentioned in FILES to the new directory. Saving
     permissions and directory structure.
   - Uses tar to create an archive of it all, named curl-<version>.tar.gz
   - gzips the archive
   - Removes the new directory and all its contents.

 * When done, you have an archive stored in your directory named


   (1) They're required to make automake run properly.
   (2) It is distributed as a part of the GNU autoconf archive.

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 18, 1998)
 - I changed the TAG-system. If you ever used urlget() from this package in
   another product, you need to recompile with the new headers. I did this
   new stuff to better deal with different compilers and system with different
   variable sizes. I think it makes it a little more portable. This proves
   to compile warning free with the problematic IRIX compiler!
 - Win32 compiled with a silly error. Corrected now.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Brian Chaplin reported yet another problem in
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   multiline FTP responses. I've tried to correct it. I mailed him a new
   version and I hope he gets back soon with positive feedback!
 - Improved the 'maketgz' to create a temporary directory tree which it makes
   an archive from instead of the previous renaming of the current one.
 - Mailing list opened (see README).
 - Made -v more verbose on the PASV section of ftp transfers. Now it tells
   host name and IP of the new host (and port number). I also added a section
   about PORT vs PASV in the README.

Version 5.0 beta 21

 Angus Mackay (Nov 15, 1998)
 - Introduced automake stuff.

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 13, 1998)
 - Just made a successful GET of a document from an SSL-server using my own
   private certificate for authentication! The certificate has to be in PEM
   format. You do that the easiest way (although not *that* easy) by
   downloading the SSLyeay PKCS#12-patch by Dr Stephen N. Henson from his site
   at: Using his tool, you can
   convert any modern Netscape or (even) MSIE certificate to PEM-format.  Use
   it with 'curl -E <certificate:password>'.  If this isn't a
   cool feature, then I don't know what cool features look like! ;-)
 - Working slowly on telnet connections. #define TRY_TELNET to try it out.
   (curl -u user:passwd "telnet:// .login" is one example) I do
   have problem to define how it should work. The prime purpose for this must
   be to get (8bit clean) files via telnet, and it really isn't that easy to
   get files this way. Still having problems with \n being converted to \r\n.

 Angus Mackay (Nov 12, 1998)
 - Corrected another bug in the long parameter name parser.
 - Modified getpass.c (NOTE: see the special licensing in the top of that
   source file).

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 12, 1998)
 - We may have removed the silly warnings from url.c when compiled under IRIX.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   Thanks again to Bjorn Reese and Martin Staael.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Wrote which is a new perl script intended to help you find out
   how a FORM submission should be done. This needs a little more work to get
   really good.

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 11, 1998)
 - Made the HTTP header-checker accept white spaces before the HTTP/1.? line.
   Appearantly some proxies/sites add such at times (my test proxy did when I
   downloaded a gopher page with it)!
 - Moved the former -h to -M and made -h show the short help text instead. I
   had to enable a forced help text option. Now an even shorter help text will
   be presented when an unknown option and similar, is used.
 - stdcheaders.h didn't work with IRIX 6.4 native cc compiler. I hope my
   changes don't make other versions go nuts instead.

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 10, 1998)
 - Added a weird check in the configure script to check for the silly AIX
   warnings about my #define strcasecmp() stuff. I do that define to prevent
   me and other contributors to accidentaly use that function name instead
   of strequal()...
 - I bugfixed Angus's getpass.c very little.
 - Fixed the verbose flag names to getopt-style, i.e 'curl --loc' will be
   sufficient instead of --location as "loc" is a unique prefix. Also, anything
   after a '--' is treated as an URL. So if you do have a host with a weeeird
   name you can do 'curl --'.
 - Another getopt-adjust; curl now accepts flags after the URL on the command
   line. 'curl -O' is perfectly valid.
 - Corrected the .curlrc parser so that strtok() is no longer used and I
   believe it works better. Even URLs can be specified in it now.

 Angus Mackay (Nov 9, 1998)
 - Replaced getpass.c with a newly written one, not under GPL license
 - Changed OS to a #define in config.h instead of compiler flag
 - Makefile now uses -DHAVE_CONFIG_H

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 9, 1998)
 - Ok, I expanded the tgz-target to update the version string on each occation
   I build a release archive!
 - I reacted on Angus Mackay's initiative and remade the parameter parser to
   be more getopt compliant. Curl now supports "merged" flags as in 
	curl -lsv
   Do note that I had to move three short-names of the options. Parameters
   that needs an additional string such as -x must be stand-alone or the
   last in a merged sequence:
	curl -lsx my-proxy
   is ok, but using the flags in a different order like '-lxs' would cause
   unexpected results (as the 's' option would be skipped).
 - I've changed the headers in all files that are subject to the MozPL
   license, as they are supposed to look like when conforming.
 - Made the configure script make the config.h. The former config.h is now
 - The RESOURCES and TODO files have been added to the archive.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Angus Mackay (Nov 5, 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Fixed getpass.c and various configure stuff

 Daniel Stenberg (Nov 3, 1998)
 - Use -H/--header for custom HTTP-headers. Lets you pass on your own
   specified headers to the remote server. I wouldn't recommend trying to use
   a header with a defined usage according to standards. Use this flag once
   for every custom header you want to add.
 - Use -B/--ftp-ascii to force ftp to use ASCII mode when transfering files.
 - Corrected the '' script, I accidentally left my silly proxy
   usage in there! Since the introduction of the .curlrc file, it is easier to
   write scripts that use curl since proxies and stuff should be in the
   .curlrc file anyway.
 - Introducing the new -F flag for HTTP POST. It supports multipart/form-data
   which means it is gonna be possible to upload files etc through HTTP POST.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   Shiraz Kanga asked for the feature and my brother,
   Björn Stenberg helped me design the user
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   interface for this beast.  This feature requires quite some docs,
   since it has turned out not only quite capable, but also complicated! :-)
 - A note here, since I've received mail about it. SSLeay versions prior to
   0.8 will *not* work with curl!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Wil Langford reported a bug that occurred since curl
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   did not properly use CRLF when issuing ftp commands. I fixed it.
 - Rearranged the order config files are read. .curlrc is now *always* read
   first and before the command line flags. -K config files then act as
   additional config items.
 - Use -q AS THE FIRST OPTION specified to prevent .curlrc from being read.
 - You can now disable a proxy by using -x "". Useful if the .curlrc file
   specifies a proxy and you wanna fetch something without going through
 - I'm thinking of dropping the -p support. Its really not useful since ports
   could (and should?) be specified as :<port> appended on the host name
   instead, both in URLs and to proxy host names.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Martin Staael reports curl -L bugs under Windows NT
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   (test with URL This bug is not present in this
   version anymore.
 - Added support for the weird FTP URL type= thing. You can download a file
   using ASCII transfer by appending ";type=A" to the right of it. Other
   available types are type=D for dir-list (NLST) and type=I for binary
   transfer. I can't say I've ever seen anyone use this kind of URL though!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Troy Engel pointed out a bug in my getenv("HOME")
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   usage for win32 systems. I introduce getenv.c to better cope with
   this. Mr Engel helps me with the details around that...
 - A little note to myself and others, I should make the win32-binary built
   with SSL support...
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Ryan Nelson sent me comments about building curl
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   with SSL under FreeBSD. See the Makefile for details. Using the configure
   script, it should work better and automatically now...
 - Cleaned up in the port number mess in the source. No longer stores and uses
   proxy port number separate from normal port number.
 - 'configure' script working. Confirmed compiles on:
    Host         SSL  Compiler
    SunOS 5.5    no   gcc
    SunOS 5.5.1  yes  gcc
    SunOS 5.6    no   cc  (with gcc, it has the "gcc include files" problem)
    SunOS 4.1.3  no   gcc (without ANSI C headers)
    SunOS 4.1.2  no   gcc (native compiler failed)
    Linux 2.0.18 no   gcc
    Linux 2.0.32 yes  gcc
    Linux 2.0.35 no   gcc (with glibc)
    IRIX 6.2     no   gcc (cc compiles generate a few warnings)
    IRIX 6.4     no   cc  (generated warnings though)
    Win32        no   Borland
    OSF4.0	 no   ?

 - Ooops. The 5beta (and 4.10) under win32 failed if the HOME variable wasn't
 - When using a proxy, curl now guesses and uses the protocol part in cases
	curl -x proxy:80
   Proxies normally go nuts unless http:// is prepended to the host name, so
   if curl is used like this, it guesses protocol and appends the protocol
   string before passing it to the proxy. It already did this when used
   without proxy.
 - Better port usage with SSL through proxy now. If you specified a different
   https-port when accessing through a proxy, it didn't use that number
   correctly. I also rewrote the code that parses the stuff read from the
   proxy when you wanna connect through it with SSL.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Bjorn Reese helped me work around one of the compiler
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   warnings on IRIX native cc compiles.

Version 4.10 (Oct 26, 1998)
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - John A. Bristor suggested a config file switch,
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   and since I've been having that idea kind of in the background for a long
   time I rewrote the parameter parsing function a little and now I introduce
   the -K/--config flag. I also made curl *always* (unless -K is used) try to
   load the .curlrc file for command line parameters. The syntax for the
   config file is the standard command line argument style. Details in 'curl
   -h' or the README.
 - I removed the -k option. Keep-alive isn't really anything anyone would
   want to enable with curl anyway.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Martin Staael helped me add the 'irix' target. Now
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   "make irix" should build curl successfully on non-gcc SGI machines.
 - Single switches now toggle behaviours. I.e if you use -v -v the second
   will switch off the verbose mode the first one enabled. This is so that
   you can disable a default setting a .curlrc file enables etc.

Version 4.9 (Oct 7, 1998)
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Martin Staael suggested curl would support cookies.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   I added -b/--cookie to enable free-text cookie data to be passed. There's
   also a little blurb about general cookie stuff in the README/help text.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - dmh <dmh at> suggested HTTP resume capabilities. Although you could
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   manually get curl to resume HTTP documents, I made the -c resume flag work
   for HTTP too (unless -r is used too, which would be very odd anyway).
 - Added to the archive. It is a still experimental perl script
   that checks all links of a web page by using curl.
 - Rearranged the archive hierarchy a little. Build the executable in the
   src/ dir from now on!
 - Version 4.9 and hereafter, is no longer released under the GPL license.
   I have now updated the LEGAL file etc and now this is released using the
   Mozilla Public License to avoid the plague known as "the GPL virus". You
   must make the source available if you decide to change and/or redistribute
   curl, but if you decide to use curl within something else you do not need
   to offer the world the source to that too.
 - Curl did not like HTTP servers that sent no headers at all on a GET
   request.  It is a violation of RFC2068 but appearantly some servers do
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   that anyway.  Thanks to Gordon Beaton for the report!
 - -L/--location was added after a suggestion from Martin Staael. This makes
   curl ATTEMPT to follow the Location: redirect if one is present in the HTTP
   headers. If -i or -I is used with this flag, you will see headers from all
   sites the Location: points to. Do note that the first server can point to a
   second that points to a third etc. It seems the Location: parameter (said
   to be an AbsoluteURI in RFC2068) isn't always absolute.. :-/ Anyway, I've
   made curl ATTEMPT to do the best it can to deal with the reality.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Added to the archive. selectively downloads
   files that a web page links to.

Version 4.8.4
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - As Julian Romero Nieto reported, curl reported wrong version number.
 - As Teemu Yli-Elsila pointed out, the win32 version of 4.8 (and probably all
   other versions for win32) didn't work with binary files since I'm too used
   to the UNIX style fopen() where binary and text don't differ...
 - Ralph Beckmann brought me some changes that lets curl compile error and
   warning free with -Wall -pedantic with g++. I also took the opportunity to
   clean off some unused variables and similar.
 - Ralph Beckmann made me aware of a really odd bug now corrected. When curl
   read a set of headers from a HTTP server, divided into more than one read
   and the first read showed a full line *exactly* (i.e ending with a
   newline), curl did not behave well.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 4.8.3
 Daniel Stenberg
 - I was too quick to release 4.8.2 with too little testing. One of the
   changes is now reverted slightly to the 4.8.1 way since 4.8.2 couldn't
   upload files. I still think both problems corrected in 4.8.2 remain
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   corrected.  Reported by Julian Romero Nieto.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 4.8.2
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Bernhard Iselborn reported two FTP protocol errors curl did. They're now
   corrected. Both appeared when getting files from a MS FTP server! :-)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 4.8.1
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Added a last update of the progress meter when the transfer is done. The
   final output on the screen didn't have to be the final size transfered
   which made it sometimes look odd.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Thanks to David Long I got rid of a silly bug that happened if a HTTP-page
   had nothing but header. Appearantly Solaris deals with negative sizes in
   fwrite() calls a lot better than Linux does... =B-]
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

Version 4.8
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Continue FTP file transfer. -c is the switch. Note that you need to
   specify a file name if you wanna resume a download (you can't resume a
   download sent to stdout). Resuming upload may be limited by the server
   since curl is then using the non-RFC959 command SIZE to get the size of
   the target file before upload begins (to figure out which offset to
   use). Use -C to specify the offset yourself! -C is handy if you're doing
   the output to something else but a plain file or when you just want to get
   the end of a file.
 - now features a maximum recursive level argument.

Version 4.7
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Added support to abort a download if the speed is below a certain amount
   (speed-limit) bytes per second for a certain (speed-time) time.
 - Wrote a perl script '' to recursively use curl to get a
   whole ftp directory tree. It is meant as an example of how curl can be
   used.  I agree it isn't the wisest thing to do to make a separate new
   connection for each file and directory for this.

Version 4.6
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Added a first attempt to optionally parse the .netrc file for login user
   and password. If used with http, it enables user authentication. -n is
   the new switch.
 - Removed the extra newlines on the default user-agent string.
 - Corrected the missing ftp upload error messages when it failed without the
   verbose flag set. Gary W. Swearingen found it.
 - Now using alarm() to enable second-precision timeout even on the name
   resolving/connecting phase. The timeout is although reset after that first
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
   sequence. (This should be corrected.) Gary W. Swearingen reported.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Now spells "Unknown" properly, as in "Unknown option 'z'"... :-)
 - Added bug report email address in the README.
 - Added a "current speed" field to the progress meter. It shows the average
   speed the last 5 seconds. The other speed field shows the average speed of
   the entire transfer so far.

Version 4.5.1
 Linas Vepstas
 - SSL through proxy fix
 - Added -A to allow User-Agent: changes

 Daniel Stenberg 
 - Made the -A work when SSL-through-proxy.

Version 4.5
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Linas Vepstas
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - More SSL corrections
 - I've added a port to AIX.
 - running SSL through a proxy causes a chunk of code to be executred twice.
   one of those blocks needs to be deleted.

 Daniel Stenberg
 - Made -i and -I work again

Version 4.4
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Linas Vepstas
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - -x can now also specify proxyport when used as in 'proxyhost:proxyport'
 - SSL fixes

Version 4.3
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Adjusted to compile under win32 (VisualC++ 5). The -P switch does not
   support network interface names in win32. I couldn't figure out how!

Version 4.2
 Linas Vepstas / Sampo Kellomaki
 - Added SSL / SSLeay support (https://)
 - Added the -T usage for HTTP POST.

 Daniel Stenberg
 - Bugfixed the SSL implementation.
 - Made -P a lot better to use other IP addresses. It now accepts a following
   parameter that can be either
        interface - i.e "eth0" to specify which interface's IP address you
                    want to use
        IP address - i.e "" to specify exact IP number
        host name - i.e "" to specify machine
        "-"       - (any single-letter string) to make it pick the machine's
 - The Makefile is now ready to compile for solaris, sunos4 and linux right
   out of the box.
 - Better generated version string seen with 'curl -V'

Version 4.1
 Daniel Stenberg
 - The IP number returned by the ftp server as a reply to PASV does no longer
   have to DNS resolve. In fact, no IP-number-only addresses have to anymore.
 - Binds better to available port when -P is used.
 - Now LISTs ./ instead of / when used as in The reason
   for this is that exactly that site,, does not allow LIST /
   while LIST ./ is fine. Any objections?

Version 4 (1998-03-20)
 Daniel Stenberg
 - I took another huge step and changed both version number and project name!
   The reason for the new name is that there are just one too many programs
   named urlget already and this program already can a lot more than merely
   getting URLs, and the reason for the version number is that I did add the
   pretty big change in -P and since I changed name I wanted to start with
   something fresh!
 - The --style flags are working better now.
 - Listing directories with FTP often reported that the file transfer was
   incomplete. Wrong assumptions were too common for directories, why no
   size will be attempted to get compared on them from now on.
 - Implemented the -P flag that let's the ftp control issue a PORT command
   instead of the standard PASV.
 - -a for appending FTP uploads works.


Version 3.12 (14 March 1998)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Daniel Stenberg
 - End-of-header tracking still lacked support for \r\n or just \n at the
   end of the last header line.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Sergio Barresi
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Added PROXY authentication.
 Rafael Sagula
 - Fixed some little bugs.

Version 3.11
 Daniel Stenberg
 - The header parsing was still not correct since the 3.2 modification...

Version 3.10
 Daniel Stenberg
 - 3.7 and 3.9 were simultaneously developed and merged into this version.
 - FTP upload did not work correctly since 3.2.

Version 3.9
 Rafael Sagula
 - Added the "-e <url> / --referer <url>" option where we can specify
   the referer page. Obviously, this is necessary only to fool the
   server, but...

Version 3.7
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Now checks the last error code sent from the ftp server after a file has
   been received or uploaded. Wasn't done previously.
 - When 'urlget <host>' is used without a 'protocol://' first in the host part,
   it now checks for host names starting with ftp or gopher and if it does,
   it uses that protocol by default instead of http.

Version 3.6
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Silly mistake made the POST bug. This has now also been tested to work with

Version 3.5
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Highly inspired by Rafael Sagula's changes to the 3.1 that added an almost
   functional POST, I applied his changes into this version and made them work.
   (It seems POST requires the Content-Type and Content-Length headers.) It is
   now usable with the -d switch.

Version 3.3 - 3.4
 Passed to avoid confusions

Version 3.2
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Major rewrite of two crucial parts of this code: upload and download.
   They are both now using a select() switch, that allows much better
   progress meter and time control. 
 - alarm() usage removed completely
 - FTP get can now list directory contents if the path ends with a slash '/'.
   Urlget on a ftp-path that doesn't end with a slash means urlget will
   attempt getting it as a file name.
 - FTP directory view supports -l for "list-only" which lists the file names
 - All operations support -m for max time usage in seconds allowed.
 - FTP upload now allows the size of the uploaded file to be provided, and
   thus it can better check it actually uploaded the whole file. It also
   makes the progress meter for uploads much better!
 - Made the parameter parsing fail in cases like 'urlget -r 900' which
   previously tried to connect to the host named '900'.

Version 3.1
 Kjell Ericson
 - Pointed out how to correct the 3 warnings in win32-compiles.

 Daniel Stenberg
 - Removed all calls to exit().
 - Made the short help text get written to stdout instead of stderr.
 - Made this file instead of keeping these comments in the source.
 - Made two callback hooks, that enable external programs to use urlget()
   easier and to grab the output/offer the input easier.
 - It is evident that Win32-compiles are painful. I watched the output from
   the Borland C++ v5 and it was awful. Just ignore all those warnings.

Version 3.0
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Added FTP upload capabilities. The name urlget gets a bit silly now
   when we can put too... =)
 - Restructured the source quite a lot.
   Changed the urlget() interface. This way, we will survive changes much
   better. New features can come and old can be removed without us needing
   to change the interface. I've written a small explanation in urlget.h
   that explains it.
 - New flags include -t, -T, -O and -h. The -h text is generated by the new
   mkhelp script.

Version 2.9
 Remco van Hooff
 - Added a fix to make it compile smoothly on Amiga using the SAS/C
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Believe it or not, but the STUPID Novell web server seems to require
   that the Host: keyword is used, so well I use it and I (re-introduce) the
   urlget User-Agent:. I still have to check that this Host: usage works with
   proxies... 'Host:' is required for HTTP/1.1 GET according to RFC2068.

Version 2.8
 Rafael Sagula
 - some little modifications

Version 2.7
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Removed the -l option and introduced the -f option instead. Now I'll
   rewrite the former -l kludge in an external script that'll use urlget to
   fetch multipart files like that.
 - '-f' is introduced, it means Fail without output in case of HTTP server
   errors (return code >=300).
 - Added support for -r, ranges. Specify which part of a document you 
   want, and only that part is returned. Only with HTTP/1.1-servers.
 - Split up the source in 3 parts. Now all pure URL functions are in
   urlget.c and stuff that deals with the stand-alone program is in main.c.
 - I took a few minutes and wrote an embryo of a README file to explain
   a few things.

Version 2.6
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Made the -l (loop) thing use the new CONF_FAILONERROR which makes
   urlget() return error code if non-successful. It also won't output anything
   then. Now finally removed the HTTP 1.0 and error 404 dependencies.
 - Added -I which uses the HEAD request to get the header only from a

Version 2.5
 Rafael Sagula
 - Made the progress meter use HHH:MM:SS instead of only seconds.

Version 2.4
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Added progress meter. It appears when downloading > BUFFER SIZE and
   mute is not selected. I found out that when downloading large files from
   really really slow sites, it is desirable to know the status of the
   download. Do note that some downloads are done unawaring of the size, which
   makes the progress meter less thrilling ;) If the output is sent to a tty,
   the progress meter is shut off.
 - Increased buffer size used for reading.
 - Added length checks in the user+passwd parsing.
 - Made it grok user+passwd for HTTP fetches. The trick is to base64
   encode the user+passwd and send an extra header line. Read chapter 11.1 in
   RFC2068 for details. I added it to be used just like the ftp one.  To get a
   http document from a place that requires user and password, use an URL

   I also added the -u flag, since WHEN USING A PROXY YOU CAN'T SPECIFY THE
   USER AND PASSWORD WITH HTTP LIKE THAT. The -u flag works for ftp too, but
   not if used with proxy. To do the same as the above one, you can invoke:

        urlget -u user:passwd

Version 2.3
 Rafael Sagula
 - Added "-o" option (output file)
 - Added URG_HTTP_NOT_FOUND return code.
   (Daniel's note:)
   Perhaps we should detect all kinds of errors and instead of writing that
   custom string for the particular 404-error, use the error text we actually
   get from the server. See further details in RFC2068 (HTTP 1.1
   definition). The current way also relies on a HTTP/1.0 reply, which newer
   servers might not do.
 - Looping mode ("-l" option). It's easier to get various split files.
   (Daniel's note:)
   Use it like 'urlget -l 1', which will
   make urlget to attempt to fetch all files named file1.html, file2.html etc
   until no more files are found. This is only a modification of the
   STAND_ALONE part, nothing in the urlget() function was modfified for this.
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Changed the -h to be -i instead. -h should be preserved to help use.
 - Bjorn Reese indicated that Borland _might_ use '_WIN32' instead of the
   VC++ WIN32 define and therefore I added a little fix for that.

Version 2.2
 Johan Andersson
 - The urlget function didn't set the path to url when using proxy.
 - Fixed bug with IMC proxy. Now using (almost) complete GET command.
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Made it compile on Solaris. Had to reorganize the includes a bit.
   (so Win32, Linux, SunOS 4 and Solaris 2 compile fine.)
 - Made Johan's keepalive keyword optional with the -k flag (since it
   makes a lot of urlgets take a lot longer time).
 - Made a '-h' switch in case you want the HTTP-header in the output.

Version 2.1
 Daniel Stenberg and Kjell Ericson
 - Win32-compilable
 - No more global variables
 - Mute option (no output at all to stderr)
 - Full range of return codes from urlget(), which is now written to be a
   function for easy-to-use in [other] programs.
 - Define STAND_ALONE to compile the stand alone urlget program
 - Now compiles with gcc options -ansi -Wall -pedantic ;)

Version 2.0
 - Introducing ftp GET support. The FTP URL type is recognized and used.
 - Renamed the project to 'urlget'.
 - Supports the user+passwd in the FTP URL (otherwise it tries anonymous
   login with a weird email address as password).

Version 1.5
 Daniel Stenberg
 - The skip_header() crap messed it up big-time. By simply removing that
   one we can all of a sudden download anything ;)
 - No longer requires a trailing slash on the URLs.
 - If the given URL isn't prefixed with 'http://', HTTP is assumed and
   given a try!
 - 'void main()' is history.

Version 1.4
 Daniel Stenberg
 - The gopher source used the ppath variable instead of path which could
   lead to disaster.

Version 1.3
 Daniel Stenberg
 - Well, I added a lame text about the time it took to get the data. I also
   fought against Johan to prevent his -f option (to specify a file name
   that should be written instead of stdout)! =)
 - Made it write 'connection refused' for that particular connect()
 - Renumbered the version. Let's not make silly 1.0.X versions, this is
   a plain 1.3 instead.

Version 1.2
 Johan Andersson
 - Discovered and fixed the problem with getting binary files. puts() is
   now replaced with fwrite(). (Daniel's note: this also fixed the buffer
   overwrite problem I found in the previous version.)

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Rafael Sagula
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Let "-p" before "-x".

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Bugfixed the proxy usage. It should *NOT* use nor strip the port number
   from the URL but simply pass that information to the proxy. This also
   made the user/password fields possible to use in proxy [ftp-] URLs.
   (like in

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Johan Andersson
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Implemented HTTP proxy support.
 - Receive byte counter added.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Bjorn Reese
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Implemented URLs (and skipped the old syntax).
 - Output is written to stdout, so to achieve the above example, do:
   httpget > test.gif

Version 1.1
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
 - Adjusted it slightly to accept named hosts on the command line. We
   wouldn't wanna use IP numbers for the rest of our lifes, would we?

Version 1.0
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  Rafael Sagula
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  - Wrote the initial httpget, which started all this!