Commit f62c6644 authored by Jim Jagielski's avatar Jim Jagielski
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Merge r1801144, r1801148, r1801456 from trunk:

mpm_winnt: Factor out a helper function to parse the type of an accept
filter and use an appropriate enum for it.

This makes the code in winnt_accept() a bit easier to follow.  As a minor
side effect, it also fixes a small bug where the "unrecognized AcceptFilter
'%s'" log entry would always contain "none" instead of the actually
unrecognized kind of the accept filter.

mpm_winnt: Fix typo in the logged message in winnt_get_connection().

mpm_winnt: Following up on r1801144, use the new accept_filter_e enum
values in a couple of missed places in winnt_accept().

Submitted by: kotkov
Reviewed by: jailletc36, jim (via inspection), wrowe

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent ccd6af99
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