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  • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #ifndef __URLDATA_H
    #define __URLDATA_H
     *                                  _   _ ____  _     
     *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |    
     *                             / __| | | | |_) | |    
     *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___ 
     *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
     * Copyright (C) 2000, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
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    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
     * In order to be useful for every potential user, curl and libcurl are
     * dual-licensed under the MPL and the MIT/X-derivate licenses.
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    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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     * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
     * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
     * furnished to do so, under the terms of the MPL or the MIT/X-derivate
     * licenses. You may pick one of these licenses.
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    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
     * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
     * KIND, either express or implied.
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    Daniel Stenberg committed
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
     * $Id$
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    Daniel Stenberg committed
    /* This file is for lib internal stuff */
    #include "setup.h"
    #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256
    #define PORT_FTP 21
    #define PORT_TELNET 23
    #define PORT_GOPHER 70
    #define PORT_HTTP 80
    #define PORT_HTTPS 443
    #define PORT_DICT 2628
    #define PORT_LDAP 389
    #define DICT_MATCH "/MATCH:"
    #define DICT_MATCH2 "/M:"
    #define DICT_MATCH3 "/FIND:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE "/DEFINE:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE2 "/D:"
    #define DICT_DEFINE3 "/LOOKUP:"
    #define CURL_DEFAULT_USER "anonymous"
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #include "cookie.h"
    #include "formdata.h"
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #ifdef USE_SSLEAY
    /* SSLeay stuff usually in /usr/local/ssl/include */
    #ifdef USE_OPENSSL
    #include "openssl/rsa.h"
    #include "openssl/crypto.h"
    #include "openssl/x509.h"
    #include "openssl/pem.h"
    #include "openssl/ssl.h"
    #include "openssl/err.h"
    #include "rsa.h"
    #include "crypto.h"
    #include "x509.h"
    #include "pem.h"
    #include "ssl.h"
    #include "err.h"
    #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include "timeval.h"
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #include "http_chunks.h" /* for the structs and enum stuff */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    /* Download buffer size, keep it fairly big for speed reasons */
    #define BUFSIZE (1024*50)
    /* Defaul upload buffer size, keep it smallish to get faster progress meter
       updates. This is just default, it is dynamic and adjusts to the upload
       speed. */
    #define UPLOAD_BUFSIZE (1024*2)
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    /* Initial size of the buffer to store headers in, it'll be enlarged in case
       of need. */
    #define HEADERSIZE 256
    /* Just a convenience macro to get the larger value out of two given */
    #ifndef MAX
    #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
    /* Types needed for krb4-ftp connections */
    struct krb4buffer {
      void *data;
      size_t size;
      size_t index;
      int eof_flag;
    enum protection_level { 
    /* struct for data related to SSL and SSL connections */
    struct ssl_connect_data {
      bool use;              /* use ssl encrypted communications TRUE/FALSE */
    #ifdef USE_SSLEAY
      /* these ones requires specific SSL-types */
      SSL_CTX* ctx;
      SSL*     handle;
      X509*    server_cert;
    #endif /* USE_SSLEAY */
    struct ssl_config_data {
      long version;          /* what version the client wants to use */
      long certverifyresult; /* result from the certificate verification */
      long verifypeer;       /* set TRUE if this is desired */
      char *CApath;          /* DOES NOT WORK ON WINDOWS */
      char *CAfile;          /* cerficate to verify peer against */
      char *random_file;     /* path to file containing "random" data */
      char *egdsocket;       /* path to file containing the EGD daemon socket */
     * HTTP unique setup
    struct HTTP {
      struct FormData *sendit;
      int postsize;
      char *p_pragma;      /* Pragma: string */
      char *p_accept;      /* Accept: string */
      long readbytecount; 
      long writebytecount;
      /* For FORM posting */
      struct Form form;
      size_t (*storefread)(char *, size_t , size_t , FILE *);
      FILE *in;
      struct Curl_chunker chunk;
     * FTP unique setup
    struct FTP {
      long *bytecountp;
      char *user;    /* user name string */
      char *passwd;  /* password string */
      char *urlpath; /* the originally given path part of the URL */
      char *dir;     /* decoded directory */
      char *file;    /* decoded file */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
      char *entrypath; /* the PWD reply when we logged on */
     * FILE unique setup
    struct FILE {
      int fd; /* open file descriptor to read from! */
     * Boolean values that concerns this connection.
    struct ConnectBits {
      bool close; /* if set, we close the connection after this request */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
      bool reuse; /* if set, this is a re-used connection */
      bool chunk; /* if set, this is a chunked transfer-encoding */
      bool httpproxy; /* if set, this transfer is done through a http proxy */
      bool user_passwd;       /* do we use user+password for this connection? */
      bool proxy_user_passwd; /* user+password for the proxy? */
     * The connectdata struct contains all fields and variables that should be
     * unique for an entire connection.
    struct connectdata {
      /**** Fields set when inited and not modified again */
      struct UrlData *data; /* link to the root CURL struct */
      int connectindex; /* what index in the connects index this particular
                           struct has */
      long protocol; /* PROT_* flags concerning the protocol set */
    #define PROT_MISSING (1<<0)
    #define PROT_GOPHER  (1<<1)
    #define PROT_HTTP    (1<<2)
    #define PROT_HTTPS   (1<<3)
    #define PROT_FTP     (1<<4)
    #define PROT_TELNET  (1<<5)
    #define PROT_DICT    (1<<6)
    #define PROT_LDAP    (1<<7)
    #define PROT_FILE    (1<<8)
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    #define PROT_FTPS    (1<<9)
    #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
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    Daniel Stenberg committed
      struct addrinfo *hp; /* host info pointer list */
      struct addrinfo *ai; /* the particular host we use */
      char *hostent_buf; /* pointer to allocated memory for name info */
      struct hostent *hp;
      struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
      char protostr[64];  /* store the protocol string in this buffer */
      char gname[257]; /* store the hostname in this buffer */
      char *name;      /* host name pointer to fool around with */
      char *path;      /* allocated buffer to store the URL's path part in */
      char *hostname;  /* hostname to connect, as parsed from url */
      long port;       /* which port to use locally */
      unsigned short remote_port; /* what remote port to connect to,
                                     not the proxy port! */
      char *ppath;
      long bytecount;
      char *proxyhost; /* name of the http proxy host */
      struct timeval now;     /* "current" time */
      struct timeval created; /* creation time */
      int firstsocket;     /* the main socket to use */
      int secondarysocket; /* for i.e ftp transfers */
      long upload_bufsize; /* adjust as you see fit, never bigger than BUFSIZE
                              never smaller than UPLOAD_BUFSIZE */
      long maxdownload; /* in bytes, the maximum amount of data to fetch, 0
                           means unlimited */
      struct ssl_connect_data ssl; /* this is for ssl-stuff */
      struct ConnectBits bits;    /* various state-flags for this connection */
      /* These two functions MUST be set by the curl_connect() function to be
         be protocol dependent */
      CURLcode (*curl_do)(struct connectdata *connect);
      CURLcode (*curl_done)(struct connectdata *connect);
      /* This function *MAY* be set to a protocol-dependent function that is run
       * after the connect() and everything is done, as a step in the connection.
      CURLcode (*curl_connect)(struct connectdata *connect);
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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      /* This function *MAY* be set to a protocol-dependent function that is run
       * by the curl_disconnect(), as a step in the disconnection.
      CURLcode (*curl_disconnect)(struct connectdata *connect);
      /* This function *MAY* be set to a protocol-dependent function that is run
       * in the curl_close() function if protocol-specific cleanups are required.
      CURLcode (*curl_close)(struct connectdata *connect);
      /**** curl_get() phase fields */
      /* READ stuff */
      int sockfd;		 /* socket to read from or -1 */
      int size;		 /* -1 if unknown at this point */
      bool getheader;	 /* TRUE if header parsing is wanted */
      long *bytecountp;	 /* return number of bytes read or NULL */
      /* WRITE stuff */
      int writesockfd;       /* socket to write to, it may very well be
                                the same we read from. -1 disables */
      long *writebytecountp; /* return number of bytes written or NULL */
      /** Dynamicly allocated strings, may need to be freed before this **/
      /** struct is killed.                                             **/
      struct dynamically_allocated_data {
        char *proxyuserpwd; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *uagent; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *userpwd; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *rangeline; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *ref; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *cookie; /* free later if not NULL! */
        char *host; /* free later if not NULL */
      } allocptr;
      char *newurl; /* This can only be set if a Location: was in the
    		   document headers */
    #ifdef KRB4
      enum protection_level command_prot;
      enum protection_level data_prot;
      enum protection_level request_data_prot;
      size_t buffer_size;
      struct krb4buffer in_buffer, out_buffer;
      int sec_complete;
      void *app_data;
      /*************** Request - specific items ************/
      /* previously this was in the urldata struct */
      union {
        struct HTTP *http;
        struct HTTP *gopher; /* alias, just for the sake of being more readable */
        struct HTTP *https;  /* alias, just for the sake of being more readable */
        struct FTP *ftp;
        void *telnet;        /* private for telnet.c-eyes only */
    #if 0 /* no need for special ones for these: */
        struct LDAP *ldap;
        struct DICT *dict;
        void *generic;
      } proto;
    struct Progress {
      long lastshow; /* time() of the last displayed progress meter or NULL to
                        force redraw at next call */
      double size_dl;
      double size_ul;
      double downloaded;
      double uploaded;
      double current_speed; /* uses the currently fastest transfer */
      bool callback;  /* set when progress callback is used */
      int width; /* screen width at download start */
      int flags; /* see progress.h */
      double timespent;
      double dlspeed;
      double ulspeed;
      /* various data stored for possible later report */
      double t_nslookup;
      double t_connect;
      double t_pretransfer;
      time_t filetime; /* If requested, this is might get set. It may be 0 if
                          the time was unretrievable */
    #define CURR_TIME 5
      double speeder[ CURR_TIME ];
      int speeder_c;
    typedef enum {
      HTTPREQ_NONE, /* first in list */
      HTTPREQ_POST_FORM, /* we make a difference internally */
      HTTPREQ_LAST /* last in list */
    } Curl_HttpReq;
    /* This struct is for boolean settings that define how to behave during
       this session. */
    struct Configbits {
      /* these four request types mirror the httpreq field */
      bool http_formpost;
      bool http_post;
      bool http_put;
      bool http_get;
      bool tunnel_thru_httpproxy;
      bool ftp_append;
      bool ftp_ascii;
      bool ftp_list_only;
      bool ftp_use_port;
      bool hide_progress;
      bool http_fail_on_error;
      bool http_follow_location;
      bool http_include_header;
      bool http_set_referer;
      bool http_auto_referer; /* set "correct" referer when following location: */
      bool httpproxy;
      bool mute;
      bool no_body;
      bool set_port;
      bool set_range;
      bool upload;
      bool use_netrc;
      bool verbose;
      bool this_is_a_follow; /* this is a followed Location: request */
      bool krb4; /* kerberos4 connection requested */
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      bool proxystringalloc; /* the http proxy string is malloc()'ed */
      bool rangestringalloc; /* the range string is malloc()'ed */
      bool urlstringalloc;   /* the URL string is malloc()'ed */
      bool reuse_forbid;     /* if this is forbidden to be reused, close 
                                after use */
      bool reuse_fresh;      /* do not re-use an existing connection for this
                                transfer */
     * As of April 11, 2000 we're now trying to split up the urldata struct in
     * three different parts:
     * (Global)
     * 1 - No matter how many hosts and requests that are being performed, this
     *     goes for all of them.
     * (Session)
     * 2 - Host and protocol-specific. No matter if we do several transfers to and
     *     from this host, these variables stay the same.
     * (Request)
     * 3 - Request-specific. Variables that are of interest for this particular
     *     transfer being made right now. THIS IS WRONG STRUCT FOR THOSE.
     * In Febrary 2001, this is being done stricter. The 'connectdata' struct
     * MUST have all the connection oriented stuff as we may now have several
     * simultaneous connections and connection structs in memory.
     * From now on, the 'UrlData' must only contain data that is set once to go
     * for many (perhaps) independent connections. Values that are generated or
     * calculated internally MUST NOT be a part of this struct.
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    struct UrlData {
      /*************** Global - specific items  ************/
      FILE *err;    /* the stderr writes goes here */
      char *errorbuffer; /* store failure messages in here */
      /*************** Session - specific items ************/
      char *proxy; /* if proxy, set it here */
      char *proxyuserpwd;  /* Proxy <user:password>, if used */
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      long proxyport; /* If non-zero, use this port number by default. If the
                         proxy string features a ":[port]" that one will override
                         this. */
      long header_size;  /* size of read header(s) in bytes */
      long request_size; /* the amount of bytes sent in the request(s) */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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      FILE *out;    /* the fetched file goes here */
      FILE *in;     /* the uploaded file is read from here */
      FILE *writeheader; /* write the header to this is non-NULL */
      char *url;   /* what to get */
      char *freethis; /* if non-NULL, an allocated string for the URL */
      long use_port;  /* which port to use (when not using default) */
      struct Configbits bits; /* new-style (v7) flag data */
      struct ssl_config_data ssl; /* this is for ssl-stuff */
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      char *userpwd;  /* <user:password>, if used */
      char *range; /* range, if used. See README for detailed specification on
                      this syntax. */
      /* stuff related to HTTP */
      long followlocation;
      long maxredirs; /* maximum no. of http(s) redirects to follow */
      bool free_referer; /* set TRUE if 'referer' points to a string we
                            allocated */
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      char *useragent;   /* User-Agent string */
      char *postfields; /* if POST, set the fields' values here */
      long postfieldsize; /* if POST, this might have a size to use instead of
                             strlen(), and then the data *may* be binary (contain
                             zero bytes) */
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    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
      char *ftpport; /* port to send with the PORT command */
      char *device;  /* Interface to use */
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      /* function that stores the output:*/
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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      /* optional function that stores the header output:*/
      curl_write_callback fwrite_header;
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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      /* function that reads the input:*/
      /* function that wants progress information */
      void *progress_client; /* pointer to pass to the progress callback */
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      /* function to call instead of the internal for password */
      curl_passwd_callback fpasswd;
      void *passwd_client; /* pointer to pass to the passwd callback */
      long timeout;        /* in seconds, 0 means no timeout */
      long connecttimeout; /* in seconds, 0 means no timeout */
      long infilesize;     /* size of file to upload, -1 means unknown */
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      char buffer[BUFSIZE+1]; /* buffer with size BUFSIZE */
      double current_speed;  /* the ProgressShow() funcion sets this */
      long low_speed_limit; /* bytes/second */
      long low_speed_time;  /* number of seconds */
      int resume_from;    /* continue [ftp] transfer from here */
      char *cookie;       /* HTTP cookie string to send */
      struct curl_slist *headers; /* linked list of extra headers */
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      struct HttpPost *httppost;  /* linked list of POST data */
      char *cert; /* PEM-formatted certificate */
      char *cert_passwd; /* plain text certificate password */
      struct CookieInfo *cookies;
      long crlf;
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      struct curl_slist *quote;     /* before the transfer */
      struct curl_slist *postquote; /* after the transfer */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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      /* Telnet negotiation options */
      struct curl_slist *telnet_options; /* linked list of telnet options */
      TimeCond timecondition; /* kind of comparison */
      time_t timevalue;       /* what time to compare with */
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      Curl_HttpReq httpreq; /* what kind of HTTP request (if any) is this */
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      char *customrequest; /* http/ftp request to use */
      char *headerbuff; /* allocated buffer to store headers in */
      int headersize;   /* size of the allocation */
      struct Progress progress; /* for all the progress meter data */
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #define MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH 128
      char *auth_host; /* if set, this is the allocated string to the host name
                        * to which to send the authorization data to, and no other
                        * host (which location-following otherwise could lead to)
      /* buffers to store authentication data in */
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      char user[MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH];
      char passwd[MAX_CURL_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
      char proxyuser[MAX_CURL_USER_LENGTH];
      char proxypasswd[MAX_CURL_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
      char *krb4_level; /* what security level */
      struct timeval keeps_speed; /* this should be request-specific */
      /* 'connects' will be an allocated array with pointers. If the pointer is
         set, it holds an allocated connection. */
      struct connectdata **connects;
      size_t numconnects; /* size of the 'connects' array */
      curl_closepolicy closepolicy;
    Daniel Stenberg's avatar
    Daniel Stenberg committed
    #define LIBCURL_NAME "libcurl"
    CURLcode Curl_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ...);
     * Here follows function prototypes from what we used to plan to call
     * the "low level" interface. It is no longer prioritized and it is not likely
     * to ever be supported to external users.
     * I removed all the comments to them as well, as they were no longer accurate
     * and they're not meant for "public use" anymore.
    CURLcode Curl_open(CURL **curl, char *url);
    CURLcode Curl_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, ...);
    CURLcode Curl_close(CURL *curl); /* the opposite of curl_open() */
    CURLcode Curl_connect(struct UrlData *,
                          struct connectdata **,
    CURLcode Curl_do(struct connectdata *);
    CURLcode Curl_done(struct connectdata *);
    CURLcode Curl_disconnect(struct connectdata *);
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