Commit f37a8c70 authored by William A. Rowe Jr's avatar William A. Rowe Jr
Browse files

Formatted output changes only...

     Introduced new mod_autoindex IndexOptions flags; SuppressIcon to
     drop the icon column and SuppressRules to drop the <hr> elements.
     These are necessary for HTML 3.2 final formatting rules.

     Introduced HTMLTable to create rudimentary HTML table listings
     (implies FancyIndexing).  Necessary for alternate charsets, since
     the columns are borked by multibyte characters.

     Re-Introduced the mod_autoindex IndexOptions flag TrackModified
     from Apache 1.3.15.  This is needed for two reasons, first, given
     multiple machines within a server farm, ETags and Last-Modified
     stamps won't correspond from machine to machine, and second, many
     Unixes don't capture changes to the date or time stamp of existing
     files, since these don't modify the dirent itself.
     [Originally for 1.3 by me]

     Re-Introduced the mod_autoindex InextOptions flag FoldersFirst
     and DirectoryWidth options from Apache 1.3.10.
     [Originally for 1.3 by Ken Coar]

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
parent 4d3526bb
Supports Markdown
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